3.2.2 - Reaction Rates Flashcards
What will effect the rate of reaction?
- particle size
- temperature
- concentration
- pressure
- catalyst
How will particle size affect the rate of reaction?
Smaller particles have a larger surface area, therefore more collisions per second and more of those collisions result in a reaction.
How does temperature affect the rate of reaction?
Particles have more kinetic energy, therefore increased force of collisions and a higher frequency of collisions per second. Moreover move particles have the same or larger amount of energy than the activation energy, so more successful collisions per second.
How does concentration increase the rate of reaction?q
As concentration increases there are more particles per unit volume, therefore more collisions per second resulting in more reaction per second hence an increase in the rate of reaction.
How does pressure increase the rate of reaction?
As pressure increases there are more particles per unit volume, therefore more collisions per second resulting in more reactions per second hence an increased rate of reaction.
What are the axis for the Boltzmann distribution?
X = energy kJmol-1 Y = number of molecules.
What does a Boltzmann distribution look like?
Curve which is swayed towards the left.
What does an increased temperature look like on a Boltzmann distribution?
A curve which is lower but more centrally skewed. More particles past the activation energy.
What does a catalyst look like on a Boltzmann distribution?
A vertical line further to the left than the activation energy.
What are catalyst?
Increase the rate of reaction by providing an alternative pathway of lower activation energy. The catalyst remains chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction.
What is a heterogenous catalyst?
One that is in a different phase from the other reactants.
What is a homogenous catalyst?
One that is in the same phase as the reactants.
Example of heterogenous catalyst?
Iron, in the Haber process.
Example of homogenous catalyst?
H+ in the production of methyl ethanoate and water.
What are the axis for an energy profile diagram?
X = enthalpy Y = reaction pathway
Why is a catalyst good for the Haber process?
If a catalyst wasn’t there the temperature would have to be raised in order for the reaction to be quick enough. This would be expensive and would also reduce the amount of ammonia produced.
Why is a catalyst useful in the production of poly(ethene)?
It makes the product more dense, rigid and have a higher melting point.
How do catalysts provide environmental sustainability?
They reduce waste by allowing a different reaction to be used with a better atom economy.
Why are catalytic converters good?
They are made from alloys of platinum, palladium and rhodium and they reduce the pollution released into the atmosphere by speeding up the reaction, 2CO + 2NO -> 2CO2 + N2
Rate of reaction =
Amount of reaction used or product formed / time
How can you investigate reaction rates?
Change in mass / volume of gas given off.
Explain the reaction using change in mass.
- When product is gas, its formation can be measured using a mass balance.
- the amount of product formed is the mass disappearing from the container.
- when the reaction starts, you should start a timer.
- take mass measurements at regular time intervals.
Is the change in mass method good?
It’s very accurate but can be dangerous if toxic gases are released into the room.
Explain volume of gas given off experiment
- use a gas syringe to measure the volume of product formed.
- measure the amount of gas formed at regular time intervals.
Is the volume of gas given off experiment good?
Accurate, but vigorous reactions can blow the plunger out of the syringe.
How can you work out the rate of reaction from a graph?
The gradient.
What are the units for rate of reaction?
Y/x (e.g cm3 min-1)
How can you work out the rate on a curve?
Draw a tangent to the curve from where you are asked (e.g 3 mins) and then draw a triangle and work out the gradient of that line.