3.2.1 - Understanding management, leadership and decision making Flashcards
What is management?
The process of setting objectives and taking decisions to make the most effective use of an organisation’s resources.
What is leadership?
Influencing and directing the performance of group members towards achieving the goals of the organisation.
What are the main roles of a manager?
- Set objectives
- Analyse performance
- Review performance
- Make decisions
- Lead others
What is the traditional view of leadership?
- Command and control
- Decision-making
What is the modern view of leadership?
- Inspiring employees
- Creating a vision
- Shaping core values and culture
- Building effective teams
Describe the autocratic management/leadership approach.
- authoritarian leadership
- assumes that information and decision making are best kept at the top of the organisation
- primarily one-way communication from the manager to the employees
-Minimal delegation
-Close supervision of employees
Describe the paternalistic management/leadership approach.
- a dominant figure decides what is best for employees
- Managers act as a parental figure
- little delegation
- employees are consulted over issues and their feedback or opinions are listened to.
Describe the democratic management/leadership approach.
- participative leadership
- managers operate the business according to decisions agreed by the majority
- more delegation and consultation
- issues are discussed between the leader and employees so employees are empowered.
Describe the laissez faire management/leadership style.
- leader has minimal input into the day-to-day operation of the business
- employees are empowered to take the majority of decisions
- workers are self-motivated and empowered
What are the influences on the styles of management and leadership used in a business?
- Tradition and history of the business
- The type of labour force
- The nature of the task and the timescale
- The personality of the manager or leader
- Speed of change in an industry
- External environment changes
What is the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum?
A model of leadership which shows the relationship between the level of freedom that a manager chooses to give to a team and the level of authority used by the manager.
What are the four main styles of leadership on the continuum?
- Tells
- Sells
- Consults
- Joins
What is the tells stage on the Tannenbaum and Schmidt continuum?
Leader identifies problems, makes decisions and announces them to subordinates, there is an expectation that these are implemented.
What is the sells stage on the Tannenbaum and Schmidt continuum?
Leader makes final decision but makes employees feel more involved through discussion and persuasion.
What is the consults stage on the Tannenbaum and Schmidt continuum?
Leader identify problems and present them to the group. They listen to this advice and take suggestions into account before making a decision.