3.1A- Augustine's Views on Human Nature Flashcards
Augustine’s early life
-Talks about mum a lot, as she was a devout Christian, however, hardly talks about dad as he wasn’t Christian and was a tax collector.
-studied rhetoric
-Had two key events in his school life: when he read Cicero Hortensius, which made him was to pursue wisdom, as well as his encounter with the Manicheans, who were a group of esoteric Christians, opposed to Cathlocism
History of the Manicheans
-believed teachings of Jesus were incompletebut St. Paul’s teachings contained truths.
-most practised monasticism
Augustine’s personal life as an adult
-Had a mistress and a kid, and they acted like husband and wife, and like a family
-wrote about psychological effects of sex
-offered to teach rhetoric
-left mistress and married a girl in Milan
-drifted away from Manicheans
-joined Platonism
-aimed to return people to ‘the one’
-triparte divinity- the One, the Intellect, and the Soul, however, Plotinus believed you need the Soul, the Intellect to understand the One.
Platonism: The One
-Able to understand the One by ascedning up different levels of reality
-soul and body should work together, however the soul cannot control the body.
lasting effects of Augustine and his search for the truth
-Augustine taught that the soul could find happiness on it’s own
-He continued engagng with Christians
-renewed interest in Christianity from St. Ambrose, who had a conversion experience and heard God’s command
-Can’t find the truth alone
Augustine’s life as a Bishop
-On his return, he joined a Monastic community
-consecrated in 396, and became the Bishop of Hippo
-His last few years were dominated by 2 theological struggles with the Domalists and Pelagians, which had the most altering effects on his theology
-Name of events of not allowing Christians back into the religion, afte they surrendered their Bible by being persecuted in 3rd Century North Africa.
Controversy to Donatism
-Augustine campaigned against DOnatism
-Office held by Priest, and holiness came from God.
-Don’t think sin caused universal guilt
-Augustine argues against Peligus, as his view is that since The Fall, all human nature is corrupt
What is Augustine’s teaching on Original Sin and how was is supported academically?
Augustine believes that since The Fall, all human nature is corrupt
-This was ratified at the Council of Ephesius
How many books did Augustine write on Human Nature, and what are they called?
He wrote 4 books, as followed:
-On Genesis: A resutation of the Machees
-The literal meaning of Genesis
Augustine’s teachings on Genesis 1and 2
-being made in the image of God (imago Dei)
-Augustine sees this as the only time when the human body, will and reason are in complete harmony with each other.
-believes Eve’s position is secondary to Adam’s and that she’s necessary for reproduction
Augustine’s teachings on free will
-Heavily influenced by two concepts, cupidtas (self-love), and caritas (generous love of others)
-someone greedy is consumed by cupidtas
-caritas is to live to Jesus’ example of agape.
Augustine’s 11 teachings on friendship
-Believed Adam and Evr were married
-Friends of marriage, equally particapted in the friendliness of God.
-Friendship between men and women included reporduction as well as the pleasure of sex. Sex is seconardy to friendship.
-Sex would occur when required without lust
-Adam could summon an erection at will
-Even post-Fall, friendship continues to express caritas as ‘Amor Dei’ (love of God)
-True friendship is only possible for those who love Christ first.
-Lust controls everything
-Warned fellow monks not to be devouted to prayer and to care about other’s need
-Monastic community, Augustine thought they should all be friends (similar picture can been seen in the BBC TV show Call The Midwife)
-Believed friendships could help individuals become better Christians.