3.1 Puberty and Menopause Flashcards
What is thelarche?
Development of the breast
What is puberarche?
Development of axillary and pubic hair
What is menarche?
First period
What is adrenarche?
Increase of a secretion of androgens
What is puberty?
Stage of human development where sexual maturation and growth occurs. Results in the ability to reproduce
What initiates puberty?
Rise in GnRH from the hypothalamus and a subsequent rise in LH and FSH
Why do men grow more than women?
Growth spurt is longer and faster
What ends the pubertal growth spurt?
Fusion of the epiphyseal plates
What is the critical weight for menarche?
What effects does growth hormone have on the body?
Increases insulin
Increases IGF-1 from the liver for somatic growth
Give some pubertal changes that occur in males
Growth of accessory sex structures (prostate)
Secondary sex characteristics (facial hair, growth of larynx)
Increased metabolic rate
Increased tissue growth
Secrete androgens
Give some pubertal changes that occur in females
Growth of pelvis Deposition of subcutaneous fat Growth of external genitalia Growth of internal reproductive organs Lowered voice Increased metabolic rate Growth of pubic and axillary hair
How can puberty be staged?
Tanner standard
Why may the first menstrual cycle not cause ovulation?
Initial LH surge is not high enough
What is precocious puberty?
Puberty occurring younger than 2 standard deviations below the average age. Girls
Give 2 causes of gonadotrophic dependent precocious puberty?
CNS damage
Arachnoid cysts
Give 2 causes of gonadotrophic independent precocious puberty?
Precocious pseudo-puberty
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Exogenous oestrogen exposure
What is delayed puberty?
Initial physical changes of puberty are not present by >13 years in girls and >14 years in boys
Interval in initial signs (menarche) and complete genital growth is >5 years
What is Turner’s Syndrome?
(45, X)
No gonads, short, dysmorphic face, kidney malformation
Give 2 ways puberty can become delayed
Failure of the gonads
Deficiency of the gonads
What happens in pre-menopausal women?
Follicular phase shortens
Ovulation is early or absent
Reduced fertility
What is the clinical definition of menopause?
12 months with no menstrual bleeding
What hormonal changes are seen after the menopause?
Oestrogen decreases dramatically
No inhibin produced
LH rises
FSH rises dramatically
What physical symptoms may occur in a post-menopausal woman (related to the menopause)?
Hot flushes Urinary incontinence Osteoporosis Involution of breast tissue Thinning of cervix