2.49, 5.0, 1.8, 1.14, 1.20, 1.21, 1.3, 1.8, 1.25, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7
what is a physical change?
- creates no new substances
- usually easy to reverse
- absorb or release small amounts of energy
what is a chemical change?
- create new substances
- usually difficult to reverse
- absorb or release large amounts of energy
chemical test for water:
- anhydrous copper (II) sulphate
- turns from white to blue
physical test for water:
- melting point is 0 degrees
- boiling point is 100 degrees
- pure water is closest to these values
definition of an element:
a substance containing only one type of atom
definition of a compound:
a substance containing more than one type of atom, chemically bonded together
what is a molecule?
two or more atoms chemically bonded together
definition of a mixture:
contains two or more substances not chemically bonded together
properties of metal elements:
- high MP/BP
- electrical conductors
- malleable
- shiny
properties of non- metal elements:
- low MP/BP
- electrical insulators
- brittle
- dull
where are metal elements?
left hand side of the staircase
what are the 8 diatomic molecules?
- hydrogen
- nitrogen
- oxygen
- fluorine
- chlorine
- bromine
- iodine
- astatine
where are diatomic molecules on the periodic table?
upside down L, 1 row from the end
how can you make a compound?
heating their elements together
properties of compounds:
usually totally different from the properties of the elements the compound is made from
why do we make the compound ammonium chloride in a tube?
to illustrate diffusion of gases
ammonium chloride in a tube method:
- two gases ammonia + hydrogen chloride diffuse from the ends of the sealed tube
- where they meet ammonium chloride forms as a white smoke
- ammonia + hydrogen chloride —> ammonium chloride
- this shows that the hydrogen chloride molecules must be heavier, as they diffused slower
definition of a solute:
the substance which is going to be dissolved
definition of a solvent:
the liquid which is going to be the dissolvent
definition of a solution:
the resulting mixture of solute dissolved in solvent
definition of a saturated:
a solution in which no more solute can be dissolved
definition of a suspension:
a solid floating in a liquid because it cannot dissolve
definition of a soluble:
a substance which can be dissolved
definition of insoluble:
a substance which cannot be dissolved
P2 how do we measure solubility?
in g per 100g of solvent
for example, the solubility of sodium chloride in water is 36.37g/ 100g, this means that up to 36.37g of sodium chloride can dissolve into 100g of water
P2 what does solubility vary with?
P2 what does the line show on a solubility curve?
shows the maximum mass of solid which can be dissolved at each temperature
P2 what does above the line show on a solubility curve?
- insoluble
- more than the maximum mass of solid, so some will dissolve and some won’t
P2 what does below the line show on a solubility curve?
- soluble
- less than the maximum mass of solid, so it will all dissolve