3.05 Malabsorption & IBD: Celiac, IBS Flashcards
“Malabsorption” denotes problems with what?
digestion or absorption
Steatorrhea implies?
fats/fat soluble findings
decreased serum cholesterol & vitamin A, carotene (fat-soluble vitamins)
xeropthalmia associated with?
vitamin A deficiency
Paresthesias, tetany, positive Trousseau (BP cuff), and Chvostek sign (cheek tap) associated with?
calcium deficinecy
Tests that differentiate digestion vs. malabsorption problems?
D-xylose test
(sugar that doesn’t need to be digested so if low = malabsorption)
a-1-antitrypsin test
(if more cleared in stool than normal it means more protein loss than malabsorption)
What are the three phases of malabsorption?
- intraluminal
- mucosal
- absorptive
What gets hydrolyzed in the lumen by pancreatic/biliary secretions? Pathogenesis is focused on?**
fats** > proteins, and carbs
Mucosal phase centers on pathogenic malabsorption of?
all nutrients across the board: fat, proteins, carbs
Obstruction of what may lead to impaired chylomicron and lipoprotein absorption leading to steatorrhea/protein loss?
lymphatic system
What’s causing the bile salt issues (fat malabsorption)?
biliary obstruction, cholestatic liver diseases, or terminal ileum problem
destruction/loss of bile salts (bacteri, acid, meds)
Fat malabsorption is linked with a decency of what vitamins?
A, D, E K
What can cause pancreatic insufficiency?
chronic pancreatitis, CF, or cancer + pancreatic enzyme inactivation (ZE)
Pancreatic issues tend to result in malabsorption of what?
Celiac causes diffuse damage to what due to an immune response to gluten?
small intestinal mucosa
What are the demographics for celiacs?
1:100 White Euro
10% diagnosed
The “classic” GI symptoms for celiacs are most obvious in what group of people?
infants (<2yo) and become less obvious over time
Many adults with Celiacs present what kind of “atypical” manifestations with lil to no GI symptoms?
fatigue, depression, iron deficiency anemia, osteoporosis, short stature, etc.