2.01 Swallowing and Motility Flashcards
saliva helps to form a bolus with what key components?
water, electrolytes, enzymes (amylase), mucins
what do the lingual lipase and alpha amylase enzymes in saliva digest respectively?
initial triglycerides and starch
what kind of reflex is swallowing?
what are the three main phases of swallowing?
oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal
what phases of swallowing are involuntary and controlled by the brainstem?
pharyngeal and esophageal
How is the upper 1/3 of esophagus innervated and muscle makeup?
striated (somatic), via CN IX and CNX
How is the lower 2/3 of esophagus innervated and muscle makeup?
smooth muscle (ENS & ANS) CNX
during esophageal peristalsis how is the process alternating and generating pressure to move bolus?
contract above generating positive pressure to push bolus into relaxed portion below with negative pressure
What is the LES doing under normal conditions?
contracted to maintain high pressure barrier (sympathetic innervation)
how is the peristalsis contraction wave triggered?
presence of bolus in UES decreasing the pressure + neuronal response leading to the LES relaxing a bit
What is the baseline pressure of the UES, esophageal body, and LES?
UES and LES = high to maintain contraction (closed sphincter)
esophageal body is relatively low
What happens once you swallow to the LES baseline pressure?
it falls (muscle relaxes) to pass bolus and steadily increases to high resting pressure
Why does the UES in particular have such a quick spike up in baseline pressure faster swallowing?
to prevent backflow of bolus/content to the pharynx
swallowing initiates what response from brainstem?
vagal CNX
Key NT needed to relax LES?
NO and VIP