305 Grooming And Dress Regulations Flashcards
Must be neat and clean. Hair coloring will be conservative. Wigs are allowed
Sworn female employees
Hair must be shorter then shoulder length while in uniform unless hair is pulled back and secured at a single point. Must not obstruct vision in a combative situation.
No hair can be shown on the forehead under the campaign hat.
Maximum of 2 hair management devices can be worn must not interfere with vision, gas mask, etc
Male sworn employees
Hair must be neatly groomed cannot fall over eyebrows.
Hair at the back and sides of the head cannot tough the collar unless low hair
Sideburns neatly trimmed horizontal cut not extending below opening of ear canal.
Mens hair shall not show on forehead under campaign hat. Not interfere with police equipment.
Civilian employees
Hair must be conservative and not interfere with work duties.
Facial hair - mustache
All sworn must be cleanly shaven when reporting for duty.
Mustache cannot pass corners of the mouth and not wider then 1.5 inch
Facial hair - beard
Only allowed with documented medial waiver from healthcare provider. Can only be one quarter inch in length (5 o clock shadow).
Waivers required every 6 months and subject to be verified by county chosen health provider.
Civilian employees with permission of division commander can have a beard or goatee not longer then 1 inch and don’t extend pass the Adam’s apple
Jewelry and piercings sworn males
Must be conservative taste, color, style and must not interfere with work duties.
No employee can have jewelry/objects through the ear, nose, tongue, or other exposed body part or exposed through clothing.
Exceptions to the jewelry policy
Females may have 1 clip type earring in each ear not to extend below the ear lobe and must fit tightly.
Civilians regardless of gender can have earrings but are limited to 5 per ear. No gauging permitted. Can have 1 nose piercing. Cannot have septum pierced.
Must wear clear spacers when reporting to court or community events. Division commander may require clear spaces to other events.
Size and appearance of jewelry
Conservative in size and style nothing obscene
Rings are limited to one per hand. Wedding sets are consindered one.
Civilians can wear up to 4 per hand. Wedding sets are considered one.
Bracelets and watches
Medical bracelets and watches are allowed.
Can wear religious chains however must not be exposed.
Sworn employees not in uniform will conform to civilian standards
Civilians can wear up to 4 chains
Shall be neat and not interfere with police duties.
Nail polish will not be bright, vivid, or unusual in color.
Perfume, cologne, aftershave can be used but not in excess.
Employees will always be clean and free from offensive odors.
Kept to a minimum and will be conservative and natural in appearance
Tattoos, brands, body mutilation
Offensive / unprofessional tattoos are prohibited to include:
● Depictions of nudity or violence;
● Sexually explicit or vulgar art, words, phrases or profane language;
● Symbols likely to incite a strong negative reaction in any group (i.e. swastikas, pentagrams, etc.);
● Initials or acronyms that represent criminal or historically oppressive organizations (i.e. KKK, SS, street gang names, numbers, and/or symbols).
Where can you not have tattoos
. The Department does not allow tattoos or branding on the head, face, neck, scalp, hands, or fingers for sworn personnel. However, a tattoo on the neck is permitted if it is not visible and does not violate any section of this policy. In addition, a tattoo that resembles a wedding ring is permitted on the traditional finger a wedding ring is worn, so long as the ring tattoo does not violate any other section of this policy.
Civilian tattoo policy
Can have more visible tattoos as long as they are not obscene. Can have tattoos behind the ear and neck as long as they do not extend around the neck. No face,scalp, and head tats.
Any finger tats not ring related must be covered by tattoo concealer
Final decision on tattoos
Rest with the chief or his designee
Not permitted at all
Police uniform
Purpose of the uniform is to be conservative and be reflective of law enforcement. Not individual expression.
Long sleeves or short sleeves
Choice rest with the officers. For special occasions uniform division commander will designate a uniform of the day.
When is the uniform required to be worn
To and from work. On duty and while operating a marked vehicle or other functions approved the chief of police.
What can be worn in court
Uniform, suit and tie, conservative dress for females. No hats.
Utility uniform ok for special units who normally wear that uniform and court is on duty and is going to be short.
If off duty or court is going to take long, officers will wear normal uniform
Class A uniform
Will be designated by the uniform division commander and requires the campaign, hat long sleeve shirt, award ribbons, and tie.
Are you allowed to mix and match uniforms
Hands free devices
Will not be worn in uniform while interacting with the public other then operating a vehicle gdm 342
Uniform conditions
All uniforms will be clean. All metal and leather will be shined
Rank insignia
Only members of that rank can wear the respective insignia
What color is the brass for mpo and below
What color is brass for corporal and above
Police headgear
Optional to wear. Mandatory at funerals and other formal occasions part of the class a uniform designated by the uniform division commander
How to set up the campaign hat
Hat braid encircling the hat twice with both ends meeting at the front 1.25 inch short of meeting the brim of the hat. The tip ends (acorns) of the braid will be worn facing the body of the hat.
Buckle of the head strap will be worn behind the right ear.
End of the head strap should be folded back under the loop.
Other hat options
Navy blue trooper fur hat, or county police hat with embroidered in gold Gcpd or plain front
When can you wear baseball style hats
With the utility uniform only unless officers are subject to sun exposure or severe precipitation for more then 15 minutes
How must the baseball cap be worn
Front and centered. No creases or folds in the bill. Must be 100 cotton or 100 poly mesh. Navy blue in color with Gcpd in 3/4 gold block lettering
Ballistic helmet
Must be kept on the officer at all times. May be worn when the job situation calls for it
Police footwear
Must be black shoes with no more then 1 seam lace style shoes / boots can be worn as long as they can be shined with 1 seam across the top cap. Any logos must be factory black and conservative
A rubber overshoe of black or clear protection material may be worn in inclement weather
Uniform shirts
All shirts will have the Gcpd logo on the sleeves shoulders
Sergeant and corporal shirts
Chevrons worn 1 inch beneath the Gcpd patch centered
Sergeant, corporal, mpo shirts on the motors unit
May wear 1 chevron on the right and the winged patch on the left while wearing the long sleeve shirt
On the right breast pocket with the top edge even with the top of the pocket centered on the pocket flap.
Corporals and above will wear gold ranks below wear silver
Who can wear an insignia above the nameplate
Members of spec ops, pio, honor guard, and Ftos can wear them immediately above the nameplate
Anyone can wear any county approved pin on the right Breast pocket. Pin should be 3 quarter inches from the bottom and 3 quarter inches from the outside edge.
Uniform division commander must approve the pin
Award ribbons
Centered above the name plate with the bottom of the ribbon on top of the nameplate.
Additional ribbons forming a row will cause the row to be centered over the name plate.
Can be worn. Clasp of the whistle should be secured under the button on the epaulet on the right shoulder and the whistle it’self store in the right pocket.
Whistle should be gold for corporals and above and will be silver for all ranks below
Service stripes
Will be worn on the left sleeve only. Stripes should be approximately 1 inch from the top of the seam cuff. Each stripes signifies 3 years.
Long sleeves in court
Must wear a tie or a county issued blue turtleneck. If wearing a tie, tie bar must be parallel to pocket flaps of shirt
Outer vest carrier
Options are Blauer armor skin, elbeco outer vest carrier, Jg uniform carrier.
Department issued duty jacket
Navy blue jacket can worn.
Patches are sewn on theLeft side four (4) and one-half (1/2) inches from the top shoulder seam to the top edge of the patch and three (3) and one-half (1/2) inches from the zipper seam to the closest patch edge.
Rank insignias are one inch from the Gcpd patch
Motor vehicle unit can wear the winged patch
Medium jacket
An optional Departmental approved medium-weight jacket, (Hydro-Tex Bike Jacket, Style 9540, solid navy with reflective
“POLICE” on right chest and back), may be worn with either the summer or winter uniform. Gwinnett County Police patches, badge patches, nametag/patch and rank insignias are required and are to be positioned the same as for the issued duty jacket.
Unisex windbreaker
May be worn with civilian attire. Or summer or winter police uniform only in a Gcpd building or the premises. Needs all patches and insignias
Optional sweater
Navy blue wooly pully style v neck with epaulets. Sweater must be tucked in. All patches and insignias required.
Badge worn on left side. Tip of the patch even with the top of the v collar and four inches from the center of the v.
Name tag centered on the right side one inch below the v rank insignias will be centered on the epaulet with one edge of the patch touching the seam
Leather jacket
Badge on the left side of the jacket all ranks and insignias must be attached as other shirts
Duty belt
Officers can either wear basket weave or nylon. All corresponding gear must match.
What must be on the duty belt for officers in uniform
Duty belt, Gun, holster, radio, handcuffs, handcuff case, 2 mags, double mag pouch, tourniquet and a less lethal option
What else must be on the duty belt for the rank of Lt and lower
Either baton or ecw
What can the rank of major or higher chose on their duty belt
Only required to carry either a baton, ecw, or spray
Who can wear duty belts/ holsters
Only personnel approved to
Can you wear a holster other then the one issued?
Yes must be approved by the director of training or their designee
Qualify with non traditional holsters
Firearms has a list of approved holsters. Officers must qualify with the holster prior to being cleared to wear it
Can officers wear shoulder holsters?
Where must the firearm be on the duty belt?
On the officers strong hand side with the set screws tightened to make the gun immobile on the belt.
Who determines where other items on the duty belt go?
Officer discretion.
How to carry handcuffs
Must be in handcuff case. Cannot be attached to belt keepers. Exceptions to this rule are when an officer is going to need the cuffs immediately however after the situation resolves he must return to the pouch.
How to carry radio
Opposite the gun side. In department approved holster
How to carry taser
Opposite gun side in a cross draw fashion
Rain gear
Only department approved rain gear can be worn. Stored in a manner that does not damage it and readily accessible.
When wearing the campaign hat must have a clear plastic cap over no matter how little the rain
What color must visible socks be?
What color must undershirt be?
Dark blue
Public meetings
Employees will not wear anything department related while at a public meeting. Must attend on their own time. Can only wear department gear on duty if approved by chief of police or division commander if sent as a representative