202 Rules And Regulations Flashcards
What happens when you are suspended from duty?
May be required to turn in badge, gun, ID card, and county vehicle upon receiving notice of suspension. Aforementioned items are turned into division commander or his designee
What happens if a member of the department is arrested, charged or indicted for a felony, or serious misdemeanor?
Employee is temporarily suspended with pay and benefits until a police department hearing can be convened. After the hearing, the employee’s service status can be altered to reflect the hearing recommendation.
Under what conditions can a supervisor suspend an employee and for how long?
Supervisors can suspend an employee under their control for 1 day if they believe the employee is unfit due to physical, mental, or other reasons to adequately perform his duties, or might otherwise embarrass, or discredit the department. Suspensions are with pay.
Can suspended employees act as law enforcement?
No. They have been stripped of all legal authority and cannot work part time jobs.
What can convictions of traffic violations, misdemeanor or felony crimes result in?
Termination or disciplinary action at the discretion of the chief of police.
What laws must members of the department follow?
All federal, state, local, gdm, official communications from Gcpd, Gwinnett county merit board rules and regs, and all other county rules and regulations.
Who does the gdm apply to?
All members of the department no matter what position or assignment.
What is insubordination?
The willfull disregard of the expressed or implied directions of a superior officer to include written, oral, or act in disrespectful or inappropriate manner towards a supervisor. Includes physical, verbal, expressed, or implied
Can members of this department criticize the work and performance of another member?
No all members will support, cooperate and assist each other at every opportunity. Members are not to originate or spread malicious gossip to the intended detriment of the department or any member.
Duties concerning mutinous conduct?
Shall not originate, create, incite, cause or join any seditious or mutinous movement within the department. If a member had a knowledge of said movement, he shall immediately report the movement in writing to their immediate supervisor.
What are the punishments for mutinous conduct?
Severe disciplinary actions, up to and including termination.
How should members of this department conduct themselves?
At all times conduct themselves in a manner favorable to themselves and the department.
Are members allowed to associate with criminals?
No. No member should continually associate with a convicted felon, crime of moral turpitude, or drug related crime.
Shall not join, maintain membership in, or regularly participate in the functions of any group, association, or club that has a known and established reputation of facilitating and/or engaging in criminal activity.
Shall not patronize any establishment that is a known gathering place for these types of group.
None of this applies to job-related activity or normal family relationships.
What can happen if caught lying on a job application?
Disciplinary action including dismissal.
Are members allowed to use coarse or profane language intended to disparage, degrade, or insult members of the public?
No. This includes disrespect for political or religious views.
Can members be discipline for promiscuous sexual conduct or behavior?
Yes. May result in termination of employment.
Are you allowed to use the badge of office for the purpose of special consideration or advantages?
No and shall not allow anyone else to use their badge in the same manner.
What happens if requested to give name, badge number, and Id?
All members shall provide their name, badge number, and other pertinent information to any person upon request.
While not in uniform, members will provide their police id in addition to their name and badge number.
Can you reach outside of the chain of command for special consideration?
No. Members will seek assistance only from their chain of command in duty assignments, promotional status, disciplinary actions, or other department matters.
Can members extend special privileges?
No person shall issue cards, buttons, badges, passes, or statements for the
Purpose of extending special privileges.
Can members solicit money?
No. Includes off duty, unless for charitable purposes with the permission from the chief of police.
Can members accept money?
No. Shall not accept money, goods, services, or special consideration as an inducement to perform or refrain from performing an official act.
If donor is anonymous or it impossible to return the gift, the disposition of the gift will be made by the chief of police.
Are you allowed to disclose information relating to police activities?
Members shall not release any information that is likely to impair the efficient operation of the agency.
Can members maliciously criticize other governmental divisions?
No. Officers should report to their supervisors immediately if someone from another department fails to cooperate.
Can officers collect or accept money?
No unless authorized by the chief of police or his designee for official purposes. Shall not accept money for performing their duties.
If monies are collected, receipts need to be issued. Reports shall be made and forwarded to the proper authority together with monies collected.
This prevents a member from collecting monies for a part time job.
Revealing complainant identity
Members shall not travel the source of information or the identity of any person contacting this department for official purposes.
Applies to all complaining parties, reporting parties, informants, or any other source of information that considers this departments agencies trust except when mandated by state law.
Revealing telephone numbers and addresses of gcpd members
Shall not disclose the personal address, or phone number of any member of this department to anyone outside the department unless authorized by the chief of police. Applies to all private contact numbers and addresses that are on file.
Private mail or private mail drop
Shall not list Gcpd as their address when filling out non police business related documents, or for receiving non police business related mail.
Cannot used county purchased postage/ mail room to mail out non police related documents.
Vehicle impound inventory
Inventory and document the contents of every vehicle being impounded, including vehicles where the citizen is injured or otherwise unable to provide for the safekeeping of personal property.
If unable to perform inventory due to unsafe conditions, note it on the inventory form and complete the inventory at the first moment to do so. Note time and place of delayed inventory.
Reasons to delay vehicle inventory?
The vehicle was unstable because of damage sustained. The lighting was not sufficient. Weather. Location, or a search warrant is being obtained.
Should officers engage in police conduct off duty?
Do not act as a cop. Except in cases of emergency or when serious criminal offenses have been committed. Do not get involved in police matters while
In plain clothes / pov.
When are officers considered on duty?
Traveling in their police vehicle, department approved business, or when the need for police related activity is required.
Duty to maintain a telephone
Members must have a land or cell phone. Landline must be located at employees residence. Cell phone must be on at all times.
If there is a change in numbers must update immediate supervisor in 48 hours and update contact information in ESS.
Current copy of the emergency contact shall be maintained in the employees evaluation file.
On call status
All members are subject to call 24 hours a day and may be recalled from vacation, leave, or off duty whenever necessity demands.
Division commander or commander of the unit must approve any and all overtime.
All overtime should be approved prior to being worked. If not practical, the employee should be prepared to justify the overtime.
Prompt and punctual
Shall be on time when reporting to their specified duties.
This includes special assignments and part time jobs.
Duty to be alert
Shall not give the impression of being asleep while on duty. Shall give the impression of being an alert, efficient public servant.
How are officer’s relived from their Duty station
Members shall remain at their assigned station or assignment unless and until they are appropriately relieved or otherwise directed.
Leave properly authorized
All leave must be properly authorized.
Doctors note required in certain cases
3 or more consecutive working days
While the employee is on vacation leave, taken before or after a holiday, or before/after schedule day off
Sick leave becomes frequently provided the employee has been warned they will need to provide proof for future absences.
Supervisors need to be notified at least 15 Minutes prior to the beginning of shift if employee is going to call out sick.
Shall not sign, circulate, or cause any petition to be circulated while acting as a member of this department
Smoking around facilities
Not allowed in front of any facility.
Must be 20 feet away from entrances.
Designated smoking areas outside of headquarters and annex determined by precinct commanders
Recognizing non uniform officers
Officers shall not acknowledge officers not in uniform to protect undercover officers.
If officers come across undercover officers in the performance of their duties they are to handle the call as normal to not reveal the officer
Shall not be a member of Gcpd and a deputy without the permission of the chief of police. Primary allegiance is to the chief.
Bonding process
Can only bond out immediate family members.
Alternate circumstances need to be brought to immediate supervisor.
Recommending certain services
Shall not recommend any lawyers, bond companies, or wrecker services.
County supplies
Shall not use county supplies for personal use
Alter or modification of county equipment
No modifications as a general rule. Any modifications to vehicle need to be ran by fleet supervisor. Weapon modifications need to be approved by county armorer, any other mods need to be approved by affected division commander.
Duty items of issue
All items issued to members need to be cared for and in working order. Officers job to report damaged, lost, or stolen items.
Officers subject to disciplinary actions and reimbursement to the county for said items.
Duty to report to summons
Notify immediate supervisor if they are the defendant in a traffic citation or criminal case. Civil cases must be reported immediately.
If officers learn of another officer who is a defendant they should let their supervisor know.
Proof of paperwork should be brought during notification and sent to the office of the chief of police who will notify risk management and the law department
Medial aid following police action
Officers will render aid and call ems if someone sustains injury as the result of law enforcement action.
Department emails and bullentin boards
Must read all emails and bullentin boards posted on outlook. Responsible for complying with all material
Precinct commanders or designees are responsible for updating bolos and bullentin board materials
Personal business while on duty
Don’t do it
Alcohol beverages
Shall not purchase, possess, or appear to be intoxicated while on duty, have the odor of alcohol on their person,in uniform, in a county vehicle vehicle unless conducting police actions.
Nothing absolves officers from alcohol violations
Controlled substances
Can only have it prescribed to you by a physician unless the substance is controlled in the line of duty.
If prescribed something that could affect him in the line of duty, must obtain note from physician clearing him to work. Note sent to immediate supervisor prior to work. Note forwarded up chain of command to the chief of police.
Official use of telephone
Will respond by using “office, title, and then name” telephone etiquette will be followed at all times
Personal use of telephone
Limited to a minimal time. Shall not interfere with official duties. Cannot charge personal calls to the County unless emergency. County employee will reimburse county for call.
How to discard police reports
Shred them.
What color ink is authorized
Blue only
How are meal breaks handled?
At the discretion of their direct supervisors. Subject to being recalled into duty.
Must go on the radio to request a break and inform dispatch of the location of the meal break
Radio communications
All officers in the field must have radio communications unless approved by the chief of police or division commander.
Recovered property / evidence
All items collected on the tour of duty must be submitted into evidence prior to the end of shift unless exceptional circumstances exist.
Seeking recognition from the public
Do not seek favor with citizens or witnesses
Assignment of personnel
epartment Level Transfers of personnel between bureaus within the Department shall be at the discretion of the Chief of Police.
B. Bureau Level
Transfers of personnel between divisions of a bureau within the Department shall be at the discretion of the Deputy Chief.
C. Division Level
Transfers of personnel within their assigned division shall be at the discretion of the Assistant Chief (division commander).
D. Rotation
Duty assignments and frequency of rotation will be at the discretion of the division/section/unit commanders, or designee, in compliance with current policies, goals and objectives of the Department.
All copies of original reports will be stored in records. Copies of original reports shall be used as working copies.
Sis has an exception until the investigation is completed
Internet access and browsing
Shall only be used for necessary job function.
All obviously bad material is prohibited.
Personal use is allowed on an infrequent basis. Social media is prohibited however, may be used with permission for investigative purposes.
All internet searches are subject to open record.
Used to talk to employees and citizens regarding county business.
Emails should be professional. Personal emails are ok but don’t make them frequent.
Department can monitor email at anytime without prior notice. Subject to open records.
Data disk
Keep non department issued data disks to a minimum due to viruses.
Removal from duty admin review
Any actions or use of force that result in serious injury or death of another will be pulled pending an admin review.
Department can also pull people of the department necessitates
Duty to intervene and report
Employees will intervene within the scope of their authority and training if they observe excessive use of force or any rule breaking. Will notify supervisor authority