300s - Operations Flashcards
ICS system used when?
3 or more fire companies are assigned or:
- IC determines companies used outside direct 1 on 1 control
- Too many companies for effective coordination
- Companies involved in complex interior ops
- Tactical positions present difficult coordination/control
- When close immediate coordination is desired
3 Modes per policy
Investigate, Attack, Command
Initial assignment should be followed with
Primary objective
Level 1 staging
applies to day to day incidents, generally stage 1 block from incident, near hydrant
Level 2 staging
Reports to a staging officer or specific staging location
Structure fire response
3 Engnes
1 Truck
1 BC
Commercial fire response
4 Engines
2 Trucks
2 BC
RIC tool cache
- RIC bottle
- Irons
- Light
- Search line
How often will RIC perform a 360 and what are they assessing?
Initial 360 and every 10 mins or PRN
- Utilities
- Building Construction
- # of Stories
- Roof access
- Secondary Access/egress
- Security bars
- Fire travel
- Hoseline placement
- Collapse hazard
After RIC 360, Captain establishes rescue plan consisting of?
- Number of personnel in IDLH
- Entrance points
- Additional tools
- Review search techniques
RIC entry PDAs
- Eng enters first w/ search line
- Capt next w/ TIC, directs search and maintains contact w/ RGS and down FF
- FFs last w/ Irons and RIC bottle
Upon locating down FF, captains duties are
communicate needs/resources w/ IC, guide crew during extrication of FF
High Rise definition
4 stories or greater
High Rise PDA 1st Eng
Fire floor/Attack/Div Control
- Size up
- Open FCC
- Obtain info, determine FF
- Identify attack/evacuation stairs
- Sound phone/building keys
- Elevator keys/recall (as needed)
- Assume Div control, CAN report
High Rise PDA 1st Truck
Fire Floor/Rescue group/Search/Door control
- Sound phone/building keys
- Obtain floor plan/pre plan
- Est. RGS
- Primary search on FF
- CAN report
High Rise PDA 2nd Eng
FDC/Supply/Assist w/ attack
- Fire floor and assist w/ attack
- Consider add air cylinders
- Engineer establish water supply
High Rise PDA 3rd Eng
Lobby/Comm Sys/Fire Pro. Sys/Elevator control
- Est lobby cont. in FCC or lobby
- assign FF to Recall and account for all elevators.Operate elevators per policy as needed to transport personnel/equipment to
- Est. personnel accountability system
- take control of FF protection systems
- operate PA to broadcast important FF messages/assist in occupant evacuation
- direct FF to attack corridor/ occupants to evacuate corridor
High Rise PDA 4th Eng
Exposure Floor/Div Cont.
- Sound phone/keys
- Exposure floor
- Div control, CAN
Wide rise, 1st in initial investigation shall include
Recon of office space and warehouse area
Wide rise PDA 1st Eng
- Size up, obtain info
- Invest. office/warehouse
- Report conditions
Wide rise PDA 2nd Eng
- 360, report conditions
- Assist w/ investigation
Wide rise PDA 3rd Eng
- Assist w/ investigation
- Determine best access
- Est supply (reverse lay)
- Attack lines
Wide rise PDA 1st Truck
Forcible Entry/Ventilation
- Assit investigation
- Provide forcible entry and/or ventilation
Wide rise, 2nd alarm engine company, consider
Designating engine to pump FDC
Wide rise, consider moving comms to
- 8CAFIRE1D (Zone 12)
- Other direct ch in zone 8
Ont Explorer Post number
Adult committee for explorer program will consist of
At least 3 OFD members headed by a Committee Chairman
Explorers may train on above ground operations as long as
2 instructors are present. 1 above ground, 1 ground
Alert 1
Ground Emergency
- potential emergency
- minor mechanical abnormality
- ARFF units dispatched
Alert 2
Airborne Emergency
- unsafe flight/operational condition exists
- ARFF units dispatched to staging positions
Alert 3
Aircraft Accident
- crash occurred/imminent, or fire on board.
- Full ARFF response dispatched
North SAP location and reporting units
590 S. Vineyard
- ME135, 138
- T138, R138
- Batt 1
South SAP location and reporting units
2095 E. Avion
- ME 133, 136, 139
- WT 133, HM 139
- T131
- Batt 2 BC
Truck company emergency responses
- Structure/Comm Fires
- TC w/ trapped or rollover
- Any incident where USAR is requested
- Fire alarms w/o reset
BC approval needed for Truck company to be requested for mutual aid unless
Request comes from OFD company officer. Will be dispatched immediately w/ BC notification
Truck company public service requests
W/in battalion:
- Ladder request
- Elevator rescue (Eng as well)
W/in Station district:
- CO alarm (Eng if medical needed)
- Alarm w/ reset
- Non injury HazMat
- Water salvage
- Odor investigation
- Wires down
Initial EOD, hazardous incident perimeter
500 ft
IED, radio/cell silence w/in
1000 ft
No turnouts w/in how many feet of waters edge
Swift water, order of rescue operations
Low to High
- Search
- Talk
- Reach
- Throw
- Wade/Shallow water crossing
- Row
- Go and tow
- Helo
Swift Water Response
4 Engines
2 Trucks
1 USAR (w/ on duty specialist)
2 BC
Channel Rescue
Disp/ER considerations
- Point last seen
- Identify channel or cross streets
- Notify all agencies w/in 5 miles down stream
- Determine if OPD helo is available
- Consider 2nd Ambulance to collection point
Channel Rescue,
Primary Eng responds to point of entry location, responsibilities:
- isolate area deny entry to non rescue personnel
- Search immediate area
- Obtain info
- Victim located? establish rescue site and re-direct resources
- At least 1 resource at collection point
- Attempt to get PFD to victim
- Est. rescue plan (low to high)
- Est downstream safeties 1:1 safety
- No victim found? Drop marker buoy and notify collection point crew
Channel rescue, Collection point (downstream safety) responsibilities
1st unit
Split up, set up tension diagonal. Captain to overpass (upstream spotter) and prepare floatation device. Report to river L
2nd unit
Report to river R
Augmented staffing for significant flood/flash flood potential
4 USAR members certified as swift water techs.
Safety Officer
USAR response, min # of personnel
Must respond with at least 1 team member
Full response is generally 6 members
Min # of USAR members/shift
4 members by assignment or bid
Min # of Haz Mat members/shift
Class A confined space
IDLH, entry by permit only
Class B confined space
Has potential for injury/illness but is not IDLH
Class C confined space
Has potential hazards but does not require any work modifications
Confined space definition
- Limited or restricted entry/exit
- Large enough to enter/perform work
- Not designed for continuous occupancy
Permit required confined space definition
Con. Space definition plus:
- Hazardous atmosphere
- Engulfing hazard
- Inward converging walls/downward sloping floor
- Other health/safety hazards
Hazardous atmosphere ranges:
- 10% of LEL
- < 19.5% or > 23.5% O2
- LEL combustible dust (obscures vision @ 5 ft)
3 Types of confined spaces
- Limited opening enclosure
- Engulfment potential
- Open topped enclosure
Confined space hazard identification (types)
- Biological
- Mechanical
- Physical
- Past/current use
- Engulfment
Categories of hazardous atmosphere
- Flammable
- Asphyxiants
- Irritants/Corrosives
- Toxic
Confined space response
- 1 ME
- 2 Trucks
- USAR & on duty members
- HM & on duty members
- BC
Confined space pre entry operations
Size up
- Identify CS > CS response > entry permit > take command > gather info > develop primary/alt plan
Atmospheric monitoring
Stabilize area
Eliminate ignition sources
Provide lighting
Firearms shall only be clean, loaded/unloaded where
Station workshop/tool room
Firearm storage
Station: locked in desk/locker/safe
Vehicle: out of sight in locked vehicle
Elevators in what buildings are required to have emergency operation features
- Elevators installed after 1973
- Does not apply to building less than 25’ or pre 73 buildings under 50’
After 1973 and greater than 25’
Or pre 1973 and greater than 50’
Not necessary for buildings under 25’
Elevator Phase 1 and Phase 2
1= Recall
2= FF override
Phase 1 Function
Causes/ what happens
- Alarm activation in elevator, hoist way, pit or machinery room
- Elevators will recall to lobby, unless alarm is in lobby, then floor above
- Manual recall, insert key and switch to “ON”, elevators will recall to lobby
Phase 2 Elevator Function
FF Override Phase, required in elevator buildings over 70’ post 1973
Elevator Safety Circuit Shunts
(Post 1998)
- Safety feature, will activate if water flow alarm in hoist way, pit or machine room and stop elevator travel
- Ppl/FFs inside will require physical rescue
Elevators shall not be used in
- Fires below grade
- Below 7th floor, not used by 1st due companies until safety ensured
- Fire in hoist way, elevator equipment, machinery room
- May be used if fire above 7th story after “determination of use”
Elevator hoist way should be inspected how often
5 floor intervals
Who serves as primary dept. spokesperson
PIO Coordinator, designated by FC
Casualty Collection Point (CCP)
Area that has cover and concealment, drop point between warm and cold zones (determined by RGS)
Dynamic Risk Assessment
continuous process of gathering/evaluating info during incident to determine RED vs GREEN light conditions
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care
High Threat Tactical Response (initial dispatch)
2 BC
4 ME
1 Truck w/ utility
4 AMR w/ sup (staged)
High Threat Tac Resp, tool consideration
Additional drag device
High Threat Tac Resp 1st Eng PDAs
- Size up/identify initial staging area/consider line of sight
- Set up RTF w/ OPD
- Pri obj, triage w/in warm zone, communicate # of patients
- Sec obj, stabilizing treatment
- Once stop point is reached, extricate furthest immediate pts
High Threat Tac Resp 2nd/3rd Eng PDAs
- Est RTF w/ OPD
- Pri obj, stabilizing treatment
- Sec obj, extricate 1st critical patients encountered to CCP/Triage
High Threat Tac Resp 4th Eng PDAs
- Check w/ IC for assignment
- Consider establishing MED Comm, Triage Group, Treatment Group
High Threat Tac Resp 1st Truck PDAs
- Position to provide “line of sight” protection between warm and cold zone
- Check w/ IC for assignment
- Est RTF w/ OPD
RTF designators
ME131 = RTF-131
T131 = RTF-T131
RTF treatment priorities
Massive bleeding
Head injury/Hypotension/Hypothermia
How old must members of the general public/family members be to ride along?
- 14 years old
- Approval through FC, coordinated through BC
How old must students in Fire Tech program be to ride along?
- 15 years old with written authorization from program and parent/guardian (students under 18)
Requirements/Conditions for Ride Along Supervisors
- Have made prior arrangements and submitted documents
- Notify BC prior to start of ride along
- Review guidelines w/ participant
- Provide guidance
- May be required to provide written report/review
Where is FD waiver (for ride alongs) sent
Training Captain
Ride along hours
When are roll calls performed?
- Visual count of personnel in IDLH, every 15 mins or after:
- Building collapse
- Abandon structure
- Mayday
- Flashover/backdraft/explosion
- Opperational retreat
Company unity definition
Company remains together in an identifiable work group to ensure accountability and safety (captains responsibility)
Who establishes the personnel accountability system?
Who collects PAS tags on an incident
Accountability officer or IC if accountability officer has not been established
What shall all personnel entering a hazard zone have?
Supervision by a company officer
Fire incident decon, support zone and drop zone definitions
- support zone (cold zone): area without risk, uphill/upwind
- drop zone: located w/in support zone, PPE collection point
Levels of exposure
- Light, dry products of combustion for short duration (smoke in structure)
- Moderate, SCBA donned for exterior ops
- Heavy, interior ops for extended duration/long term exterior ops
Gross decon is established for what exposure levels?
Where does it take place?
- For all three levels of exposure (Light, Moderate, Heavy)
Set up in contamination reduction zone (warm zone)
Secondary decon applies to what exposure levels?
Goal is to shower w/in __ from release of incident
1 hr
__ will ensure all personnel complete exposure reporting
Company officer
High Rise response
4 engines
3 trucks
2 BC
Who should supervise the evacuation of passengers from elevator cars?
Qualified elevator service technicians
This ensures safety and adherence to regulations during the evacuation process.
Under what conditions can Fire Department personnel evacuate passengers from elevator cars?
When service technicians are unavailable, have extended ETA’s, or when the responding Fire Officer deems it necessary
This allows for flexibility in emergency situations to prioritize public safety.
HTTR response package
1T w utility
EOD 131
INV 1850
1AMR sup.
Swift Water response package
USAR w OD specialists
2 BC
Con Space/Trench response
1st due engine
2 T
USAR w OD specialists
Hazmat w OD team members
1 BC
1 AMR consider #vics and rescuers
Consider second Type 1 USAR team