200s - Organization And Administration Flashcards
Staffing may drop at:
BC discretion
Who can request a Post Incident Analysis?
anyone, through the chain of command, w/in 30 days of incident
What is a tailboard critique?
informal briefing at the incident prior to release of personnel
What is a company level PIA?
standard communication tool for all company officers, highly encouraged
When is a formal PIA to occur?
Scheduled by BC w/in 30 days of incident, members notified at least 1 week prior. To be conducted on:
- multi alarm fires/special ops incidents
- major disasters
- unusual incidents
- any fire w/ FF injury requiring transport
Level A manning:
day to day ops
Level B apparatus manning:
full staffing of all available frontline/reserve units. Activated by BC or chief officer
Level B staffing occurs for what type of emergency?
Major emergency/local disaster. Incidents lasting 48 hrs or less
Level B general recall procedures:
- Reserve Eng may be PM or non PM
- annual vacations in effect, other V or exchange may be canceled by BC
- EOC staffing may be required
- OES 342 may be staffed
Level C apparatus manning:
staffing of all frontline/reserve units to accomplish max continuous staffing
Level C staffing occurs for what type of emergency?
regional disaster, incidents lasting longer than 48 hours
Dept goal is to transition to Level C manning by:
End of the 1st operational period or w/in 48 hrs. Activated by DC or ranking officer
Level C general recall procedures:
- 12 or 24 hr operational period, 2 platoon schedule
- Frontline and reserve Eng may be PM or non PM
- Units may be staffed w/ 3 personnel
- All V and exchanges may be cancelled by FC
- EOC will be staffed
- OES 342 shall be staffed
- personnel on duty will remain on duty until released by a chief officer
What is the purpose of the Water Rescue Response Unit?
To provide rescue services in water-related incidents
Members are part of the US&R team.
What is the designation of the boat used by the Water Rescue Response Unit?
B 138
This is the specific identification for the rescue boat.
What types of mutual aid response can the Water Rescue Response Unit participate in?
County-wide and state-wide mutual aid response
State-wide response requires approval from the Duty Chief.
How many Rescue Specialists are required for water rescue mobilization?
Four (4) Rescue Specialists
This is the minimum number for a mobilization.
What training certification is required for two of the water Rescue Specialists?
California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) River and Flood Rescue Boat Technician certified
This certification ensures specialized training in rescue operations.