1700s - Disaster Management Flashcards
EOC staffing, operational periods:
will attempt to be set at 12 hour shifts
Who is considered Disaster Service Workers?
all city of ontario employees
EOC activation may be warranted if:
Who can activate the EOC?
- 2 or more depts are significantly impacted by an incident
- Director of Emergency Services (CM, ACM, or Emergency Manager)
Search and rescue zones during major emergencies divided using:
boundaries of each individual station response area
fire station used as control points
Search and rescue teams during major emergencies comprised of?
Minimum of 2 personnel:
2 OFD member (1 w/ radio)
OFD member (w/radio) and OPD member
Citizen Volunteer teams comprised of:
1 FF and 2-3 vol
Search markings, what color paint is best?
“Main Entrance” search markings:
- 2’ slash at start of search
- search complete, 2’ slash forming an X
- Info place in X quadrants:
- top: date/time of exit (completing search)
- right: hazards
- bottom: victims inside, live/dead. small x if none
- left: search team id and date/time of entry
Structure Hazard Mark:
- 2’x2’ square box. right side will state: date/time, hazards, team identifier
Situations that may activate the Major Emergency Incident/Disaster: Automatic Recall policy: (6)
- 6.5 earthquake or greater w/in 10 miles of Ont
- Major incident that has taxed all city resources, potential for mutual aid system
- Flooding of 25% or more of city
- Sustained major winds w/ building damage and fire in the city
- Tornado w/ severe damage
- Other major disasters threatening life/property to 50 or more ppl
Designated alternate worksite location order of priority:
- Primary station
- Station 1, 3, 6, 8
- Designated city staffing area
- Municipal City Services Facility
(City Yards)
If EOC is activated, who has responsibility for overall management?
CM or his designee
Who can activate the EOC?
Only Director of Emergency Services (CM) or Assistant Director of Emergency Services or Emergency Manager
Requests for CP131 shall be routed through:
Ontario Communications
4 sets of PPE will be provided by FD and stored where?
Public Works, will include:
- brush jacket/pants
- gloves/eye pro
- helmet
* public works employees shall provide footwear and hearing protection