3000_words Flashcards
luscious adj
Rich, sweet, and delicious
accommodate v
To furnish something as a kindness or favor
planisphere n
A polar projection of the heavens on a chart
predominance n
Ascendancy or preponderance
hanger-on n
A parasite
lovable adj
bravo interj
Well done
pediatrics n
The department of medical science that relates to the treatment of diseasesof childhood
pillory n
A wooden framework in which an offender is fastened to boards and is exposed topublic scorn.
accelerate v
To move faster
Spartan adj
Exceptionally brave; rigorously severe
insinuate v
To imply
auricle n
One of the two chambers of the heart which receives the blood from the veins
tranquil adj
rivulet n
A small stream or brook
indestructible adj
That can not be destroyed
poetics n
The rules and principles of poetry
augur v
To predict
complex adj
unsettle v
To put into confusion
penurious adj
Excessively sparing in the use of money
transcribe v
To write over again (something already written)
zenith n
The culminating-point of prosperity, influence, or greatness
conceive v
To form an idea, mental image or thought of
confront v
To encounter, as difficulties or obstacles
adumbrate v
To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem
verbose adj
transferee n
The person to whom a transfer is made
squatter n
One who settles on land without permission or right
specialize v
To assume an individual or specific character, or adopt a singular orspecial course
harmonious adj
Concordant in sound
inexcusable adj
Not to be justified
palsy n
socialist adj
One who advocates reconstruction of society by collective ownership of landand capital
demurrage n
the detention of a vessel beyond the specified time of sailing
clairvoyance n
Intuitive sagacity or perception
seduce v
To entice to surrender chastity
synod n
An ecclesiastical council
bodily adj
epicycloid n
A curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls uponanother circle
quantity n
incisor n
A front or cutting tooth
influence n
Ability to sway the will of another
patronymic adj
Formed after one’s father’s name
complaisance n
octagon n
A figure with eight sides and eight angles
complication n
An intermingling or combination of things or parts, especially in aperplexing manner
prologue n
A prefatory statement or explanation to a poem, discourse, or performance
ferocity n
anemia n
Deficiency of blood or red corpuscles
appropriate adj
Suitable for the purpose and circumstances
bale n
A large package prepared for transportation or storage
dissentious adj
intercessor n
A mediator
epidemic n
Wide-spread occurrence of a disease in a certain region
creak n
A sharp, harsh, squeaking sound
mutation n
The act or process of change
perambulate v
To walk about
frailty n
Liability to be broken or destroyed
dislocate v
To put out of proper place or order
vertigo n
defamation n
Malicious and groundless injury done to the reputation or good name ofanother
irradiance n
euphony n
Agreeableness of sound
indiscriminate adj
quandary n
A puzzling predicament
desiccant n
Any remedy which, when applied externally, dries up or absorbs moisture, asthat of wounds
dolor n
revere v
To regard with worshipful veneration
overhang n
A portion of a structure which projects or hangs over
isolate v
To separate from others of its kind
referrer n
One who refers
severely adv
drought n
Dry weather, especially when so long continued as to cause vegetation towither
matter of fact n
Something that has actual and undeniable existence or reality
prosaic adj
powerless adj
affix v
To fasten
submarine adj
Existing, done, or operating beneath the surface of the sea
servitude n
tannery n
A place where leather is tanned
mellifluous adj
Sweetly or smoothly flowing
philosophy n
The general principles, laws, or causes that furnish the rationalexplanation of anything
animadvert v
To pass criticism or censure
diversion n
finally adv
At last
heretic n
One who holds opinions contrary to the recognized standards or tenets of anyphilosophy
contemplate v
To consider thoughtfully
efface v
To obliterate
drowsy adj
Heavy with sleepiness
alderman n
A member of a municipal legislative body, who usually exercises also certainjudicial functions.
emphatic adj
Spoken with any special impressiveness laid upon an act, word, or set ofwords
impregnable adj
That can not be taken by assault
preface n
A brief explanation or address to the reader, at the beginning of a book
forepeak n
The extreme forward part of a ship’s hold, under the lowest deck
weal n
sedulous adj
Persevering in effort or endeavor
seclusion n
accusation n
A charge of crime, misdemeanor, or error
enfeeble v
To debilitate
permanence n
A continuance in the same state, or without any change that destroys theessential form or nature.
mongrel n
The progeny resulting from the crossing of different breeds or varieties
prepossession n
A preconceived liking
corollary n
A proposition following so obviously from another that it requires littledemonstration
vapid adj
Having lost sparkling quality and flavor
logic n
The science of correct thinking
malign v
To speak evil of, especially to do so falsely and severely
recruit v
To enlist men for military or naval service
exorcise v
To cast or drive out by religious or magical means
retrench v
To cut down or reduce in extent or quantity
inestimable adj
Above price
objector n
One who objects, as to a proposition, measure, or ruling
drachma n
A modern and an ancient Greek coin
laddie n
A lad
venom n
The poisonous fluid that certain animals secrete
exhaustive adj
Thorough and complete in execution
subside v
To relapse into a state of repose and tranquillity
righteousness n
disunion n
Separation of relations or interests
psychic adj
Pertaining to the mind or soul
braze v
To make of or ornament with brass
velvety adj
Marked by lightness and softness
onerous adj
Burdensome or oppressive
autocracy n
Absolute government
revert v
To return, or turn or look back, as toward a former position or the like
neurology n
The science of the nervous system
ebullient adj
Showing enthusiasm or exhilaration of feeling
nominee n
One who receives a nomination
anticyclone n
An atmospheric condition of high central pressure, with currents flowingoutward
pungent adj
Affecting the sense of smell
impersuadable adj
sympathize v
To share the sentiments or mental states of another
clangor n
Clanking or a ringing, as of arms, chains, or bells; clamor
necrology n
A list of persons who have died in a certain place or time
dentifrice n
Any preparation used for cleaning the teeth
irradiate v
To render clear and intelligible
irrefragable adj
That can not be refuted or disproved
vivify v
To endue with life
floral adj
Pertaining to flowers
itinerate v
To wander from place to place
declamation n
A speech recited or intended for recitation from memory in public
encumber v
To impede with obstacles
subversion n
An overthrow, as from the foundation
excellent adj
Possessing distinguished merit
assailant n
One who attacks
incompetence n
General lack of capacity or fitness
prodigy n
A person or thing of very remarkable gifts or qualities
inhuman adj
infrequence n
puissant adj
Possessing strength
wiry adj
Thin, but tough and sinewy
aqueduct n
A water-conduit, particularly one for supplying a community from a distance
contemporaneous adj
Living, occurring, or existing at the same time
blase adj
Sated with pleasure
palinode n
A retraction
alcohol n
A volatile, inflammable, colorless liquid of a penetrating odor and burningtaste
epilogue n
The close of a narrative or dramatic poem
quibble n
An utterly trivial distinction or objection
contemptible adj
Worthy of scorn or disdain
expatriate v
To drive from one’s own country
typify v
To serve as a characteristic example of
academy n
Any institution where the higher branches of learning are taught
palette n
A thin tablet, with a hole for the thumb, upon which artists lay their colorsfor painting
lune n
The moon
Antichrist n
Any opponent or enemy of Christ, whether a person or a power
madden v
To inflame with passion
globular adj
proctor n
An agent acting for another
coercion n
Forcible constraint or restraint, moral or physical
imitator n
One who makes in imitation
proclamation n
Any announcement made in a public manner
blaspheme v
To indulge in profane oaths
biology n
The science of life or living organisms
lave v
To wash or bathe
moonbeam n
A ray of moonlight
telephony n
The art or process of communicating by telephone
subliminal adj
Being beneath the threshold of consciousness
undercharge v
To make an inadequate charge for
liquefy v
To convert into a liquid or into liquid form
possible adj
Being not beyond the reach of power natural, moral, or supernatural
fallible adj
Capable of erring
substantive adj
credulous adj
Easily deceived
plummet n
A piece of lead for making soundings, adjusting walls to the vertical
persist v
To continue steadfast against opposition
decalogue n
The ten commandments
abundant adj
ridiculous adj
Laughable and contemptible
incoercible adj
Incapable of being forced, constrained, or compelled
supplicant n
One who asks humbly and earnestly
oscillate v
To swing back and forth
explode v
To cause to burst in pieces by force from within
vicissitude n
A change, especially a complete change, of condition or circumstances, asof fortune
thesis n
An essay or treatise on a particular subject
improvise v
To do anything extemporaneously or offhand
abrogate v
To abolish, repeal
knickknack n
A small article, more for ornament that use
compress v
To press together or into smaller space
gibe v
To utter taunts or reproaches
cantata n
A choral composition