1500_words Flashcards
magician n
A sorcerer
apparition n
embody v
To express, formulate, or exemplify in a concrete, compact or visible form
assassin n
One who kills, or tries to kill, treacherously or secretly
pyre n
A heap of combustibles arranged for burning a dead body
alienation n
transferrer n
One who or that which conveys from one person or place to another
embolden v
To give courage to
resurrection n
A return from death to life
outstrip v
To go beyond
liquidate v
To deliver the amount or value of
outstretch v
To extend
irreversible adj
bigamist n
One who has two spouses at the same time
whereabouts n
The place in or near which a person or thing is
antonym n
A word directly opposed to another in meaning
eliminate v
To separate and cast aside
expansion n
Increase of amount, size, scope, or the like
cygnet n
A young swan
impair v
To cause to become less or worse
annuity n
An annual allowance, payment, or income
Augustinian adj
Pertaining to StAugustine, his doctrines, or the religious orderscalled after him
solstice n
The time of year when the sun is at its greatest declination
enigma n
A riddle
dilute v
To make more fluid or less concentrated by admixture with something
hawthorn n
A thorny shrub much used in England for hedges
predict v
To foretell
sinuous adj
Curving in and out
dolesome adj
mountainous adj
Full of or abounding in mountains
supersede v
To displace
legalize v
To give the authority of law to
disconnect v
To undo or dissolve the connection or association of
entail v
To involve; necessitate
imitation n
That which is made as a likeness or copy
supplant v
To take the place of
exorbitant adj
Going beyond usual and proper limits
pervert n
One who has forsaken a doctrine regarded as true for one esteemed false
rectify v
To correct
opprobrium n
The state of being scornfully reproached or accused of evil
furtive adj
Stealthy or sly, like the actions of a thief
participant n
One having a share or part
pertinacious adj
Persistent or unyielding
pulmonary adj
Pertaining to the lungs
appellation n
The name or title by which a particular person, class, or thing is called
missal n
The book containing the service for the celebration of mass
louse n
A small insect parasitic on and sucking the blood of mammals
vogue n
The prevalent way or fashion
nit n
The egg of a louse or some other insect
extensor n
A muscle that causes extension
consulate n
The place in which a consul transacts official business
devious adj
Out of the common or regular track
amphibious adj
Living both on land and in water
atheism n
The denial of the existence of God
constituent n
One who has the right to vote at an election
expand v
To increase in range or scope
complement v
To make complete
plaudit n
An expression of applause
metamorphosis n
A passing from one form or shape into another
sentence n
A related group of words containing a subject and a predicate and expressing acomplete thought.
tyranny n
Absolute power arbitrarily or unjustly administrated
transparent adj
Easy to see through or understand
sentient adj
Possessing the power of sense or sense-perception
recure v
To cure again
aspirant n
One who seeks earnestly, as for advancement, honors, place
distrain v
To subject a person to distress
gastritis n
Inflammation of the stomach
accumulate v
To become greater in quantity or number
euphemism n
A figure of speech by which a phrase less offensive is substituted
incipient adj
obligate v
To hold to the fulfillment of duty
inceptive adj
cabinet n
The body of men constituting the official advisors of the executive head of anation
immerse v
To plunge or dip entirely under water or other fluid
undue adj
More than sufficient
lethargy n
Prolonged sluggishness of body or mind
lordling n
A little lord
luminous adj
Giving or radiating light
tangency n
The state of touching
picayune adj
Of small value
penetration n
bridle n
The head-harness of a horse consisting of a head-stall, a bit, and the reins
confidence n
The state or feeling of trust in or reliance upon another
misrule v
To misgovern
semicivilized adj
descry v
To discern
zodiac n
An imaginary belt encircling the heavens within which are the larger planets
papacy n
The official head of the Roman Catholic Church
audacious adj
depositor n
One who makes a deposit, or has an amount deposited
commingle v
To blend
inseparable adj
That can not be separated
relish v
To like the taste or savor of
earnest adj
Ardent in spirit and speech
archdeacon n
A high official administrator of the affairs of a diocese
reliant adj
Having confidence
trebly adv
inviolable adj
Incapable of being injured or disturbed
filibuster n
One who attempts to obstruct legislation
unconscious adj
Not cognizant of objects, actions, etc
inmost adj
Deepest within
fabricate v
To invent fancifully or falsely
criterion n
A standard by which to determine the correctness of a judgment or conclusion.
ascension n
The act of rising
soprano n
A woman’s or boy’s voice of high range
chivalry n
The knightly system of feudal times with its code, usages and practices
legislate v
To make or enact a law or laws
taxation n
A levy, by government, of a fixed contribution
persecution n
Harsh or malignant oppression
decagram n
A weight of 10 grams
frowzy adj
Slovenly in appearance
poetaster n
An inferior poet
man-eater n
An animal that devours human beings
horde n
A gathered multitude of human beings
carrion n
Dead and putrefying flesh
Americanism n
A peculiar sense in which an English word or phrase is used in the UnitedStates
erratic adj
amalgam n
An alloy or union of mercury with another metal
ladle n
A cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, intended for dipping up and pouringliquids
optician n
One who makes or deals in optical instruments or eye-glasses
conflagration n
A great fire, as of many buildings, a forest, or the like
supine adj
Lying on the back
entrench v
To fortify or protect, as with a trench or ditch and wall
excitation n
Intensified emotion or action
redolence n
Smelling sweet and agreeable
quietus n
A silencing, suppressing, or ending
artful adj
Characterized by craft or cunning
pervade v
To pass or spread through every part
physiocracy n
The doctrine that land and its products are the only true wealth
nautical adj
Pertaining to ships, seamen, or navigation
luminary n
One of the heavenly bodies as a source of light
syllable n
That which is uttered in a single vocal impulse
refinery n
A place where some crude material, as sugar or petroleum, is purified
arboretum n
A botanical garden or place devoted to the cultivation of trees or shrubs
concur v
To agree
triplicate adj
Composed of or pertaining to three related things or parts
prurient adj
Inclined to lascivious thoughts and desires
mordacious adj
Biting or giving to biting
conjecture n
A guess
believe v
To accept as true on the testimony or authority of others
treachery n
Violation of allegiance, confidence, or plighted faith
sympathetic adj
Having a fellow-feeling for or like feelings with another or others
urbanity n
Refined or elegant courtesy
inhibit v
To hold back or in
commotion n
A disturbance or violent agitation
placid adj
editorial n
An article in a periodical written by the editor and published as an officialargument
theology n
The branch of theological science that treats of God
volition n
An act or exercise of will
intolerance n
Inability or unwillingness to bear or endure
magistracy n
The office or dignity of a magistrate
exclamation n
An abrupt or emphatic expression of thought or of feeling
pupilage n
The state or period of being a student
succumb v
To cease to resist
corroboration n
revelation n
A disclosing, discovering, or making known of what was before secret,private, or unknown
anachronism n
Anything occurring or existing out of its proper time
sequel n
That which follows in consequence of what has previously happened
freemason n
A member of an ancient secret fraternity originally confined to skilledartisans
volant adj
Flying or able to fly
inwardly adv
With no outward manifestation
dogmatize v
To make positive assertions without supporting them by argument or evidence
gnash v
To grind or strike the teeth together, as from rage
degenerate v
To become worse or inferior
hydra n
The seven- or nine-headed water-serpent slain by Hercules
effluvium n
A noxious or ill-smelling exhalation from decaying or putrefying matter
invulnerable adj
That can not be wounded or hurt
statecraft n
The art of conducting state affairs
pare v
To cut, shave, or remove (the outside) from anything
armada n
A fleet of war-vessels
treacherous adj
giver n
One who gives, in any sense
complicate v
To make complex, difficult, or hard to deal with
evolution n
Development or growth
assets n
plProperty in general, regarded as applicable to the payment of debts
tyro n
One slightly skilled in or acquainted with any trade or profession
ameliorate v
To relieve, as from pain or hardship
nihilist n
An advocate of the doctrine that nothing either exists or can be known
bitterness n
Acridity, as to the taste
fanatic n
A religious zealot
meager adj
contuse v
To bruise by a blow, either with or without the breaking of the skin
octogenarian adj
A person of between eighty and ninety years
diphthong n
The sound produced by combining two vowels in to a single syllable or runningtogether the sounds
injunction n
abut v
To touch at the end or boundary line
Titanic adj
Of vast size or strength
ocular adj
Of or pertaining to the eye
hemorrhoids n
plTumors composed of enlarged and thickened blood-vessels, at the lowerend of the rectum
abusive adj
Employing harsh words or ill treatment
transitory adj
Existing for a short time only
phenomenon n
Any unusual occurrence
lithe adj
charlatan n
A quack
humiliate v
To put to shame
dedication n
The voluntary consecration or relinquishment of something to an end orcause
polemics n
The art of controversy or disputation
instigator n
One who incites to evil
elapse v
To quietly terminate: said of time
deride v
To ridicule