0_words Flashcards
obstreperous adj
Renaissance n
The revival of letters, and then of art, which marks the transition frommedieval to modern time.
acquittal n
A discharge from accusation by judicial action
obsequies n
Funeral rites
recurrent adj
Returning from time to time, especially at regular or stated intervals
pervasive adj
Thoroughly penetrating or permeating
orator n
One who delivers an elaborate or formal speech
insignificance n
Lack of import or of importance
pentagon n
A figure, especially, with five angles and five sides
mystification n
The act of artfully perplexing
further adj
More distant or advanced
aural adj
Of or pertaining to the ear
exposure n
An open situation or position in relation to the sun, elements, or points ofthe compass
non-existent n
That which does not exist
necessitate v
To render indispensable
ostracize v
To exclude from public or private favor
prefer v
To hold in higher estimation
hydrodynamics n
The branch of mechanics that treats of the dynamics of fluids
itinerary n
A detailed account or diary of a journey
alias n
An assumed name
neo-Latin n
Modernized Latin
hydromechanics n
The mechanics of fluids
illegitimate adj
Unlawfully begotten
corrosion n
Gradual decay by crumbling or surface disintegration
fitful adj
rampart n
A bulwark or construction to oppose assault or hostile entry
chateau n
A castle or manor-house
outright adv
cardiac adj
Pertaining to the heart
trisect v
To divide into three parts, especially into three equal parts
beneficiary n
One who is lawfully entitled to the profits and proceeds of an estate orproperty
outburst n
A violent issue, especially of passion in an individual
constellation n
An arbitrary assemblage or group of stars
mastery n
The attainment of superior skill
bereave v
To make desolate with loneliness and grief
remodel v
extraordinary adj
course n
Line of motion or direction
impure adj
blithe adj
recoil v
To start back as in dismay, loathing, or dread
advert v
To refer incidentally
alternative n
Something that may or must exist, be taken or chosen, or done instead ofsomething else
kinsfolk n
coincident adj
Taking place at the same time
benefice n
A church office endowed with funds or property for the maintenance of divineservice
fealty n
seminar n
Any assemblage of pupils for real research in some specific study under ateacher
wry adj
Deviating from that which is proper or right
descendant n
One who is descended lineally from another, as a child, grandchild, etc
dialogue n
A formal conversation in which two or more take part
prudential adj
Proceeding or marked by caution
nasal adj
Pertaining to the nose
seismograph n
An instrument for recording the phenomena of earthquakes
exhaustion n
Deprivation of strength or energy
minute adj
Exceedingly small in extent or quantity
expiate v
To make satisfaction or amends for
munificence n
A giving characterized by generous motives and extraordinary liberality
apprehensible adj
Capable of being conceived
foreclose v
To bar by judicial proceedings the equitable right of a mortgagor to redeemproperty
fortify v
To provide with defensive works
knead v
To mix and work into a homogeneous mass, especially with the hands
microphone n
An apparatus for magnifying faint sounds
discrepant adj
acumen n
Quickness of intellectual insight, or discernment; keenness of discrimination
coddle v
To treat as a baby or an invalid
probity n
Virtue or integrity tested and confirmed
parody v
To render ludicrous by imitating the language of
energetic adj
Working vigorously
crass adj
Coarse or thick in nature or structure, as opposed to thin or fine
variant n
A thing that differs from another in form only, being the same in essence orsubstance
personal adj
Not general or public
infidelity n
herbivorous adj
Feeding on herbs or other vegetable matter, as animals
rupture v
To separate the parts of by violence
felony n
One of the highest class of offenses, and punishable with death or imprisonment.
natal adj
Pertaining to one’s birth
incongruous adj
Unsuitable for the time, place, or occasion
botany n
The science that treats of plants
endanger v
To expose to peril
domination n
Control by the exercise of power or constituted authority
hirsute adj
Having a hairy covering
hybrid adj
pamphleteer v
To compose or issue pamphlets, especially controversial ones
pauper n
One without means of support
courser n
A fleet and spirited horse
blazon v
To make widely or generally known
evolve v
To unfold or expand
supplementary adj
Being an addition to
absent-minded adj
Lacking in attention to immediate surroundings or business
nil n
scribble n
Hasty, careless writing
amusement n
resplendent adj
Very bright
polytheism n
The doctrine or belief that there are more gods than one
iota n
A small or insignificant mark or part
adjutant adj
ceremonious adj
Observant of ritual
connive v
To be in collusion
flagrant adj
Openly scandalous
indispensable adj
Necessary or requisite for the purpose
innumerable adj
insuppressible adj
Incapable of being concealed
pallid adj
Of a pale or wan appearance
exegesis n
Biblical exposition or interpretation
effeminate adj
Having womanish traits or qualities
specialty n
An employment limited to one particular line of work
tempter n
An allurer or enticer to evil
canary adj
Of a bright but delicate yellow
presage v
To foretell
discord n
Absence of harmoniousness
mileage n
A distance in miles
apiary n
A place where bees are kept
overshadow v
To cast into the shade or render insignificant by comparison
statuette n
A figurine
mealy-mouthed adj
Afraid to express facts or opinions plainly
loquacious adj
composure n
sergeant n
A non-commissioned military officer ranking next above a corporal
oddity n
An eccentricity
genesis n
hazard n
extortion n
The practice of obtaining by violence or compulsion
tact n
Fine or ready mental discernment shown in saying or doing the proper thing
nonpareil n
One who or that which is of unequaled excellence
collision n
Violent contact
distinction n
A note or designation of honor, officially recognizing superiority orsuccess in studies
physiognomy n
The external appearance merely
littoral adj
Of, pertaining to, or living on a shore
seethe v
To be violently excited or agitated
nonchalance n
A state of mind indicating lack of interest
populous adj
Containing many inhabitants, especially in proportion to the territory
populace n
The common people
autonomous adj
ordinal n
That form of the numeral that shows the order of anything in a series, asfirst, second, third
philanthropist n
One who endeavors to help his fellow men
manliness n
The qualities characteristic of a true man, as bravery, resolution, etc
advent n
The coming or arrival, as of any important change, event, state, or personage
element n
A component or essential part
lough n
A lake or loch
affable adj
Easy to approach
shriek n
A sharp, shrill outcry or scream, caused by agony or terror
luxuriance n
Excessive or superfluous growth or quantity
depreciate v
To lessen the worth of
gratification n
quarantine n
The enforced isolation of any person or place infected with contagiousdisease
waive v
To relinquish, especially temporarily, as a right or claim
comestible adj
Fit to be eaten
moribund adj
On the point of dying
redress v
To set right, as a wrong by compensation or the punishment of the wrong-doer
overleap v
To leap beyond
disinherit v
To deprive of an inheritance
hard-hearted adj
Lacking pity or sympathy
Canaanite n
A member of one of the three tribes that dwelt in the land of Canaan, orwestern Palestine
dishabille n
Undress or negligent attire
donee n
A person to whom a donation is made
extraneous adj
Having no essential relation to a subject
irreverential adj
Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacredthings
comparable adj
Fit to be compared
militia n
Those citizens, collectively, who are enrolled and drilled in temporarymilitary organizations
induct v
To bring in
recitation n
The act of reciting or repeating, especially in public and from memory
separable adj
Capable of being disjoined or divided
leeward n
That side or direction toward which the wind blows
semicircle n
A half-circle
creed n
A formal summary of fundamental points of religious belief
projection n
A prominence
effrontery n
Unblushing impudence
expository adj
Pertaining to a formal presentation
mantle n
A cloak
vociferous adj
Making a loud outcry
workmanship n
The art or skill of a workman
quackery n
acquaint v
To make familiar or conversant
medallion n
A large medal
Omnipotent adj
Possessed of unlimited and universal power
parse v
To describe, as a sentence, by separating it into its elements and describingeach word
relent v
To yield
lactic adj
Pertaining to milk
effectual adj
ministration n
Any religious ceremonial
heterodox adj
At variance with any commonly accepted doctrine or opinion
significance n
blemish n
A mark that mars beauty
piecemeal adv
sterling adj
vaccinate v
To inoculate with vaccine virus or virus of cowpox
galvanism n
Current electricity, especially that arising from chemical action
remunerate v
To pay or pay for
journalize v
To keep a diary
introspection n
The act of observing and analyzing one’s own thoughts and feelings
navel n
The depression on the abdomen where the umbilical cord of the fetus was attached.
characteristic n
A distinctive feature
pommel v
To beat with something thick or bulky
exemplify v
To show by example
regality n
maneuver v
To make adroit or artful moves: manage affairs by strategy
external n
Anything relating or belonging to the outside
vagrant n
An idle wanderer
burnish v
To make brilliant or shining
beneficial adj
vigilant adj
Being on the alert to discover and ward off danger or insure safety
acknowledgment n
postscript n
Something added to a letter after the writer’s signature
trimness n
differentia n
Any essential characteristic of a species by reason of which it differsfrom other species
maudlin adj
Foolishly and tearfully affectionate
correlative adj
Mutually involving or implying one another
impassable adj
That can not be passed through or over
facility n
gourmand n
A connoisseur in the delicacies of the table
incombustible adj
That can not be burned
dubious adj
obliterate v
To cause to disappear
head first adv
Precipitately, as in diving
collide v
To meet and strike violently
autobiography n
The story of one’s life written by himself
salvage n
Any act of saving property
impute v
To attribute
visualize v
To give pictorial vividness to a mental representation
vitality n
The state or quality of being necessary to existence or continuance
outbreak n
A sudden and violent breaking forth, as of something that has been pent up orrestrained
analyst n
One who analyzes or makes use of the analytical method
angelic adj
obtrude v
To be pushed or to push oneself into undue prominence
transmissible adj
That may e sent through or across
avocation n
dissuade v
To change the purpose or alter the plans of by persuasion, counsel, orpleading
optic n
Pertaining to the eye or vision
propriety n
Accordance with recognized usage, custom, or principles
nomic adj
Usual or customary
piccolo n
A small flute
invective n
An utterance intended to cast censure, or reproach
instance n
A single occurrence or happening of a given kind
noiseless adj
licentious adj
tactician n
One who directs affairs with skill and shrewdness
inception n
The beginning
philanthropic adj
pavilion n
An open structure for temporary shelter
miniature adj
Much smaller than reality or that the normal size
aspiration n
An earnest wish for that which is above one’s present reach
irreverence n
The quality showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especiallyfor sacred things
pernicious adj
Tending to kill or hurt
recluse n
One who lives in retirement or seclusion
recognize v
To recall the identity of (a person or thing)
reimburse v
To pay back as an equivalent of what has been expended
cohesive adj
Having the property of consistency
premonition n
nuisance n
That which annoys, vexes, or irritates
earthenware n
Anything made of clay and baked in a kiln or dried in the sun
cynicism n
Contempt for the opinions of others and of what others value
demise n
unicellular adj
Consisting of a single cell
static adj
Pertaining to or designating bodies at rest or forces in equilibrium
dissipate v
To disperse or disappear
proletarian n
A person of the lowest or poorest class
resonance n
The quality of being able to reinforce sound by sympathetic vibrations
generosity n
A disposition to give liberally or to bestow favors heartily
flatulence n
Accumulation of gas in the stomach and bowels
amphitheater n
An edifice of elliptical shape, constructed about a central open space orarena
codicil n
A supplement adding to, revoking, or explaining in the body of a will
arbor n
A tree
punctilious adj
Strictly observant of the rules or forms prescribed by law or custom
diplomatic adj
Characterized by special tact in negotiations
positive adj
Free from doubt or hesitation
egoist n
One who advocates or practices egoism
cohere v
To stick together
liege adj
timbre n
The quality of a tone, as distinguished from intensity and pitch
inaccurate adj
Not exactly according to the facts
submersion n
The act of submerging
delusion n
Mistaken conviction, especially when more or less enduring
domain n
A sphere or field of action or interest
precedent n
An instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a rule
Newtonian adj
Of or pertaining to Sir Isaac Newton, the English philosopher
wantonness n
caret n
A sign (^) placed below a line, indicating where omitted words, etc., should beinserted
pastoral adj
Having the spirit or sentiment of rural life
refractory adj
Not amenable to control
impervious adj
averse adj
absolution n
Forgiveness, or passing over of offenses
disputation n
Verbal controversy
trestle n
An open braced framework for supporting the horizontal stringers of arailway-bridge
sparse adj
Thinly diffused
misrepresent v
To give a wrong impression
epicycle n
A circle that rolls upon the external or internal circumference of anothercircle
centiliter n
A hundredth of a liter
conjoin v
To unite
vitalize v
To endow with life or energy
nominate v
To designate as a candidate for any office
pledgee n
The person to whom anything is pledged
authentic adj
Of undisputed origin
perpendicular adj
Straight up and down
advocate n
One who pleads the cause of another, as in a legal or ecclesiastical court
avow v
To declare openly
inchoate adj
anathema n
Anything forbidden, as by social usage
vegetation n
Plant-life in the aggregate
obsequious adj
Showing a servile readiness to fall in with the wishes or will of another.
efficacious adj
opponent n
One who supports the opposite side in a debate, discussion, struggle, orsport
salient adj
Standing out prominently
disfavor n
imply v
To signify
savage n
A wild and uncivilized human being
pledgeor n
One who gives a pledge
accompany v
To go with, or be associated with, as a companion
acknowledge v
To recognize; to admit the genuineness or validity of
exemplary adj
Fitted to serve as a model or example worthy of imitation
tense adj
Strained to stiffness
mercenary adj
foolery n
thermoelectricity n
Electricity generated by differences of temperature,
vermin n
A noxious or troublesome animal
altitude n
Vertical distance or elevation above any point or base-level, as the sea
apotheosis n
refract v
To bend or turn from a direct course
fulcrum n
The support on or against which a lever rests, or the point about which itturns
mountaineer n
One who travels among or climbs mountains for pleasure or exercise
ought v
To be under moral obligation to be or do
hypnosis n
An artificial trance-sleep
lascivious adj
Quixotic adj
Chivalrous or romantic to a ridiculous or extravagant degree
clandestine adj
essence n
That which makes a thing to be what it is
instructive adj
Conveying knowledge
hussar n
A light-horse trooper armed with saber and carbine
critique n
A criticism or critical review
prudence n
indigent adj
debut n
A first appearance in society or on the stage
metallurgy n
The art or science of extracting a metal from ores, as by smelting
insidious adj
Working ill by slow and stealthy means
papyrus n
The writing-paper of the ancient Egyptians, and later of the Romans
archipelago n
Any large body of water studded with islands, or the islands collectivelythemselves
implicit adj
irreligious adj
Indifferent or opposed to religion
excursion n
A journey
original adj
Not copied nor produced by imitation
granular adj
Composed of small grains or particles
witling n
A person who has little understanding
regress v
To return to a former place or condition
trivial adj
Of little importance or value
iciness n
The state of being icy
metempsychosis n
Transition of the soul of a human being at death into another body,whether human or beast
courageous adj
nebula n
A gaseous body of unorganized stellar substance
lapse n
A slight deviation from what is right, proper, or just
monologue n
A story or drama told or performed by one person
sear v
To burn on the surface
predicate v
To state as belonging to something
opulent adj
subterfuge n
foresight n
Provision against harm or need
monastery n
A dwelling-place occupied in common by persons under religious vows ofseclusion
ornate adj
Ornamented to a marked degree
distention n
tolerance n
Forbearance in judging of the acts or opinions of others
ligament n
That which binds objects together
eradicate v
To destroy thoroughly
preeminence n
Special eminence
ill-natured adj
bilateral adj
frantic adj
immortalize v
To cause to last or to be known or remembered throughout a great orindefinite length of time
pyx n
A vessel or casket, usually of precious metal, in which the host is preserved
evade v
To avoid by artifice
lyric adj
Fitted for expression in song
pseudapostle n
A pretended or false apostle
bric-a-brac n
Objects of curiosity or for decoration
regalia n
plThe emblems of royalty
expectorate v
To cough up and spit forth
sidereal adj
Pertaining to stars or constellations
interim n
Time between acts or periods
complacence n
Satisfaction with one’s acts or surroundings
exotic adj
propellant adj
quarto n
An eight-page newspaper of any size
preclude v
To prevent
material n
That of which anything is composed or may be constructed
inquisitive adj
Given to questioning, especially out of curiosity
aggrandize v
To cause to appear greatly
disinfectant n
A substance used to destroy the germs of infectious diseases
hackney v
To make stale or trite by repetition
achromatic adj
satire n
The employment of sarcasm, irony, or keenness of wit in ridiculing vices
likelihood n
A probability
frolicsome adj
mentality n
demolish v
To annihilate
hypocrisy n
Extreme insincerity
arrant adj
Notoriously bad
joust v
To engage in a tilt with lances on horseback
contagion n
The communication of disease from person to person
rotary adj
Turning around its axis, like a wheel, or so constructed as to turn thus
disburse v
To pay out or expend, as money from a fund
urchin n
A roguish, mischievous boy
neopaganism n
A new or revived paganism
off adj
Farther or more distant
sanctity n
vaporizer n
An atomizer
frightful adj
Apt to induce terror or alarm
bigamy n
The crime of marrying any other person while having a legal spouse living
coagulant adj
Producing coagulation
paleontology n
The branch of biology that treats of ancient life and fossil organisms
medial adj
Of or pertaining to the middle
consignee n
A person to whom goods or other property has been entrusted
peremptory adj
Precluding question or appeal
afresh adv
Once more, after rest or interval
huckster n
One who retails small wares
riddance n
The act or ridding or delivering from something undesirable
deplore v
To regard with grief or sorrow
coincidence n
A circumstance so agreeing with another: often implying accident
hospitality n
The practice of receiving and entertaining strangers and guests withkindness
competence n
Adequate qualification or capacity
malediction n
The calling down of a curse or curses
philanthropy n
Active humanitarianism
glacial adj
Icy, or icily cold
purgatory n
An intermediate state where souls are made fit for paradise or heaven byexpiatory suffering
intention n
That upon which the mind is set
latent adj
professor n
A public teacher of the highest grade in a university or college
altruism n
Benevolence to others on subordination to self-interest
floe n
A collection of tabular masses of floating polar ice
intolerable adj
feudal adj
Pertaining to the relation of lord and vassal
bombast n
Inflated or extravagant language, especially on unimportant subjects
dwindle v
To diminish or become less
tremulous adj
Characterized by quivering or unsteadiness
forby adv
parlance n
Mode of speech
inexhaustible adj
So large or furnishing so great a supply as not to be emptied, wasted,or spent
deficient adj
Not having an adequate or proper supply or amount
revise v
To examine for the correction of errors, or for the purpose of making changes
imperil v
To endanger
dendroid adj
Like a tree
penury n
conscientious adj
Governed by moral standard
collier n
One who works in a coal-mine
invert v
To turn inside out, upside down, or in opposite direction
hygiene n
The branch of medical science that relates to improving health
phonology n
The science of human vocal sounds
penalty n
The consequences that follow the transgression of natural or divine law
encourage v
To inspire with courage, hope, or strength of mind
monetary adj
outride v
To ride faster than
insulate v
To place in a detached state or situation
benefit n
Helpful result
portend v
To indicate as being about to happen, especially by previous signs
perspicacious adj
paternal adj
legacy n
A bequest
tremor n
An involuntary trembling or shivering
ambulance n
A vehicle fitted for conveying the sick and wounded
endemic adj
Peculiar to some specified country or people
nurture n
The process of fostering or promoting growth
excerpt n
An extract or selection from written or printed matter
inroad n
Forcible encroachment or trespass
nominal adj
metal n
An element that forms a base by combining with oxygen, is usually hard, heavy,and lustrous
overpower v
To gain supremacy or victory over by superior power
amicable adj
Done in a friendly spirit
morose adj
pugnacious adj
granulate v
To form into grains or small particles
serviceable adj
apostle n
Any messenger commissioned by or as by divine authority
misinterpret v
To misunderstand
antecedent n
One who or that which precedes or goes before, as in time, place, rank,order, or causality
materialize v
To take perceptible or substantial form
degrade v
To take away honors or position from
overture n
An instrumental prelude to an opera, oratorio, or ballet
promoter n
A furtherer, forwarder, or encourager
rotate v
To cause to turn on or as on its axis, as a wheel
clarify v
To render intelligible
unwise adj
moderation n
condescend v
To come down voluntarily to equal terms with inferiors
conformity n
Correspondence in form, manner, or use
curt adj
Concise, compressed, and abrupt in act or expression
stagy adj
Having a theatrical manner
heptagon n
A figure having seven sides and seven angles
kerchief n
A square of linen, silk, or other material, used as a covering for the head orneck
gentile adj
Belonging to a people not Jewish
rehabilitate v
To restore to a former status, capacity, right rank, or privilege
precession n
The act of going forward
toilsome adj
stipend n
A definite amount paid at stated periods in compensation for services or as anallowance
panorama n
A series of large pictures representing a continuous scene
azure n
The color of the sky
mandate n
A command
deceive v
To mislead by or as by falsehood
incontrovertible adj
elocution n
The art of correct intonation, inflection, and gesture in public speaking orreading
potent adj
Physically powerful
arrange v
To put in definite or proper order
valorous adj
autopsy n
The examination of a dead body by dissection to ascertain the cause of death