2500_words Flashcards
feasible adj
That may be done, performed, or effected; practicable
untimely adj
negligence n
Omission of that which ought to be done
reclaim v
To demand or to obtain the return or restoration of
gamut n
The whole range or sequence
instantaneous adj
Done without perceptible lapse of time
confluent n
A stream that unites with another
remission n
Temporary diminution of a disease
hydraulic adj
Involving the moving of water, of the force exerted by water in motion
conjugate adj
Joined together in pairs
ruffian adj
A lawless or recklessly brutal fellow
crematory adj
A place for cremating dead bodies
vegetal adj
Of or pertaining to plants
exhaustible adj
Causing or tending to cause exhaustion
illogical adj
Contrary to the rules of sound thought
bide v
To await
inadmissible adj
Not to be approved, considered, or allowed, as testimony
hypnotic adj
Tending to produce sleep
millet n
A grass cultivated for forage and cereal
determinate adj
Definitely limited or fixed
putrescent adj
Undergoing decomposition of animal or vegetable matter accompanied byfetid odors
inflexible adj
That can not be altered or varied
bristle n
One of the coarse, stiff hairs of swine: used in brush-making, etc
belligerent adj
Manifesting a warlike spirit
forecourt n
A court opening directly from the street
panacea n
A remedy or medicine proposed for or professing to cure all diseases
albeit conj
Even though
covey n
A flock of quails or partridges
investor n
One who invests money
ballad n
Any popular narrative poem, often with epic subject and usually in lyric form
susceptibility n
A specific capability of feeling or emotion
reactionary adj
Pertaining to, of the nature of, causing, or favoring reaction
jugular adj
Pertaining to the throat
hustle v
To move with haste and promptness
perforate v
To make a hole or holes through
liberalism n
Opposition to conservatism
preoccupy v
To fill the mind of a person to the exclusion of other subjects
cameo n
Any small engraved or carved work in relief
momentum n
An impetus
nameless adj
Having no fame or reputation
visual adj
Perceptible by sight
culprit n
A guilty person
systematic adj
demulcent n
Any application soothing to an irritable surface
attest v
To certify as accurate, genuine, or true
carouse v
To drink deeply and in boisterous or jovial manner
taciturn adj
Disinclined to conversation
enumerate v
To name one by one
wherewith n
The necessary means or resources
inundation n
warlike adj
hydroelectric adj
Pertaining to electricity developed water or steam
rapid adj
Having great speed
conversion n
Change from one state or position to another, or from one form to another
antidote n
Anything that will counteract or remove the effects of poison, disease, or thelike
preordain v
To foreordain
parallelism n
Essential likeness
dominant adj
Conspicuously prominent
decamp v
To leave suddenly or unexpectedly
nimble adj
Light and quick in motion or action
ascribe v
To assign as a quality or attribute
corporeal adj
Of a material nature; physical
dun v
To make a demand or repeated demands on for payment
prevalent adj
Of wide extent or frequent occurrence
prescient adj
interlude n
An action or event considered as coming between others of greater length
corporate adj
Belonging to a corporation
sycophant n
A servile flatterer, especially of those in authority or influence
variation n
ingredient n
guile n
generalize v
To draw general inferences
excavate v
To remove by digging or scooping out
egotist n
One given to self-mention or who is constantly telling of his own views andexperiences
heifer n
A young cow
antipodes n
A place or region on the opposite side of the earth
inconsequential adj
philogynist n
One who is fond of women
quarrelsome adj
caste n
The division of society on artificial grounds
descent n
The act of moving or going downward
diffusion n
viola n
A musical instrument somewhat larger than a violin
disyllable n
A word of two syllables
typographical adj
Pertaining to typography or printing
elegy n
A lyric poem lamenting the dead
siren n
A sea-nymph, described by Homer as dwelling between the island of Circe andScylla
wittingly adv
With knowledge and by design
transplant v
To remove and plant in another place
corrode v
To ruin or destroy little by little
hydrous adj
possess v
To own
rudimentary adj
Being in an initial, early, or incomplete stage of development
expect v
To look forward to as certain or probable
proxy n
A person who is empowered by another to represent him or her in a given matter
heteromorphic adj
Deviating from the normal form or standard type
formidable adj
Difficult to accomplish
antiphony n
An anthem or other composition sung responsively
accordion n
A portable free-reed musical instrument
sidelong adj
Inclining or tending to one side
teem v
To be full to overflowing
enkindle v
To set on fire
transfer v
To convey, remove, or cause to pass from one person or place to another
halcyon adj
lattice n
Openwork of metal or wood, formed by crossing or interlacing strips or bars
finery n
That which is used to decorate the person or dress
fawn n
A young deer
bronchus n
Either of the two subdivisions of the trachea conveying air into the lungs
eminence n
An elevated position with respect to rank, place, character, condition, etc
defalcate v
To cut off or take away, as a part of something
intervale n
A low tract of land between hills, especially along a river
wampum n
Beads strung on threads, formerly used among the American Indians as currency
intoxicate v
To make drunk
beneficent adj
Characterized by charity and kindness
leniency n
guy n
unwieldy adj
Moved or managed with difficulty, as from great size or awkward shape
penultimate adj
A syllable or member of a series that is last but one
bumptious adj
Full of offensive and aggressive self-conceit
fief n
A landed estate held under feudal tenure
gait n
Carriage of the body in going
generally adv
collegian n
A college student
ingraft v
To set or implant deeply and firmly
foible n
A personal weakness or failing
epoch n
A interval of time, memorable for extraordinary events
jeopardize v
To imperil
unnatural adj
decrepit adj
Enfeebled, as by old age or some chronic infirmity
violation n
mislay v
To misplace
protocol n
A declaration or memorandum of agreement less solemn and formal than a treaty.
impassible adj
Not moved or affected by feeling
outrageous adj
Shocking in conduct
insistence n
neo-Darwinsim n
Darwinism as modified and extended by more recent students
sergeant-at-arms n
An executive officer in legislative bodies who enforces the orders ofthe presiding officer
perceptible adj
progeny n
begrudge v
To envy one of the possession of
grievance n
That which oppresses, injures, or causes grief and at the same time a senseof wrong
anemometer n
An instrument for measuring the force or velocity of wind
hypocrite n
One who makes false professions of his views or beliefs
auricular adj
Of or pertaining to the ear, its auricle, or the sense of hearing
addendum n
Something added, or to be added
somniferous adj
Tending to produce sleep
thermoelectric adj
Denoting electricity produced by heat
germinate v
To begin to develop into an embryo or higher form
antiphon n
A response or alteration of responses, generally musical
conspicuous adj
Clearly visible
postdate v
To make the date of any writing later than the real date
nuance n
A slight degree of difference in anything perceptible to the sense of the mind
dragoon n
In the British army, a cavalryman
absence n
The fact of not being present or available
accouter v
To dress
circulate v
To disseminate
disciplinary adj
Having the nature of systematic training or subjection to authority
embarrass v
To render flustered or agitated
gestation n
mundane adj
Worldly, as opposed to spiritual or celestial
decasyllable n
A line of ten syllables
lewd adj
Characterized by lust or lasciviousness
receptive adj
Having the capacity, quality, or ability of receiving, as truths orimpressions
virulence n
Extreme poisonousness
typical adj
propulsion n
A driving onward or forward
overdo v
To overtax the strength of
suasion n
The act of persuading
invalid n
One who is disabled by illness or injury
initiate v
To perform the first act or rite
macadamize v
To cover or pave, as a path or roadway, with small broken stone
retaliate v
To repay evil with a similar evil
playwright n
A maker of plays for the stage
invidious adj
Showing or feeling envy
narrate v
To tell a story
rampant adj
Growing, climbing, or running without check or restraint
prima adj
accept v
To take when offered
conscript v
To force into military service
migrate v
To remove or pass from one country, region, or habitat to another
ode n
The form of lyric poetry anciently intended to be sung
confluence n
The place where streams meet
disclaim v
To disavow any claim to, connection with, or responsibility to
dictum n
A positive utterance
obituary adj
A published notice of a death
cosmography n
The science that describes the universe, including astronomy, geography,and geology
check v
To hold back
pioneer n
One among the first to explore a country
disfigure v
To impair or injure the beauty, symmetry, or appearance of
observant adj
Quick to notice
rebut v
To oppose by argument or a sufficient answer
dismount v
To throw down, push off, or otherwise remove from a horse or the like
benign adj
Good and kind of heart
repeal v
To render of no further effect
transmit v
To send trough or across
facile adj
Not difficult to do
prehension n
The act of laying hold of or grasping
termination n
The act of ending or concluding
knavery n
Deceitfulness in dealing
frizzle v
To cause to crinkle or curl, as the hair
prescript adj
Prescribed as a rule or model
endurance n
The ability to suffer pain, distress, hardship, or stress of any kind withoutsuccumbing
connote v
To mean; signify
nefarious adj
Wicked in the extreme
pedal n
A lever for the foot usually applied only to musical instruments, cycles, andother machines
intromit v
To insert
approbation n
dilettante n
A superficial amateur
artifice n
inextensible adj
Of unchangeable length or area
Christ n
A title of Jesus
aliment n
That which nourishes
paucity n
preservation n
patrician adj
Of senatorial or noble rank
clumsy adj
Awkward of movement
monstrosity n
Anything unnaturally huge or distorted
vitiate v
To contaminate
overstride v
To step beyond
dissuasion n
The act of changing the purpose of or altering the plans of throughpersuasion, or pleading
despotism n
Any severe and strict rule in which the judgment of the governed has littleor no part
incinerate v
To reduce to ashes
monitory n
Admonition or warning
venal adj
Mercenary, corrupt
quadrate v
To divide into quarters
countryman n
A rustic
herbaceous adj
Having the character of a herb
caitiff adj
triplicity n
The state of being triple or threefold
accomplice n
An associate in wrong-doing
acid n
A sour substance
consumptive adj
Designed for gradual destruction
memorable adj
forefather n
An ancestor
freshness n
The state, quality, or degree of being fresh
midwife n
A woman who makes a business of assisting at childbirth
pungency n
The quality of affecting the sense of smell
anthropology n
The science of man in general
bosom n
The breast or the upper front of the thorax of a human being, especially of awoman
polysyllable adj
Having several syllables, especially more than three syllables
outlast v
To last longer than
productive adj
Yielding in abundance
reassure v
To give new confidence
absorb v
To drink in or suck up, as a sponge absorbs water
allay v
To calm the violence or reduce the intensity of; mitigate
temporal adj
Pertaining to or concerned with the affairs of the present life
adulterant n
An adulterating substance
causal adj
Indicating or expressing a cause
surfeit v
To feed to fullness or to satiety
likely adj
junction n
The condition of being joined
determination n
The act of deciding
specious adj
intercession n
Entreaty in behalf of others
redundant adj
Constituting an excess
ordeal n
Anything that severely tests courage, strength, patience, conscience, etc
immersion n
The act of plunging or dipping entirely under water or another fluid
maintain v
To hold or preserve in any particular state or condition
photometry n
The art of measuring the intensity of light
onrush n
martial adj
Pertaining to war or military operations
precipitant adj
Moving onward quickly and heedlessly
factious adj
aversion n
A mental condition of fixed opposition to or dislike of some particular thing.
overproduction n
Excessive production
utmost n
The greatest possible extent
militarism n
A policy of maintaining great standing armies
deponent adj
Laying down
balsam n
A medical preparation, aromatic and oily, used for healing
unfavorable adj
ingenuous adj
Candid, frank, or open in character or quality
coniferous adj
Cone-bearing trees
inapprehensible adj
Not to be understood
necrosis n
the death of part of the body
unction n
The art of anointing as with oil
fastidious adj
Hard to please
redoubtable adj
dissect v
To cut apart or to pieces
inexpressible adj
cycloid adj
Like a circle
appraise v
To estimate the money value of
altruist n
One who advocates or practices altruism
atrocity n
Great cruelty or reckless wickedness
innovate v
To introduce or strive to introduce new things
belittle v
To disparage
inoffensive adj
Causing nothing displeasing or disturbing
skeptic n
One who doubts any statements
inexperience n
Lack of or deficiency in experience
accursed adj
Doomed to evil, misery, or misfortune
amply adv
carcass n
The dead body of an animal
sapid adj
Affecting the sense of taste
anonymous adj
Of unknown authorship
sacrificial adj
Offering or offered as an atonement for sin
deciduous adj
Falling off at maturity as petals after flowering, fruit when ripe, etc
intermittent adj
A temporary discontinuance
vendible adj
buoyant adj
Having the power or tendency to float or keep afloat
conductible adj
Capable of being conducted or transmitted
submission n
A yielding to the power or authority of another
rebuff n
A peremptory or unexpected rejection of advances or approaches
facetious adj
incapacity n
Want of power to apprehend, understand, and manage
inarticulate adj
homologous adj
Identical in nature, make-up, or relation
testimonial n
A formal token of regard, often presented in public
scabbard n
The sheath of a sword or similar bladed weapon
enthrall v
To bring or hold under any overmastering influence
iniquity n
Gross wrong or injustice
vegetate v
To live in a monotonous, passive way without exercise of the mental faculties.
excess n
That which passes the ordinary, proper, or required limit, measure, orexperience
deduce v
To derive or draw as a conclusion by reasoning from given premises orprinciples
grindstone n
A flat circular stone, used for sharpening tools
proportionate adj
Being in proportion
inscrutable adj
Impenetrably mysterious or profound
minimize v
To reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree
existence n
Possession or continuance of being
physiology n
The science of organic functions
valedictory n
A parting address
frontier n
The part of a nation’s territory that abuts upon another country
colloquialism n
Form of speech used only or chiefly in conversation
dissonant adj
Harsh or disagreeable in sound
prostrate adj
Lying prone, or with the head to the ground
anatomy n
That branch of morphology which treats of the structure of organisms
distend v
To stretch out or expand in every direction
appease v
To soothe by quieting anger or indignation
aver v
To assert as a fact
Occident n
The countries lying west of Asia and the Turkish dominions
declension n
The change of endings in nouns and adjto express their different relationsof gender
predominant adj
Superior in power, influence, effectiveness, number, or degree
abridge v
To make shorter in words, keeping the essential features, leaning out minorparticles
epithet n
Word used adjectivally to describe some quality or attribute of is objects, asin “Father Aeneas”.
misbehavior n
Ill or improper behavior
Christendom n
That part of the world where Christianity is generally professed
kiln n
An oven or furnace for baking, burning, or drying industrial products
magnetize v
To make a magnet of, permanently, or temporarily
salience n
The condition of standing out distinctly
petrify v
To convert into a substance of stony hardness and character
reck v
To have a care or thought for
vista n
A view or prospect
deprave v
To render bad, especially morally bad
uproot v
To eradicate
pitiable adj
detriment n
Something that causes damage, depreciation, or loss
antagonism n
Mutual opposition or resistance of counteracting forces, principles, orpersons
insurrection n
The state of being in active resistance to authority
necessity n
That which is indispensably requisite to an end desired
lien n
A legal claim or hold on property, as security for a debt or charge
meretricious adj
Alluring by false or gaudy show
slothful adj
ponderous adj
Unusually weighty or forcible
leisure n
Spare time
jurisprudence n
The science of rights in accordance with positive law
vortex n
A mass of rotating or whirling fluid, especially when sucked spirally toward thecenter.
priggish adj
aerial adj
Of, pertaining to, or like the air
fortitude n
Patient courage
emulate v
To imitate with intent to equal or surpass
gratify v
To please, as by satisfying a physical or mental desire or need
technology n
The knowledge relating to industries and manufactures
despite prep
In spite of
terminate v
To put an end or stop to
prodigal n
One wasteful or extravagant, especially in the use of money or property
decipher v
To find out the true words or meaning of, as something hardly legible
operetta n
A humorous play in dialogue and music, of more than one act
retort n
A retaliatory speech
man-trap n
A place or structure dangerous to human life
offshoot n
Something that branches off from the parent stock
adversity n
dissolve v
To liquefy or soften, as by heat or moisture
superintend v
To have the charge and direction of, especially of some work or movement
bibliography n
A list of the words of an author, or the literature bearing on aparticular subject
deference n
Respectful submission or yielding, as to another’s opinion, wishes, orjudgment
iridescent adj
Exhibiting changing rainbow-colors due to the interference of the light
sarcophagus n
A stone coffin or a chest-like tomb
expressive adj
Full of meaning
tremendous adj
polygamy n
the fact or condition of having more than one wife or husband at once
olfactory adj
of or pertaining to the sense of smell
foreigner n
A citizen of a foreign country
preengage v
To preoccupy
statuesque adj
Having the grace, pose, or quietude of a statue
cipher v
To calculate arithmetically(also a noun meaning zero or nothing)
divulge v
To tell or make known, as something previously private or secret
skiff n
Usually, a small light boat propelled by oars
dissection n
The act or operation of cutting in pieces, specifically of a plant or ananimal
convertible adj
sustenance n
diagnose v
To distinguish, as a disease, by its characteristic phenomena
brae n
inverse adj
Contrary in tendency or direction
junta n
A council or assembly that deliberates in secret upon the affairs of government
militate v
To have weight or influence (in determining a question)
pusillanimous adj
Without spirit or bravery
surrogate n
One who or that which is substituted for or appointed to act in place ofanother
pentagram n
A figure having five points or lobes
irresistible adj
That can not be successfully withstood or opposed
gossamer adj
repute v
To hold in general opinion
empower v
To delegate authority to
cynosure n
That to which general interest or attention is directed
enthusiastic adj
Full of zeal and fervor
symphonious adj
Marked by a harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds
forebode v
To be an omen or warning sign of, especially of evil
Elizabethan adj
Relating to Elizabeth, queen of England, or to her era
incoherent adj
Not logically coordinated, as to parts, elements, or details
petulant adj
Displaying impatience
illusive adj
inactive adj
supple adj
Easily bent
legislative adj
That makes or enacts laws
retrieve v
To recover something by searching
futile adj
Of no avail or effect
brigade n
A body of troops consisting of two or more regiments
suffrage n
The right or privilege of voting
skepticism n
The entertainment of doubt concerning something
hiatus n
A break or vacancy where something necessary to supply the connection iswanting
duckling n
A young duck
insular adj
Pertaining to an island
convene v
To summon or cause to assemble
recourse n
Resort to or application for help in exigency or trouble
discolor v
To stain
canto n
One of the divisions of an extended poem
litigious adj
pretext n
A fictitious reason or motive
apothecary n
One who keeps drugs for sale and puts up prescriptions
expend v
To spend
oblique adj
Slanting; said of lines
compensate v
To remunerate
superadd v
To add in addition to what has been added
ribald adj
Indulging in or manifesting coarse indecency or obscenity
laud v
To praise in words or song
dominance n
collusion n
A secret agreement for a wrongful purpose
penitential adj
Pertaining to sorrow for sin with desire to amend and to atone
piece n
A loose or separated part, as distinguished from the whole or the mass
disservice n
An ill turn
occasion n
An important event or celebration
trio n
Three things grouped or associated together
heredity n
Transmission of physical or mental qualities, diseases, etc., from parent tooffspring
compressible adj
Capable of being pressed into smaller compass
rejuvenate v
To restore to youth
oral adj
Uttered through the mouth
unbearable adj
confederacy n
A number of states or persons in compact or league with each other, as formutual aid
surround v
To encircle
fray v
To fret at the edge so as to loosen or break the threads
controller n
One who or that which regulates or directs
principality n
The territory of a reigning prince
intensive adj
Adding emphasis or force
adulterate v
To make impure by the admixture of other or baser ingredients
equivalent adj
Equal in value, force, meaning, or the like
disciple n
One who believes the teaching of another, or who adopts and follows somedoctrine
fidelity n
requite v
To repay either good or evil to, as to a person
destitute adj
gamble v
To risk money or other possession on an event, chance, or contingency
impudence n
Insolent disrespect
laudation n
High praise
compunction n
Remorseful feeling
astringent adj
Harsh in disposition or character
massive adj
Of considerable bulk and weight
lateral adj
Directed toward the side
component n
A constituent element or part
relevant adj
Bearing upon the matter in hand
tutelage n
The act of training or the state of being under instruction
negligible adj
Transferable by assignment, endorsement, or delivery
metonymy n
A figure of speech that consists in the naming of a thing by one of itsattributes
appall v
To fill with dismay or horror
brittle adj
promissory adj
Expressing an engagement to pay
grantor n
The maker of a deed
sinister adj
gaiety n
narrative n
An orderly continuous account of the successive particulars of an event
crevasse n
A deep crack or fissure in the ice of a glacier
preoccupation n
The state of having the mind, attention, or inclination preoccupied
fluctuation n
Frequent irregular change back and forth from one state or degree toanother
centurion n
A captain of a company of one hundred infantry in the ancient Roman army
ligature n
Anything that constricts, or serves for binding or tying
defraud v
To deprive of something dishonestly
contravene v
To prevent or obstruct the operation of
latency n
The state of being dormant
unbiased adj
Impartial, as judgment
extempore adv
Without studied or special preparation
dissemble v
To hide by pretending something different
precocious adj
Having the mental faculties prematurely developed
effusion n
an outpouring
metropolis n
A chief city, either the capital or the largest or most important city of astate
decimate v
To destroy a measurable or large proportion of
eject v
To expel
sacrilegious adj
irate adj
Moved to anger
disappoint v
To fail to fulfill the expectation, hope, wish, or desire of
excretion n
The getting rid of waste matter
impracticable adj
Not feasible
readjust v
To put in order after disarrangement
lifetime n
The time that life continues
guess n
umbrage n
A sense of injury