2000_words Flashcards
insignificant adj
Without importance, force, or influence
stringency n
ichthyic adj
species n
A classificatory group of animals or plants subordinate to a genus
infest v
To be present in such numbers as to be a source of annoyance, trouble, ordanger
trait n
A distinguishing feature or quality
forgery n
semblance n
Outward appearance
corpulent adj
enfranchise v
To endow with a privilege, especially with the right to vote
precede v
To happen first
paramount adj
Supreme in authority
transient n
One who or that which is only of temporary existence
assent v
To express agreement with a statement or matter of opinion
sensuous adj
Having a warm appreciation of the beautiful or of the refinements of luxury.
nauseous adj
exaggerate v
To overstate
temerity n
abstruse adj
Dealing with matters difficult to be understood
imaginable adj
That can be imagined or conceived in the mind
concussion n
A violent shock to some organ by a fall or a sudden blow
nucleus n
A central point or part about which matter is aggregated
cudgel n
A short thick stick used as a club
Briticism n
A word, idiom, or phrase characteristic of Great Britain or the British
committal n
The act, fact, or result of committing, or the state of being
incitement n
That which moves to action, or serves as an incentive or stimulus
vagabond n
A wanderer
eulogy n
A spoken or written laudation of a person’s life or character
vale n
Level or low land between hills
progression n
A moving forward or proceeding in course
curator n
A person having charge as of a library or museum
ampere n
The practical unit of electric-current strength
sacrifice v
To make an offering of to deity, especially by presenting on an altar
reflection n
The throwing off or back of light, heat, sound, or any form of energy thattravels in waves
generality n
The principal portion
periodicity n
The habit or characteristic of recurrence at regular intervals
incapacitate v
To deprive of power, capacity, competency, or qualification
poignancy n
Severity or acuteness, especially of pain or grief
imperturbable adj
inundate v
To fill with an overflowing abundance
sensual adj
Pertaining to the body or the physical senses
convulsion n
A violent and abnormal muscular contraction of the body
doubly adv
In twofold degree or extent
antitoxin n
A substance which neutralizes the poisonous products of micro-organisms
spinster n
A woman who has never been married
Catholicism n
The system, doctrine, and practice of the Roman Catholic Church
navigate v
To traverse by ship
dissertation n
disjunctive adj
Helping or serving to disconnect or separate
nude adj
juridical adj
Assumed by law to exist
proscenium n
That part of the stage between the curtain and the orchestra
radix n
That from or on which something is developed
antiquate v
To make old or out of date
extant adj
Still existing and known
florid adj
Flushed with red
insurgence n
prefix v
To attach at the beginning
resuscitate v
To restore from apparent death
collapse v
To cause to shrink, fall in, or fail
anesthetic adj
Pertaining to or producing loss of sensation
transcontinental adj
Extending or passing across a continent
cadence n
Rhythmical or measured flow or movement, as in poetry or the time and pace ofmarching troops
bibulous adj
Fond of drinking
condolence n
Expression of sympathy with a person in pain, sorrow, or misfortune
modify v
To make somewhat different
festal adj
obstinacy n
Stubborn adherence to opinion, arising from conceit or the desire to haveone’s own way
gosling n
A young goose
devout adj
grandeur n
The quality of being grand or admirably great
oaken adj
Made of or from oak
callosity n
The state of being hard and insensible
caption n
A heading, as of a chapter, section, document, etc
ineligible adj
Not suitable to be selected or chosen
agile adj
Able to move or act quickly, physically, or mentally
parliament n
A legislative body
municipal adj
Of or pertaining to a town or city, or to its corporate or localgovernment
regnant adj
Exercising royal authority in one’s own right
originate v
To cause or constitute the beginning or first stage of the existence of
Calvinize v
To teach or imbue with the doctrines of Calvinism
extinct adj
Being no longer in existence
separatist n
A seceder
aurora n
A luminous phenomenon in the upper regions of the atmosphere
cholera n
An acute epidemic disease
sumptuous adj
Rich and costly
anteroom n
A room situated before and opening into another, usually larger
municipality n
A district enjoying municipal government
cosmos n
The world or universe considered as a system, perfect in order and arrangement
frizz v
To give a crinkled, fluffy appearance to
promenade v
To walk for amusement or exercise
numeration n
The act or art of reading or naming numbers
cognizant adj
Taking notice
conspirator n
One who agrees with others to cooperate in accomplishing some unlawfulpurpose
garrote v
To execute by strangling
illimitable adj
decapod adj
Ten-footed or ten-armed
paronymous adj
Derived from the same root or primitive word
machinist n
One who makes or repairs machines, or uses metal-working tools
homage n
Reverential regard or worship
poetic adj
Pertaining to poetry
indigenous adj
symmetrical adj
paralyze v
To deprive of the power to act
antecede v
To precede
educe v
To draw out
album n
A book whose leaves are so made to form paper frames for holding photographs orthe like
antemundane adj
Pertaining to time before the world’s creation
declarative adj
Containing a formal, positive, or explicit statement or affirmation
resistive adj
Having or exercising the power of resistance
undulous adj
Resembling waves
seclude v
To place, keep, or withdraw from the companionship of others
lingo n
mediate v
To effect by negotiating as an agent between parties
repellent adj
Having power to force back in a manner, physically or mentally
agrarian adj
Pertaining to land, especially agricultural land
impolitic adj
promulgate v
To proclaim
subtend v
To extend opposite to
scarcity n
Insufficiency of supply for needs or ordinary demands
intellectual adj
Characterized by intelligence
afire adv
& adjOn fire, literally or figuratively
valid adj
Founded on truth
moralize v
To render virtuous
presentment n
surcharge n
An additional amount charged
demonstrator n
One who proves in a convincing and conclusive manner
insipid adj
outweigh v
To surpass in importance or excellence
superlative n
That which is of the highest possible excellence or eminence
affect v
To act upon
scintilla n
The faintest ray
vendor n
A seller
sisterhood n
A body of sisters united by some bond of sympathy or by a religious vow
refute v
To prove to be wrong
synonym n
A word having the same or almost the same meaning as some other
intracellular adj
Occurring or situated within a cell
habitant n
prototype n
A work, original in character, afterward imitated in form or spirit
Pan-American adj
Including or pertaining to the whole of America, both North and South
mobocracy n
Lawless control of public affairs by the mob or populace
Stoicism n
The principles or the practice of the Stoics-being very even tempered insuccess and failure
scholastic adj
Pertaining to education or schools
provident adj
Anticipating and making ready for future wants or emergencies
colleague n
An associate in professional employment
indefinitely adv
In a vague or uncertain way
separate v
To take apart
foppery n
spontaneous adj
Arising from inherent qualities or tendencies without external efficientcause
panic n
A sudden, unreasonable, overpowering fear
biograph n
A bibliographical sketch or notice
urban adj
Of, or pertaining to, or like a city
self-respect n
Rational self-esteem
sophisticate v
To deprive of simplicity of mind or manner
presentiment n
flux n
A state of constant movement, change, or renewal
synopsis n
A syllabus or summary
ascendant adj
depopulate v
To remove the inhabitants from
incident n
A happening in general, especially one of little importance
pretentious adj
Marked by pretense, conceit, or display
insistent adj
retroactive adj
Operative on, affecting, or having reference to past events,transactions, responsibilities
ensnare v
To entrap
prescription n
An authoritative direction
discomfort n
The state of being positively uncomfortable
ingenious adj
Evincing skill, originality, or cleverness, as in contrivance orarrangement
ponder v
To meditate or reflect upon
competent adj
interrogative adj
Having the nature or form of a question
mandatory adj
Expressive of positive command, as distinguished from merely directory
bailiff n
An officer of court having custody of prisoners under arraignment
gusto n
Keen enjoyment
ampersand n
The character &; and
trident n
The three-pronged fork that was the emblem of Neptune
effect n
A consequence
solecism n
Any violation of established rules or customs
aggression n
An unprovoked attack
discernible adj
submerge v
To place or plunge under water
avert v
To turn away or aside
liquefacient adj
Possessing a liquefying nature or power
docile adj
Easy to manage
unnecessary adj
Not essential under the circumstances
ichthyology n
The branch of zoology that treats of fishes
loot v
To plunder
prosody n
The science of poetical forms
variegate v
To mark with different shades or colors
tactics n
Any maneuvering or adroit management for effecting an object
distensible adj
Capable of being stretched out or expanded in every direction
reciprocate v
To give and take mutually
sinus n
An opening or cavity
desperado n
One without regard for law or life
enmity n
vignette n
A picture having a background or that is shaded off gradually
gradient adj
Moving or advancing by steps
brevity n
Shortness of duration
complacent adj
Pleased or satisfied with oneself
continuation n
ultramontane adj
Beyond the mountains, especially beyond the Alps (that is, on theirItalian side)
prejudice n
A judgment or opinion formed without due examination of the facts
archbishop n
The chief of the bishops of an ecclesiastical province in the Greek, Roman,and Anglican church.
foppish adj
Characteristic of one who is unduly devoted to dress and the niceties ofmanners
resistant adj
Offering or tending to produce resistance
workmanlike adj
Like or befitting a skilled workman
confide v
To reveal in trust or confidence
peripatetic adj
Walking about
frankincense n
A gum or resin which on burning yields aromatic fumes
gregarious adj
Not habitually solitary or living alone
reconcilable adj
Capable of being adjusted or harmonized
estimable adj
Worthy of respect
antislavery adj
Opposed to human slavery
brigand n
One who lives by robbery and plunder
glutinous adj
invoke v
To call on for assistance or protection
extravagance n
Undue expenditure of money
recreate v
To refresh after labor
shrinkage n
A contraction of any material into less bulk or dimension
morale n
A state of mind with reference to confidence, courage, zeal, and the like
summary n
An abstract
pagan n
A worshiper of false gods
abstemious adj
Characterized by self denial or abstinence, as in the use of drink, food
unsophisticated adj
Showing inexperience
indicator n
One who or that which points out
evangelist n
A preacher who goes from place to place holding services
crusade n
Any concerted movement, vigorously prosecuted, in behalf of an idea orprinciple
autarchy n
Unrestricted power
magnet n
A body possessing that peculiar form of polarity found in nature in thelodestone
functionary n
An official
anarchy n
Absence or utter disregard of government
lowly adv
endurable adj
fluent adj
Having a ready or easy flow of words or ideas
innocuous adj
successful adj
Having reached a high degree of worldly prosperity
stagnant adj
Not flowing: said of water, as in a pool
dissever v
To divide
perform v
To accomplish
sedition n
Conduct directed against public order and the tranquillity of the state
sordid adj
Of degraded character or nature
grenadier n
A member of a regiment composed of men of great stature
sensitive adj
Easily affected by outside operations or influences
stellar adj
Pertaining to the stars
gamester n
A gambler
sirocco n
hot winds from Africa
aloof adv
Not in sympathy with or desiring to associate with others
hideous adj
impend v
To be imminent
accessible adj
overseer n
A supervisor
animalcule n
An animal of microscopic smallness
infusion n
The act of imbuing, or pouring in
recrudescent adj
Becoming raw or sore again
anode n
The point where or path by which a voltaic current enters an electrolyte or thelike
fracture n
A break
notorious adj
Unfavorably known to the general public
socialism n
A theory of civil polity that aims to secure the reconstruction of society
patriarch n
The chief of a tribe or race who rules by paternal right
irrigant adj
Serving to water lands by artificial means
tarnish v
To lessen or destroy the luster of in any way
keepsake n
Anything kept or given to be kept for the sake of the giver
lawmaker n
A legislator
discountenance v
To look upon with disfavor
contender n
One who exerts oneself in opposition or rivalry
penchant n
A bias in favor of something
exuberant adj
Marked by great plentifulness
eulogize v
To speak or write a laudation of a person’s life or character
efficacy n
The power to produce an intended effect as shown in the production of it
alchemy n
Chemistry of the middle ages, characterized by the pursuit of changing basemetals to gold
corpse n
A dead body
unlawful adj
reducible adj
That may be reduced
heresy n
An opinion or doctrine subversive of settled beliefs or accepted principles
palatial adj
derision n
sophistical adj
consternation n
lunar adj
Pertaining to the moon
albino n
A person with milky white skin and hair, and eyes with bright red pupil andusually pink iris
affirmative adj
Answering yes; to a question at issue
immaculate adj
Without spot or blemish
arrogant adj
Unduly or excessively proud, as of wealth, station, learning, etc
regenerate v
To reproduce
manufacturer n
A person engaged in manufacturing as a business
protuberate v
To swell or bulge beyond the surrounding surface
betrothal n
Engagement to marry
eligible adj
Qualified for selection
mockery n
mesmerize v
To hypnotize
declamatory adj
A full and formal style of utterance
prophecy n
Any prediction or foretelling
fledgling n
A young bird
expostulate v
To discuss
brigadier n
General officer who commands a brigade, ranking between a colonel and amajor-general
bountiful adj
Showing abundance
foreordain v
To predetermine
adjunct n
Something joined to or connected with another thing, but holding a subordinateplace
tirade n
consanguineous adj
Descended from the same parent or ancestor
moccasin n
A foot-covering made of soft leather or buckskin
rendition n
compulsion n
souvenir n
A token of remembrance
enlist v
To enter voluntarily the military service by formal enrollment
intervene v
To interfere for some end
reparable adj
Capable of repair
aggrieve v
To give grief or sorrow to
necromancer n
One who practices the art of foretelling the future by means ofcommunication with the dead
peddler n
One who travels from house to house with an assortment of goods for retail
retrospect n
A view or contemplation of something past
remonstrate v
To present a verbal or written protest to those who have power to right orprevent a wrong
apposition n
The act of placing side by side, together, or in contact
vociferate v
To utter with a loud and vehement voice
provincial adj
Uncultured in thought and manner
imperative adj
distemper n
A disease or malady
brokerage n
The business of making sales and purchases for a commission; a broker
counterbalance v
To oppose with an equal force
armory n
An arsenal
posit v
To present in an orderly manner
prominent adj
Conspicuous in position, character, or importance
fraudulent adj
emphasis n
Any special impressiveness added to an utterance or act, or stress laid uponsome word
assiduous adj
quiet adj
Making no noise
replenish v
To fill again, as something that has been emptied
azalea n
A flowering shrub
antediluvian adj
Of or pertaining to the times, things, events before the great flood inthe days of Noah.
admonish v
To warn of a fault
supramundane adj
foursome adj
Consisting of four
alcove n
A covered recess connected with or at the side of a larger room
palpable n
perceptible by feeling or touch
ordination n
A consecration to the ministry
insentient adj
Lacking the power of feeling or perceiving
lithotype n
In engraving, an etched stone surface for printing
counting-house n
A house or office used for transacting business, bookkeeping,correspondence, etc
unconscionable adj
Ridiculously or unjustly excessive
disobedience n
Neglect or refusal to comply with an authoritative injunction
submittal n
The act of submitting
fervid adj
indulgent adj
Yielding to the desires or humor of oneself or those under one’s care
anxious adj
Distressed in mind respecting some uncertain matter
vainglory n
Excessive, pretentious, and demonstrative vanity
impartial adj
Parisian adj
Of or pertaining to the city of Paris
winsome adj
metric adj
Relating to measurement
confiscate v
To appropriate (private property) as forfeited to the public use ortreasury
valediction n
A bidding farewell
violoncello n
A stringed instrument held between the player’s knees
influx n
instigate v
To provoke
ferocious adj
Of a wild, fierce, and savage nature
profile n
An outline or contour
suave adj
Smooth and pleasant in manner
perspective n
The relative importance of facts or matters from any special point of view.
itinerant adj
perhaps adv
ramify v
To divide or subdivide into branches or subdivisions
distrainor n
One who subjects a person to distress
psychopathic adj
Morally irresponsible
grantee n
The person to whom property is transferred by deed
choleric adj
Easily provoked to anger
concerto n
A musical composition
eccentric adj
overthrow v
To vanquish an established ruler or government
sluggard n
A person habitually lazy or idle
sentience n
Capacity for sensation or sense-perception
anthropomorphous adj
Having or resembling human form
severance n
sibilance n
A hissing sound
inquisitor n
One who makes an investigation
coalition n
Combination in a body or mass
pharmacy n
The art or business of compounding and dispensing medicines
foresail n
A square sail
aerostatics n
The branch of pneumatics that treats of the equilibrium, pressure, andmechanical properties
maleficent adj
voluptuous adj
having fullness of beautiful form, as a woman, with or without sensuous orsensual quality
philharmonic adj
Fond of music
lea n
A field
immeasurable adj
Indefinitely extensive
hospitable adj
Disposed to treat strangers or guests with generous kindness
boisterous adj
Unchecked merriment or animal spirits
garrison n
The military force stationed in a fort, town, or other place for its defense
incipience n
foggy adj
unctuous adj
rein n
A step attached to the bit for controlling a horse or other draft-animal
prevaricate v
To use ambiguous or evasive language for the purpose of deceiving ordiverting attention
glimpse n
A momentary look
soluble adj
Capable of being dissolved, as in a fluid
vacillate v
To waver
plenary adj
actuality n
Any reality
extricate v
congeal v
To coagulate
joggle n
A sudden irregular shake or a push causing such a shake
locomotion n
The act or power of moving from one place to another
retch v
To make an effort to vomit
bolero n
A Spanish dance, illustrative of the passion of love, accompanied by caste netsand singing
remonstrant adj
Having the character of a reproof
sorcery n
enervate v
To render ineffective or inoperative
digraph n
A union of two characters representing a single sound
ire n
odium n
A feeling of extreme repugnance, or of dislike and disgust
emergence n
A coming into view
chasm n
A yawning hollow, as in the earth’s surface
autumnal adj
Of or pertaining to autumn
percolator n
A filter
by-law n
A rule or law adopted by an association, a corporation, or the like
rebellious adj
indivisible adj
Not separable into parts
forecast v
To predict
forte n
A strong point
voracious adj
Eating with greediness or in very large quantities
countercharge v
To accuse in return
famish v
To suffer extremity of hunger or thirst
deportment n
cadaverous adj
Resembling a corpse
muleteer n
A mule-driver
concordance n
impatience n
Unwillingness to brook delays or wait the natural course of things
debase v
To lower in character or virtue
divest v
To strip, specifically of clothes, ornaments, or accouterments or disinvestment.
minutia n
A small or unimportant particular or detail
antispasmodic adj
Tending to prevent or relieve non-inflammatory spasmodic affections
reciprocal adj
Mutually interchangeable or convertible
sufferance n
partisan adj
Characterized by or exhibiting undue or unreasoning devotion to a party
blithesome adj
procrastinate v
To put off till tomorrow or till a future time
furlong n
A measure, one-eighth of a mile
emigrant n
One who moves from one place to settle in another
rapt adj
unavoidable adj
swarthy adj
Having a dark hue, especially a dark or sunburned complexion
obstruct v
To fill with impediments so as to prevent passage, either wholly or in part
frivolity n
A trifling act, thought, saying, or practice
candor n
The quality of frankness or outspokenness
perjure v
To swear falsely to
dogma n
A statement of religious faith or duty formulated by a body claiming authority
parallel v
To cause to correspond or lie in the same direction and equidistant in allparts
inimical adj
elusion n
fete n
A festival or feast
generic adj
Noting a genus or kind; opposed to specific
depression n
A falling of the spirits
vicarious adj
Suffered or done in place of or for the sake of another
free trade n
Commerce unrestricted by tariff or customs
opinion n
A conclusion or judgment held with confidence, but falling short of positiveknowledge
encyclopedia n
A work containing information on subjects, or exhaustive of one subject
epitome n
A simplified representation
glorious adj
Of excellence and splendor
becalm v
To make quiet
writing n
The act or art of tracing or inscribing on a surface letters or ideographs
wretchedness n
Extreme misery or unhappiness
thoroughfare n
A public street or road
batten n
A narrow strip of wood
supernatural adj
Caused miraculously or by the immediate exercise of divine power
impel v
To drive or urge forward
sociable adj
Inclined to seek company
solicitude n
Uneasiness of mind occasioned by desire, anxiety, or fear
economize v
To spend sparingly
ogre n
A demon or monster that was supposed to devour human beings
aristocrat n
A hereditary noble or one nearly connected with nobility
virile adj
preternatural adj
legging n
A covering for the leg
aggregate n
The entire number, sum, mass, or quantity of something
vernal adj
Belonging to or suggestive of the spring
macrocosm n
The whole of any sphere or department of nature or knowledge to which man isrelated
immiscible adj
Separating, as oil and water
utilitarianism n
The ethical doctrine that actions are right because they are useful orof beneficial tendency.
anterior adj
missive n
A message in writing
reformer n
One who carries out a reform
breech n
The buttocks
absorption n
The act or process of absorbing
revoke v
To rescind
mimic v
To imitate the speech or actions of
oversee v
To superintend
colossus n
Any strikingly great person or object
futurist n
A person of expectant temperament
inflammable adj
Easily set on fire or excited
rapacious adj
Disposed to seize by violence or by unlawful or greedy methods
domesticity n
Life in or fondness for one’s home and family
anagram n
The letters of a word or phrase so transposed as to make a different word orphrase
contribution n
The act of giving for a common purpose
consolidate v
To combine into one body or system
collaborate v
To labor or cooperate with another or others, especially in literary orscientific pursuits
misnomer n
A name wrongly or mistakenly applied
handwriting n
ignoble adj
Low in character or purpose
emaciate v
To waste away in flesh
odious adj
elude v
To evade the search or pursuit of by dexterity or artifice
inefficiency n
That which does not accomplish an intended purpose
continuous adj
Connected, extended, or prolonged without separation or interruption ofsequence