3. Storage and Service of Wine Flashcards
At what temperature and in what condition should wine be stored long-term?
- Cool and constant temperature
- Ideally between 10 and 15 degrees C
- Cork: on its side
- Screw cap: can be stored standing up
- Away from strong light
- Away from vibrations
Why shouldn’t you store wine in the refrigerator long-term?
- Can cause corks to harden and lose their elasticity; air attacked the wine causing it to become stale
- Sparkling wine loses its fizz
At what temperature should you serve medium/full-bodied, oaked white wines?
Lightly chilled (10-13 degrees C)
At what temperature should you serve light/medium-bodied white wines?
Chilled (7-10 degrees C)
At what temperature should you serve sparkling wines?
Well Chilled (6-10 degrees C)
At what temperature should you serve sweet wines?
Chilled (6-8 degrees C)
At what temperature should you serve light-bodied red wines?
Light Chilled (13 degrees C)
At what temperature should you serve medium/full-bodied red wines?
Room Temperature (15-18 degrees C)
How do red wines that are too cold taste?
Thin and harsh
What is the best way to warm a bottle of wine?
The gentlest way is to allow the bottle to warm up slowly or by holding the bowl of the glass in your hands.
How do red wines that are too warm taste?
Lost freshness, muddled flavors
How should you fill an ice bucket?
Fill 3/4 of the way with equal quantities of water and ice.
What happens to over-chilled wines?
Flavors are masked
In what type of glassware should red wine be served?
Larger-sized glasses to allow air to come into contact with a large wine surface - better aromas and flavors
In what type of glassware should white and rose wine be served?
Medium-sized glasses so that the fresh, fruit characteristics are gathered and directed toward the top of the glass.
In what type of glassware should sparkling wine be served?
Flute glasses that enhance the effect of the bubbles (and thus the wine’s aroma), allowing them to travel through a larger volume of wine before bursting at the top of the glass.
In what type of glassware should fortified wine be served?
Small glasses because of their high alcohol content
What are the steps in opening a bottle of still wine?
- Remove the top of the capsule by cutting around it below the lip of the bottle.
- Wipe the neck of the bottle with a clean cloth.
- Draw the cork as gently and cleanly as possible using a corkscrew.
- Give the neck of the bottle a final clean inside and out.
- Pour a sample into a glass to check the wine’s condition.
What wines need to be decanted?
- Wines with a heavy deposit. Sediment is natural and formed during the aging process.
- Young wines that will benefit from aeration.
What are the steps in decanting a bottle of wine?
- Remove the bottle horizontally from its rack an place in decanting basket if available.
- Very gently remove the top of the capsule and clean the shoulder and neck of the bottle. Very gently remove the cork.
- Remove the bottle from the basket being careful not to disturb the deposit. Holding the bottle in front of light, carefully pour the wine into the decanter until the deposit can be seen near the neck.
What are the steps in opening a bottle of sparkling wine?
- Remove the foil and loosen the wire cage
- Hold the cork securely in place once cage is loosened.
- Tilt the bottle at an angle of 30 degrees, gripping the cork, and use the other hand to grip the base of the bottle
- Turn the bottle, not the cork
- Hold the cork steady, resisting its tendency to fly out, ease it slowly out of the bottle
- Gas pressure should be released with a quiet ‘shut’ not an explosion or flying cork
How does one help to reduce the pressure in a sparkling bottle of wine?
Chilling to the correct temperature
How does one store an open bottle of wine? How long will it last?
Replace the closure and store in the refrigerator. It will only last a few days.
What are two methods used to extend a wine’s life and how do they work?
- Vacuum systems - oxygen removed from bottle (unsuitable for sparkling wines)
- Blanket systems - blanket the wine with a gas heavier than oxygen to form a protective layer between the wine and air.