A system designed to increase the probability that each result reported is valid and can be used with confidence by the physician
Refers to activities that evaluate, monitor or regulate services
Quality control
Quality assurance
Quality assessment
Quality systems
Running control samples
Control charts
Quality control statistics
refers to the planned and systematic activities implemented in a quality system so that quality requirements for a product or service will be fulfilled . It is the systematic measurement,
comparison with a standard, monitoring of processes and an associated feedback loop that confers error prevention.
Quality assurance
A system for monitoring and evaluating all the various aspects of a service
A set of activities designed to ensure that processes are adequate to meet testing objectives
Quality Assurance plan
Customer satisfaction survey
Sample adequacy and collection data
Turn around time
refers to all of the laboratory’s policies, processes, procedures, and
resources needed to achieve quality testing
QUALITY systems
is a means to determine the quality of the results generated by the laboratory.
is a challenge to the effectiveness of the QA and QC programs
Quality Assessment
QC Assessment types
External QC
Internal QC
Stages of Quality Assurance
- 1: Pre Analytical
- 2: Analytical
- 3: Post Analytical
QC refers to the measures that must be included during each assay run to verify that the test is working
Quality Control
Process or system for monitoring the quality of laboratory testing, and the accuracy and precision of results
Quality Control
The degree of fluctuation in the measurements is indicative of the ___________ of the assay.
The closeness of measurements to the true value is indicative of the __________ of the assay.
There are two types of Quality control
- Internal quality control (IQC)
- External quality control (EQC)
Is based on monitoring the test procedures that are performed in the
laboratory and includes:
Measurement on a specifically prepared materials
Repeated measurement on routine specimens
Daily statistical analysis of data obtained from routine tests.
Internal QC
- Used to verify the accuracy and precision of a test and are exposed to the same conditions as the patient samples
- Documentation of QC includes dating and initialing the material when it is
first opened and recording the manufacturer’s lot number and the
expiration date each time a control is run and the test result is obtained
External QC
- External controls are tested and interpreted in the laboratory by the same person performing the patient testing
External QC
This refers to correct transcription, reporting, recording and storage of specimens
. Post analytical step