(3) Freud Flashcards
What is the The seduction theory?
child sexual abuse seen as origin of neurosis
What is repression?
the act of putting traumatic thoughts and feelings in unconscious
What is the role of the unconscious?
Can’t deal with issues day to day, pushes down into unconscious to deal with daily life, trauma and pain
What did Freud suggest mainfestation in dreams meant?
able to recall dreams, surface level
What did Freud suggest latent content in dreams meant?
the actual meaning behind a dream
What is the libido?
Children born with a fixed amount of mental energy
What is the Thanatos?
the death instinct
What are the fixations at the oral stage?
eating disorder, smoking or alcoholism
What are the fixations at the anal stage?
stingy, obsessive-compulsive (anally retentive) or totally disorganised (anally expulsive)
What are the fixations at the phallic stage?
problems maintaining long term stable relationships
When does the oedipus complex occur?
The phallic stage
What is the female version of the oedipus complex?
The electra complex
What are the fixations at the latency stage?
non- acquisition of self-confidence and self-esteem needed for social interaction
Freud believed at what age is an adult personality formed?
5 years
What is the id?
pleasure principle, primary process thinking – irrational thinking, avoid hunger and pain