3 - Ethics, Legal & Regulations Flashcards
The standard of care presently used in phlebotomy malpractice legal cases involving health care providers is based on the conduct of the average phlebotomist in what area?
national community
When a phlebotomist gives aid during an emergency, he or she is usually protected through what?
implied consent
What is the failure to act or perform duties according to the standard of care for phlebotomy?
_____________The federal law enacted that regulates the quality and accuracy of laboratory testing (including phlebotomy procedures) by creating a uniform set of provisions governing all clinical laboratories
__________ legal concept refers to the voluntary permission by a patient to allow touching, examination, and/or treatment by health care providers.
Informed Consent
_____ agency administers CLIA
“The thing speaks for itself” is:
res ipsa loquitur
The branch of government writes laws that are called statutes?
Which of the following has recognized rights for patients in health care organizations through “The Patient Care Partnership”?
What is the best example of setting the standard of care for blood collection?
The Joint Commission
A phlebotomist who routinely collects blood specimens from homebound patients should obtain information on the state’s law regarding:
patient’s confidentiality and HIV status
_____________A consent document to collect blood for research purposes from patients is established
IRBs at institutions
__________The legal term for improper or unskillful care of a patient by a member of the health care team, or any professional misconduct or unreasonable lack of skill
A plaintiff can sue for damages under what law?
For health care providers, liability insurance
Can sometimes be found at a reduced rate with organizations
_______ The health care worker or institution against whom the action or lawsuit is filed
What may Supervisors be held liable for the negligent actions of their employees under?
respondeat superior
_______The general term for criminal offenses not serious enough to be classified as felonies.
Who regulates the use of electronic transfer of patients’ information?
The statute of _______ defines how soon after a negligent act that the plaintiff must file the lawsuit or be forever barred from doing so.
______ _______ occurs when the patient’s nonverbal behavior indicates agreement.
Implied consent
What is assault?
Assault is an unjustifiable attempt to touch another person.
What regulates blood collection for research?
The National Research Act
What is negligence?
Negligence is a violation of a duty to exercise reasonable skill and care in performing a task.
What is a consent document to collect blood for research purposes from patients?
IRBs at institutions