3: DNA and RNA Extraction (PRELIMS) lec based Flashcards
a procedure used to isolate DNA from the nucleus of cells from other cellular components
DNA Extraction
two main methods of cell lysis in DNA purification
physical and chemical methods
What is the purpose of DNA extraction
to obtain DNA in a relatively purified from that can be used for further investigations
T or F
DNA can only be isolated from a living organism
F (living or dead organism)
use this card to familiarize yourself with sources of DNA
whole blood
buccal swabs
epithelial cells
use this card to familiarize your self with the steps in DNA extraction (or enumerate it if ur a masochist)
- preparation of a cell extract
- purification of DNA from a cell extract
- concentration of DNA samples
- Measurement of purity of the DNA concentration
What is the other term for cell extract preparation
cell lysis
what does EDTA remove to compromise the stability of the cell membrane?
Calcium and Mg ions
what is the main purpose of cell lysis
liberate / expose the DNA
what does the SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) remove to disrupt the cell membrane
lipids of the cell membrane
What method is used to extract DNA from a whole blood sample
Ficoll-directed gradient through centrifugation
Proteinase K
what reagent is used in Ficoll-directed gradient through centrifugation
Ficoll-paque reagent
T or F
In using the Ficoll-Paque reagent, DNA is found at the top most layer after centrifugation
F (at the bottom)
Whole blood
what is proteinase K mixed with for an enzymatic method of DNA extraction
whole blood + Tris EDTA + SDS + MgCl
what is phenol mixed with for DNA extraction in whole blood
whole blood + Tris HCl + phenol + Mg
process for 4 hours
wala na ata mg here (edit)
At what room temperature are Dry blood spots stored at?
room temp or -20 degrees Celsius for prolonged storage
what are the two reagents used to extract DNA from dry blood spots
Chelex-100 and Insta Gene Matrix
at what temperature is the sample with chelex reagent left to incubate in?
100 degrees (boiling)
at what temperature is the sample with InstaGene Matrix left to incubate in ?
56 degrees celsius
how long is the sample with chelex left to incubate
8 mins
how long is the sample with instagene left to incubate
30 mins
Where is the DNA found in both chelex and instagene methods after centrifugation
DNA will be found at the supernatant
what are the two methods of extracting DNA from hair
alkaline lysis method and digestion
For alkaline Lysis Method:
how long is the sample incubating for and at what temperature
95 degrees Celsius for 10 mins
For Alkaline Lysis Method:
what buffer is used
NaOH buffer
What is the reagent used for the digestion method in extracting DNA from hair
Digestion method (DNA extraction from hair)
How long is the sample incubating for and at what temperature
2 hours at 56 degrees celsius
What is the buffer used in DNA extraction for saliva
lysis buffer
lysisbuffer: tris EDTA, SDS, Proteinase K
In DNA extraction from saliva
How long is the sample incubating for and at what temperature
1-3 hours at 56 degrees celsius
What is the reagent used in DNA extraction from urine
lysis buffer
DNA extraction from urine:
what is the first step
DNA extraction from urine:
What do you discard in the second step (after centrifugation)
DNA extraction from urine:
how long do you incubate the sample and at what temperature
15 mins at -20 degrees celsius
DNA extraction from urine:
last step
add lysis buffer
T or F
bacteria and fungi ‘s cell walls must be broken to release the nucleic acid
DNA extraction for microorganisms
What are the reagents used in the chemical method
Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)
DNA extraction for microorganisms
What are the enzymes that may be used
Lysozyme and Lyticase
What are the two methods of DNA extraction for Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-embedded tissue
Glycine in alkaline environment
What is the first step in deparaffinization
use this card to familiarize yourself with the steps in deparaffinization
- De-waxing
- heating
- Application of organic solvents, Microwaving, heating with mineral oil
- Digestion using proteinase K
- purification
how are cell debris and partially digested organelles pelleted to make a reasonably clear supernatant
what are the commonly used procedures for purification of DNA from cell extract
phenol-chloroform extraction / organic extraction
inorganic DNA extraction
minicolumn purification
Use this card to familiarize yourself with organic extraction reagents
cell lysis buffer
Proteinase K
Phenol / chloroform
TE buffer
Organic extraction reagent:
it is non ionic and has detergent salt
cell lysis buffer
Organic extraction reagent:
breaks down polypeptides
proteinase k
Organic extraction reagent:
keeps solution at defined pH
TE buffer
Organic extraction reagent:
precipitates the DNA
These are three reagents that can be used to increase DNA extraction yield after using organic extraction reagents
0.3 M Na acetate in ice cold 100% ethanol
what is used in inorganic DNA extraction
high salt concentration solution
what is the effect of inadequately removed salt in inorganic DNA extraction
banding shifts
inorganic DNA extraction:
how long is the sample incubated with proteinase K / Tris EDTA / SDS and at what temperature
56 degrees Celsius for 1-3 hours
inorganic DNA extraction:
what reagents may be used to wash the DNA sediments
100 % ethanol or isopropanol
Where are the nucleic acids binded to in minicolumn purification
silica beads
minicolumn precipitation:
what extraction method is used
spin column using a silica based extraction method
Enzymes, Reagents, Chemicals:
Degrades single stranded RNA
RNAse (thermofisher)
Enzymes, Reagents, Chemicals:
dissolves RNAse
buffer 1
Enzymes, Reagents, Chemicals:
Lyse gram-negative bacteria cell wall
lysozyme (sigma)
Enzymes, Reagents, Chemicals:
lyse gram-positive bacterial cell wall
achromopeptidase (sigma)
Enzymes, Reagents, Chemicals:
solubilize cell membrane lipids
sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)
Enzymes, Reagents, Chemicals:
digests proteins
Proteinase K (ThermoFisher)
Enzymes, Reagents, Chemicals:
separates DNA from other cellular materials
phenol: chloroform: isoanyl alcohol
Enzymes, Reagents, Chemicals:
precipitates DNA from solution
Enzymes, Reagents, Chemicals:
Dissolves precipitated and dried DNA
What is the most frequently used method in concentrating DNA samples
ethanol precipitation
Concentration of DNA samples:
what can be used to pull out adhering DNA strands in a concentrated solution
glass rod
Concentration of DNA samples:
how can precipitated DNA be collected in dilute solutions
centrifugation and redissolving in water
How is the purity of DNA concentration measured
UV absorbance spectrometry
T or F
the amount of UV radiation absorbed by a solution of DNA is indirectly proportional to the amount of DNA sample
F (directly proportional)
What is the ratio of absorbance of a pure DNA sample at 260 and 280 nm?
(di ko gates yung phrasing pwede po pa explain sakin ehe basta yan ang nasa ppt; 1.8 daw yung ratio of absorbance bb)
Measurement of purity of DNA concentration:
less than 1.8
Measurement of purity of DNA concentration:
more than 1.8
has RNA
T or F
RNA isolation is more sensitive and difficult to isolate than DNA
This is used in all steps of protein synthesis in all living cells and carries the genetic information for many viruses
What complicates RNA isolation
ribonucleases (RNAses)
What are the applications of RNA isolation
northern blot analysis
molecular cloning
in vitro translation
this is a common lab contaminant
What are the three inhibitors of RNAse
DEPC: diethylpyrocarbonate
Vanadyl ribonucleoside complexes
Protein inhibitors of RNAses
Inhibitors of RNAses:
alkylating agent, modifying proteins and nucleic acids
DEPC: diethylpyrocarbonate
Inhibitors of RNAses:
competitive inhibitors of RNAse
Vanadyl ribonucleoside complexes
Inhibitors of RNAses:
horse-shoe shaped, leucine rich protein, found in the cytoplasm of most mammalian tissue
protein inhibitors of RNAses
use this card to familiarize your self with the precautions for working with RNA in the clinical lab
- use RNAse-free tubes and pipet tips
- always wear gloves and work in a hood
- treat liquids with DEPC
- cells or tissues must be rapidly and efficiently disrupted
- Denature of nucleic acid-protein complexes
- RNA selectively partitioned from DNA and protein
T or F
To avoid contaminated solutions / buffers, solutions must be treated with vanadyl ribonucleoside complexes
T or F
To avoid contaminated solutions, make small batches only
What are the two steps to avoid contaminated equipments
use RNA-only pipets and glassware
maintain a separate area for RNA work
Use this card to familiarize your self with the basic steps in isolating RNA from clinical specimens
- cell lysis
- denature / digest proteins
- separate proteins, DNA and contamination from RNA
- Precipitate RNA if necessary
- resuspend RNA in final buffer
Organic extraction method:
disrupts cells, solubilizes cell components but maintains the integrity of RNA
Phenol / guanidium solution
RNA Isolation
Organic extraction method:
what are the 3 phases of separation
after chloroform and centrifugation
lower organic phase
middle phase w/ denatured proteins, DNA
upper aqueous phase that contains RNA
Organic extraction method:
how is RNA collected
by alcohol precipitation
A single step process in RNA isolation that maintains RNA integrity during tissue homogenization, while disrupting and breaking down cells and its components
TRIZOL RNA isolation protocol
T or F
TRIZOL RNA isolation protocol is light sensitive and must be stored in an amber bottle
what does TRI in trizole stand for
total RNA isolation
Inorganic salt precipitation:
what denatures proteins
by detergents in the presence of EDTA or other RNAse inhibitors
RNA Isolation
Inorganic salt precipitation:
what precipitates proteins / DNA
high concentration of salt solution
RNA Isolation
Inorganic salt precipitation:
what precipitates RNA
Alcohol, and is rehydrated
Use this card to familiarize yourself with filter- based RNA isolation
- prep lysate
- filter lysate in filtration column
- bind RNA
- Wash column
- elute total RNA
this removes RNA from the membrane in filter-based RNA isolation
elution buffer
this lyses cells / homogenize the tissue in filter-based RNA isolation
Magnetic Particle methods:
where does RNA bind to after lysis
paramagnetic beads
these are the equipment necessary for magnetic particle methods
bead purification kits
magnetic particle processing systems
magnetic separators
tubes, colums, and flasks
what ratio is used to assess RNA purity
A260 /A280 ratio
An A260 /A280 ratio of _____ indicates highly purified RNA