3 - Chapter 5 - The Reformation & its impact, 1529-40 Flashcards
How did Henry start his reign? What happened and why? What happened in 1534? What was limited? What happened from 1534-40?
As a strong Catholic
He broke away to secure his divorce to Catherine of Aragon
Act of Succession, Act of Supremacy, oaths and Treason law
Further Protestant direction and the English Bible
What happened is 1533?
Elizabeth Barton was arrested and interrogated
When was the Act of Succession, Supremacy, Treason Act?
Also who was executed?
When was the 1st set of Royal Injunctions issued to clergy?
What happened in 1538?
2nd set of Royal Injunctions issued by Cromwell
When was the Six Articles?
Which do you think was more significant in increasing Henry’s power: The Act of Supremacy or Act of Succession? Why?
Act of Supremacy – England no longer under Pope’s control and Henry head of English Church. Henry now had powers held by the Pope before. BUT the Pope played a very small part in the affairs of the English church.
Act of Succession - Only children of Henry’s 2nd marriage would inherit throne. Completely changed the order of the succession. Established Anne’s position as queen by law. It was a significant step towards the final break with Rome.
Was the opposition to the break with Rome a serious threat to Henry? Why?
3 key figures opposed Reformation: Elizabeth Barton, Thomas More, John Fisher.
Most people accepted religious changes.
‘In the years 1534 – 40 the English Church changed very little.’ How far do you agree?
English church pushed towards a more Protestant direction – English Bible.
Superstitious practices, e.g. praying to relics were banned.
Act of Supremacy.
The Six Articles.
BUT Many elements of the Catholic Church service remained, e.g. traditional mass
What is Sacraments?
Special church ceremonies – baptism / marriage
What is the Eucharist?
Bread and wine in church service. Last supper
What is Transubstantiation?
Belief that bread and wine is transformed into body / blood Jesus
What is Indulgences?
Certificate issued by Catholic church – forgiveness
What is Pilgrimage?
Journey for religious reasons
What is Anti-Clericalism?
Opposition to clergy
What is Vicegerent?
King’s deputy. Responsibility for running church
What is Celibate?
Unmarried / no sex
What is Doctrines?
Teachings of the church
What is Protestantism?
A religion – separate from Catholic church
Who is Martin Luther?
Protestant Reformer
What is Reformation?
Reform of the Catholic Church
What is Vestments?
Ornate priest clothing
Who is Richard Hunne?
Baby son died. Refused to pay mortuary fees. Sued and arrested. Died in cell. Murder????
What is Act of Succession 1534?
Only children of Henry’s second marriage would inherit throne
What is Act of Supremacy?
England no longer under Pope’s control. Henry head of English Church
What is Break with Rome?
Henry moving away from the Church in Rome.
What is Oath of Succession?
Supported Anne Boleyn as Henry’s Queen
What is Treason Act 1534?
Death to anyone denying royal supremacy
Who is Elizabeth Barton?
Claimed Virgin Mary had appeared in vision and cured her
Who is John Fisher?
Challenged Henry. Executed for treason in 1535