1 - Chapter 1 - HVIII & Wolsey Flashcards
How was Henry VIII’s accession to the throne greeted?
How did people describe him?
Who and for how long did this person dominate Henry’s government and who didn’t like him?
What kind of reforms did he make?
What did he do to his power?
With enthusiasm As a 'Renaissance Prince' Wolsey and for 15 years and the nobility Domestic and financial reforms He abused it so it became weaker
When did Henry marry Catherine of Aragon?
When was Wolsey appointed Chancellor of England and Henry’s Chief Minister?
What happened in 1518?
Wolsey became Papal Legate(pope’s representative)
When was the Amicable Grant Rising? What is this?
1525, A rebellion in East Anglia (high taxes)
What did Henry want to do in 1526?
End his marriage to Catherine
List Henry’s strength’s:
List Henry’s weaknesses:
What did he believe in?
Popular, rich country, England was stable, established government, experienced team of advisors.
Little experience of government, little desire to get involved in
day-to-day running of governing England, wanted to go to war as
soon as he could, had a large ego.
He believed in the ‘divine right of kings’ and the ‘Great Chain of Being.’
How and Why did Wolsey rise to power?
Ambitious, intelligent and was made Royal Almoner (giving to the poor) in 1509. He built a relationship with Henry through this and carried out the tasks Henry did not want to do. Wolsey raised an army for Henry to invade France.
What were Wolsey’s main reforms in England? Were they successful?
Star Chamber – fairer justice system and encouraged poor people, upset the upper classes as felt against them.
Enclosures – tried finding a solution with an enquiry but it continued and problem of poverty remained.
Finance – improved system of taxation with a subsidy.
Eltham Ordinances – to save money but never put through.
Amicable Grant – attempt to raise money, caused a rebellion and Wolsey had to back down.
What is Jousting?
Knights rode at each other with lances
What is Accession?
The act of becoming king
What is Betrothed?
A formal engagement that could be not easily be broken
What is Royal Progress?
A tour of their kingdom by a monarch & entourage
What is Renaissance?
A term of re-birth
What is the Divine Right of Kings?
King’s believed that they had been appointed by God
What is Lord Chancellor?
The king’s chief secretary
What is Archbishop of York?
Second highest position within the Church
What is Cardinal?
A priest of very high rank in the Roman Catholic Church
What is Pope?
Head of the Catholic Church
What is Star Chamber?
Special law court; cases heard in secret
What is Royal household?
Henry & his family, and all the servants needed.
What is Privy Chamber?
Men chosen by Henry to be his advisors.
What is Royal Council?
The king’s inner circle of advisors
What is court?
The Household plus the King’s friends and advisors
What is Parliament?
Its main aim was to raise taxes for special occasions
What is Justices of the Peace?
Nobility who kept law and order in different areas of the country
What is Enclosure
Areas of farmland that were being fenced off for private use, often taken from the common land
What is Subsidy?
A progressive tax on incomes.
What is Amiable Grant?
A tax to pay for the invasion of France = rebellion
What is Eltham Ordinance?
To tackle the misspending and bad management of the palaces a list of rule 79 chapters long