3/11-Oral Motor and Feeding Skills Flashcards
What is critical component to speech assessments?
Oral Motor Exam
What does an oral motor exam measure?
structural and functional integrity of speech mechanism
What do SLPs observe in the oral structures?
size, shape, and adequacy of structure
What are the structures observed by SLPs during an OME?
- teeth & occlusion
- hard & soft palate
- tongue
- face, nose, mouth
Why and how do we test the function of oral structures?
- we test the adequacy of the system to produce non speech and speech related movement
- Imitation task
- through Diadokinetic Rate (DDK)
what is DDK?
- Diadokinetic Rate
- rapid alternating sequences of syllable repetition
When should we achieve normal DDK rates?
ages 9-15
When we check the lips, how do we check structure?
- drooping
- drooling
- resting position
- scarring
When we check the lips, how do we check function?
- Range of Motion-Smile vs. pucker
- Pressurizing-without losing air from nose
- DDK rate for /p^/
What do we check when checking the structure of the tongue?
- size
- atrophy
- abnormal movements
What do we check when checking the function of the tongue?
-mobility–protrusion, elevation, lateralization, rotation ** double check this!
When we check the tongue, how do we check function?
- Strength
- mobility-ROM, Ankyloglossia (DDK rate for /t^/)
When we check the Hard Palate, how do we check structure?
- height and width: too high may signify structural issues
- color: blue tint at midline may indicate submucosa cleft
- check for clefts, fistulas, fissures, or appliances
When we check the hard Palate, how do we check function?
-it is an immobile structure–nothing to test here!
When we check the soft palate, what do we check with structure?
- condition of the uvula (bifid=submucosa cleft)
- symmetry and length
- repaired cleft
What do we check when checking the function of the soft palate?
- movement of velum during production of /ɑ/ either sustained or repeated
- listen for hyper nasal or hyponasal speech during production of stop consonants
What do we check when checking the structure of the teeth?
- overall condition
- missing/extra teeth
- occlusion patter (open bite, over jet, cross bite)
When should all baby teeth be in by?
age 2
When should the first permanent teeth appear?
-by ages 6-7
When do the last permanent teeth erupt?
by ages 17-21
What equipment is necessary for an Oral Motor Exam?
- flashlight
- tongue depresor
- gloves
- stopwatch
- mirror (for students who need visual feedback)
In terms of feeding skills at what age do we still assist with feeding?
6-9 months
In terms of feeding skills at what age do they finger feed?
9-12 months
In terms of feeding skills at what age do they hold the cup and start using spoons?
12-15 months
In terms of feeding skills at what age do they use the straw and use the spoon independently
15-18 months
In terms of feeding skills at what age do they feed themselves without assistance?
18-24 months
In terms of feeding skills at what age do they use forks & spoons without spillage?
2-3 years
By what age do they feed and drink independently?
5 years
is there a relationship between feeding skills and speech development?
What is not commonly part of routine speech assessments?
observation of swallowing
what is abnormal swallowing referred to as? and who commonly manages it?
- dysphagia
- common practice among medical SLPs
What is the challenge for SLPs in educational setting?
limited medical support