2nd test anestesio Flashcards
hx of ketamine
intoduced in 1970
syntheiitc drug (not derived from natural product - like propofol and benzos)
part of feniciclidina group
cx of ketamine
anesthetic agent - can be used unico for that
not volatile
liposoluble derivative of fenciclidina
ketamine mechanism and action
not well understood
only EV that gives inhbition and excitation and simultaenously - selectively in one organ CNS (aka DISSOCIATIVE ANESTHESIA - keeps some reflexes intact and others depressed - other EV have to wait for px to close eyes not ketamine - produces fixed gaze tho scared - doesnt blockeyeball like oethers where eye rolls up - ketamine can cause nystagmus tho -)
excites limbic systrm, inc HR, VC, psychiatric deliriums (maybe resistant to others)
depresses cortex and thalamus
inetrrupts pain - anesthesia
blocks AcH at cortex
we think ketamine acts at same opiod rec due to reversal same
but also act in serotonin rec, NE rec, and muscarinic Ach rec
(@ muscarininc thats why salivation increases) -
maintain swallow reflex - px can cough, maintains suction reflex - defense mechanisms
@ NE rec liberates catecolamines, VC peripheral and increases BP
@acute processes dehydrated, hypotense state hypovolemic shock px give ketaine with anesthetic inductor helps cardiac precharge
produces hipnosis actina @ cortex BUT DIFFERENTLY and like barbs with excitation right before (not calm, agitated - unlike propofol)
analgesia > anesthesia –>
(need less inhaled gas) & (no pain at immediate postqx
antagonista puro de opiodes
desireaed and undesired effects
FD ketamine
dissociative anesthesia ( suppresses some reflexes while others not)
maintains cough and corneal, suctionz
coordinated movements but not conciosu
eyes open, fixed gaze, nistagmus
potent hipnotic and analgesic
iincreases ICP
blood flow of brain
cerebral O2 cconsumption …metabolsm and intraocular pressure
can we measure depth of coma in ketamine
effect of ketamine on VC system
acts at NE rec and thats why it increases systolic arterial P 20-40mmHg - causes peripheralVC - more volume reaches heart (precharge) - CO increases as well
increases HR (increases LV work)) and O2 consumption of that muscle - so not good for px with coronary problems
elebates pulmonar vasc resistencees
relaxes bronquial SM - BD (@ asma px, BC px - ideaal_
secondary to increase in sympathetic activity
hepatic px (transplant px)are VD pysiologically, others VD from drugs (propofol, barbs, opiods) - ketamine ideal for VD px (NE causesVC)
anything that increases work of ventricle increases O2 consumption
not best in coronary px
BD (relaxes SM there)
ketamine @ resp
minimal effect - doesnt depress giving it biosecurity
problems alot of time when its used with another drug like opiods
transitory apnea < 5min
seen after intubation dose
relaxes broncial SM
betters pulm compliancy in anesthetic px
FK metabolism of ketamine
very liposoluble - used EV have effects in 1min
crosses BBB
duartion ketamine
10-15min (1min initiation)
IM effect by 5min (absorbs well)
produces qx anesthesia in 30-60sec
20 peak
oral dose produces max sedation in 20-45min
indications of ketamine
IV anesthetic inductor - can be alone
useful in hypovoelmic acute shock
good for kids - cardiac congenital (R to left), bronchial hyperactivity (BD)
used as inducgion agent in kids - IM
(before sevorane)
px with cardac tamponade
px with cardiac congenital diseases with right left shunt
px with reactive bronqual disease severe due to BD effect
useful in kids as an inducctor for less deliriums than in adults
IM inducer in px arent cooperating (with EV, studies)
can cause conscious sedation in kids that are doing minor procedures, como curas o cambios de apositos, desbridamiento of wounds, xray
IN these proceudres causes excellent analgesia wihtout respiratory depression
px that have to go everyday to get anesthesia for qxs
studies where we cant be in contact iwth px or px needs to be stilll/calm - CT, MRI, RT -good to canalize kid for short proceudres no resp or CV depresison
CI ketamine
px with ICP, mass in brain, cerebral infarct hx
NE rec @ chronic shock are depeleted so nooo, opposite effect , more VD (NE, epi wont work!)
px with open ocular lesions , glaucoma, (because ketamine increases intraocular pressure) ophtalmological qx
in px with coronary disease or pulm HTN, HTN,
in px with catecolamine depletion (in px with critical prolonged disease) - ketamine has
cardiodepressor effect which can manifest
bedridden px
px with psychiatric alteratiooncs - causes hallcuincations (auditive or visual), delirium
narcotrafficked, pleasure use-
ketamine interactions
potentiates relaxers NDNMRS
hipotension with halotane
prolongs inhaled anesthesia aka reduces CAM
dosis ketamine
induction 0.5-2mg/kg IV (1mg/kg)
4-10mg/kg/IM (5 is enough)
maintenace 30-90mg/kg/min
10-20mg for concious sedation
dizepam, lorazepam, midazolan
preqx to sedate px - antianxiety
PROLONGED amnesia and good sedation - px wont remember
used in preanesthesia, preinduction, preqx to calm px down
EV anesthetics (right before qx)
also IM, VO (night before), parcho
sturctures of benzos
diacepam and loracepam have similar structures
biodisposition diacepam
high liposoliblituy , hipofilic wait CNS initation
crosses BBB faster than midazolam (more hydrosoluble)
IM irritattes, hurts, acido bensoto, EV also irritates
somnolence, hipnosis slow irregular
very insoluble in water
slow initiaion - not ideal preinduccion
slow recuperation
all EV decrease flow in hard organs
liver kidney bazo
all EV eliminate thru liver (benzos, opiods) - all prolonged if liver messed up…. except ketamine
keatmine doesnt decrease flow!!!!!! - can be used in px with pathologies of these organs
meatabolizes at liver (even at decreased flow or pathology, clears up well) eliminaeted life stays the same
metabolites of diacepam
WITH sedative and pharmacological activity
like opiods , benzos use oxydation to metabolize
duration of action of diacepam coorelates with these metabolites
in order for these metabolites to eleiminate undergo
2nd bioptransmformation to elimiante not oxidation this time , conjugation
forming acido glucoronico without farmacological activityg
1.5LT/k C - distribution volume
most recent benzo
more soluble in water - less irritant via IM
fast initation action
effect on CNS fast
mx depresion > 1-3min
IM absorbs well - effect at less 30min
faster sedation
mech of action of all benzos (like opiods)
@ CNS potentiloze GABA in different areas,
rec of benzos of CNS @ cortex, black sustancia, hipocampo (these others are IIor presynaptic).. cerebelo (has postsynaptic aka type I rec) , medula espinal.
rec are post synaptic or presynaptic (so benzos can be type I or II))
increase clorine ion conductance in synapsis which hyperpolarizes cell - inhibitory
unlike barb, benz increases aperture o fCl- channels
frprnf on lovslxsyion
farmacological action of benzos
decrease necessity for inhaled agent
b/c they are sedatives
@ CV benzos..
depression of myocardium
increase HR
@ resp benzos
benzos cause transityry apnea
more pronounced if used opiod before (like propofol)
at dosis of 0.75 of midazolan or 0.015mg/kg of dizepan there will be no resp effects
uses of local anesthesics
@ colonization saw indigenus using oja de coca - adornacimiento on wounds and oropharynx,
used in clinic after development of jerninguilla
advangestes of LA
sold without perscription
cheap for alot of qx procedures - regional anesthesia
reuptake of NE causes by LAs
stops bleeding of a wound
(also causes analgesia)
definition of local anesthetic
chemical substances that reversibly block, inhibiting gneration, and nerve umpulse conduction of nerve impulse without LOC (dont cross BBB)
peripihral regional nerve block
remove sensibility of a certain area of the body
presentation of LAs
can be tablet, parche, aerosol, etc all types (depending on objective)
with and without adrenaline added
without/with hypertonic dextrose –> hyperbaric anesthesia = known as anesthesicos pesados pesados
(deposit @ LCR and have higher baricidad than LCR)
cx necessary for local anesthetics
be reversible latency period adquate duration that will guarantees qx (a bit longer than qx) local toxicity minumum potente de acuerdo a clincial use stable ante light and heat elimination and excretion in totality can sterilize(50, 20ml containters with leftovers to not waste)
protein union of LAs @ nerve
procaine - 6%
lidocaine un 67%
ropivacaine - 94%
Bupivacaine un 97% (double duration time)
B fiber block
accion - increase of T and VD - one of the first MC of px (@ subaracnoid, epidural)
one of the smallest
smallest first to block, thickest last to block
@ dehydrated hypovolemic , VD px shock, it is CI to use LAs –> decreaases cardiac return –> hypotension
block of fiber A-delta and C
loss of sensation of T and pain sensibility
px cant differentiae hot from cold
use aguja to ask if px feels pain or not, vs gota de alcohol
blockage of fiber A-gamma
loss of propioception
dont know position of leg
dont move px until this is blocked??? - last px was in is what theyre in for whole qx in their memory
done when cant lift leg
block of fiber A-beta
loss of sensation al tact and prssure’
after can put bendaje elastico
block of fiber A -alfa
loss of motricity
px feel no deep pain
no shock, hydrated px necessary…. decrease venous return so first MC = hypotension
represent lack of sensbility in a certain area of the body
give analgesia in different parts of body when applied topically, injection in vecinity of nerve endings (principals ) or in epidural or subaracnoid
clinically useful LA agents
amino eteres or amino amines
primary action LAs
inhibition of peripheral nerves
very selective on which nerve fiber you want
when LAs are systematically administrated they can also affect
functions of cardiacl skeletal muscle and SM
asi como toda la transaccion de los impulsos en el CNS and in system speciliazed system in heart conduction
@ EV can affect purkinje1
most available antiarrythmic (or for tachycardia)
block purkinje to modulate cardiac rythm
2 presentations
constituents of nerve membrane, LA mechanism
…90% of constitutyents of a nerve membrane is lipid and 10% proteins
LA block sodium exit/flow, nerve transmission, depolarization
keep it repolarized
potency of LA depends on`
its liposolubility and duration of its effect (due to ala protiein affinity)
for LA to have an effect should
block no less than 3 nodules of ranvier or 3micras of diabmeter of a no mielinazed fiber
> 0.2 diameter mielinizado
only anesthetic local natural
cocaine cx
alcaloide with VC properties due to it blocking recatacion of NE in motor simpatico terminal nerve endings
2 groups of LAs…before
amino eteres derived = procaines , cloro proacina, tetracaine
amino- amine dervied -mepivacaine, prilocaine, lidocaine, bupivacaine, etidocaine
differentiating LAs
by metaboslims (where, some in plasma - those caused hpersensibility),
aminos, amina metabolize from hepatic microsomal (used today - at overdose can affect other tissues)
amino eteres from ataraza plasmatica
LAs depedning on duration are classfified into
low potency - procaine and cloro procaine (not really used) < 30min
intermediate - prilocaine, etidocaine - 60minn
high - bupicaina, tetracaina 120min
closer ph normal plasmatic to pka
will ahve more nonionized moleciels - pharmacological activity - faster intiation
further apart - less - prolonged intitation
if u give with bicarbonate (10cc-20cc lidocaine - 1cc of bicarbonate) = increase ionized molecules- more effeectivity - accelerates
what is pka
constant at which drug dissociates
choosing an LA depending on following factuors
duration of qx
duration of anesthetic should be > 50% on qx duration
type of regional anesthesia that will be done
size, constutution, general state of px and metabolic alteration
absorption, districution, excretion of LAs can say that oesnt mater where depsosited because distribution patter, metabolism and eliminatin is similar - althoug their velocities in these parameters is different
what does absorption of LAs depend on
whwere there was deposited and grade of preception of each zone
@ peripheral level, max plasmatic concentation reached within 15-30min , when applied EU reach these elvels immediatley
also depends on aditional VC drugs and fisciochemical properties of drug
in relation to plasma concentratio nfor every 100mg of lidocaine (intercostal very vascularized)
1mg of () PHM
(1.5 @ intercostal)
SC = 0.2
max plasmatic dose required to present toxic effect (of lidocaine)
we can dedcuce that max lidocaine we can put is 500mg of lidocaine with epn and 400mg without epnef
max at intercostal 350mcgxdl
plasma concentration depends on
lugar of block
Ej: in intercostal level for every 100mlg of lidocaine will have 1.5mcg of { } plasmatico
in a B . epidural = 0.1mg {}plasmatic
in a B. plexo b. will have 0.6mg {} plasmatic
in a B. Plexo cutaneo will have 0.2mg { } plasmatic (can put mroe in places with less irrigation -
these places take into account using adrenaline can cause damage, infection, necrosis - nasal, pabellon oreja, dermis of skin - dont use too superficially - put it SC )
LA metabolism and excretion
destoxicaiton and excretion of local anesthesics are metabolized in liver or in plasma ,
metaboliztes are excreted in urine
VC decreases velocity of venous clearing of LA, from site of injection
this duration is more attenduated in block of peripheral nerve where injectio sites are avascular
local block inititation accelerates with
use of carbonated solutiones combined with LA producing more free particlses
cardiav toxicity of LAs
CV system is more resitent to toxic effects of LAs, (CNS more sensitive)
dose to cause CV depresion is > than dose to provoke depresion in CNS
this doesnt happen with bupivacain, the mostcardiotoxic toxic…
Signs and Symptoms of LA cardiac toxicty
EKG: increases PR interval
prolonges QRS complex
sinusal bradicardia
severe ventricular arrythmia (give lidocaine)
ventricular fibrillation (doesnt happen with lidocinae) - so attached to proteins hard to revese - make sure when giving it youre not in luz of vazo - can kill px
higher threshold when pre give benzo but not level of CNS
tx to toxic response
maintenance, resp route PERM, circulatory assistence
tx convulsion w/ small doses of EU short acting barbituric like triopental in 1-2m/kg and sucinil coline in 0.5mg/kg dose
if maintenace of respiratory airways is compromised with convulsions.
endotraqueal intubation is urgent
also that will avoid bronco respiration of gastric secreionts
first step to prevent toxicity of LAs
use in small quantity for any regional anesthetic
if toxic reaction of bupivacaine and cloro procain shoudl consider using slow injection or fractioned dosis in particular for epidural block to reduce leaste toxiiity potential in am maccidental IV injection
premedication with benzodiacepine like diazepam 1-2mg/kg increases toxic threshold in CNS, nevertheless, influences in CV toxicity
subaracnoidal anesthesia
used with LA base
seen daily, gynacologists for cesarean, hacer mama
regional block of hemicuerpo
raquianesthesia - thru vertebral column
have to do LP (need to know where medula finishes)
localizing spots isnt too hard
blocks different nerve fibers depending on size (thinnest first - A beta ) –> VD –> hemodynamic changes, hypotension –> changes T (cant differntiate)
doesnt feel sensitivity nor motor
where does medula finish
L1-L2 - lesioned causes pernmanaent damage, less sensibiliy
L2-L3 - inadult inferior border
all should be below L2
neonate - until S2
covered by PAD w/ LCR
absolute CI of subaracnoid anesthesia/ LP
vessels in the way,factors to bleeding –> grand hematoma - compresses medula with irreversilbe medula damage - altered coag factors to form trauma
infectious process @ SKIN and puncture area - can cause bacterial translocation
px denies
labor attitutes
deformities of spine (palapate spinooous apofisis)
elements to go thru
skin (insulin, LAs with bigger agujas)
between apofisis espinosasa - interspinous ligament
yellow ligament
epidural space (another site for block)
dura madre
exit of LCR - must happen to know youre in subaracnoid space *cx of liquid
important subaracnoid, osmolarity
isovaric (LCR = osmolarity) vs.. hipovaric (nerve block under where yo u adminstetered -) vsl. hyperovaric (block will be above where administered - to block T10 - the higher the block more VD - more hemodynamic changes more hypotension)
isovaric bloacks in same place of deposition
election depends on which block level you desire
subaracnoide casues regional anesthesia - hemicuerpo (not specific limb)
lidocaine 1min (heavy , hypervarica - have dextrosa hypertonic, adrenaline_
surgeon has to mark exact of qx excision - ombligo T10 - block fibers above it too T8
first 5min
incline head of px - physical effect to diffuse faster - anesthetic osmolarity is decreasing (hypervaric evenutally becomes isovaric = se fijo - doesnt increase more thant that no matter what more you do to head - wont ascend more)
duration depends on which used
lidocaoine 1 min
bupiv - 2hr
lidocaine pesado , hypervaric with hypertonic dextores
can use adrenaline to increaseduration 30%-40%
max # of LA (volume) can deposit to avoid hypertension of toxicity of any drug
max lidocaine to avoid toxicity
100 i smax @ subaracnoide
postanesthetic cefalea
not always feminine multiple tries of finding space aguja was too big not appropriate hydration of px
NOT because px walked or due to pillow or sat up
differnt types
sat or awake NOT when laying down
anesthesia causes weight occiptofrontal sensation
do a differentaial )hx of anesthesia from 24hr -14d
vs pulsatile in temporo parietal (if vascular headache)
hard in kdis and oldies (more in normal fertile age - anesthesia cefalea)
tx cefalea
meningeal irritation or no?
parche hematico - not really used , risky
advantatges of epidural anesthesia
analgesic (less dose) and anesthesic (more dose)
relaxes less than subaracnoide
al depends on dose
today we are using opiod subdural for analgesic
LAs, lidocaine are not used as analgesics in subaracnoide but they are used in epidural dpeending on dose
any level - doesnt cross dura madrea - wont injur medula
thicker neeedle and catheter can go thru (this determines headage) - can be there 1 wk - long duraion
px can feel pressure but not Pain
much slower or resistent to hemodynamic changes (firssst MC in subarachnoide) USE FOR CESAREA - hypotension affects fetus
much more selective on where to block
complications fo subaracnoide not present here (doesnt perforate dura madre)
of anesthesia depends on how high block (the higher the block, # of anesthetic will be less)
px that dont need too much muscle relaxation - epidural is ideal
plastic surgery
more sensitive block - feels hand of dr but no pain
the higher the block, the less # of anesthetic needed why because the spacers are diffferent (higher medula occupoes mroe aguerjo below more space)
desambular faster - recovers faster
can block 2 places at once
blocking of braquial plexus
we want to decrease risk for px
fast recuperation
specific anatomical block = to inhibit pain transmission @ calcium channels that liberate @ nerve fibers
in px with severe pulm or cardiac px - can just block hand - putting them full to sleep is a bit risky for that kind of px
can go straight home
what forms form first primary trunk
(roots/raizes) C4, C5, C6
segundo tronco primario is formed by
tercer tronco primario is formed by
C8, T1
innervation of hand
each primary trunk has
anterior and posterior branches
anterior branch of first trunk unites with
anterior branch of second primary trunk to form tronco secundario anterinterno
anterior branch of thrid trunk forms..
tronco secoundario anteroexterno
3 anterior branches from 3 troncos form
tronco secundario posterio
from tsai
raiz external of medial
coracobraquial nerve
another he forgets
tronco secunario posterior
radial nerve
raizes come out of osea where i sthe braqueal plexus
agujeros de puncion? in neck between anterior and medial scalenes
then passes under clavicle (already in paquete with veins and artery) - hueca supracavliculara a nivel de la sida
3 levels of blocking brauql plexus
interexcalenico - at raiz exit
hueco supraclavicular
advantages of interecalenico
can block entire plexus - all roots
of anesthesia needed is less
px doesnt have to move hurt arm
disadvantages of interecalenica
need paresthesia - with aguja #22 superficially, px feels sensation when it touches nerve - thats when you deposit anesthesia - around cricoid thyroid
(now we have electric stiulators)
can block vago and frenico
cant do parrallel, bilateral
supraclavicular tecnhique
has been discontinued
@ inspiration vertix of lung comes up and can cause a neumotorax even if done correctly
axillar techinqieu avantages
can be done bilaterally
no need for paresthesia
disadvantages of axillar technique
need large volumes for blocking all plexus
blocks can be partial (T1 not fully blocked)
can easily punture artery or vein of axillar, if put anesthesics in luz of vessel causing intoxication when looking for nerve - orient with pulse
px would have to move injured arm
if you puncture vessel just go all the way throught, nothing out, dont move needle
dont take it out and try again
IV blocks
thru vein
antebrazo is the only place to do it
effective, useful
exsanguinate all forearm, presure bandage to avoid reflux perfusion (180mmhg/ 2 tourniquetse)
take 1% lidocaine , 20cc, thru acatherer that was put earlier
(without adrenaline) or bupivacaine
arm is asleep
used most for hand, trauma. lavado qx, phalangeal fractures
risk of IV block
if tourniquets get lose,
lidocaine through circulation can cause cerebral toxicitu
how long for tourniquet max
no perfusion to arm
qx should be over by then (1hr lidocaine should be absorbed up by now)
lidocaine presentation
every ml/cc there is 20mg
dilute with saline solution
1% - every cc - 10mg
max dose of IV block without epi
400mg max of lidocaine
more 5mg/dl
today we can do selective blovks of specific nerve fibers of plexus - most popular
cubital and radial
especially when working on hand
organ according to books that most gets injured
the hand
where to block cubital
funny bone area
fossa epitrofia/craneal?
here only covered with skin
with 3-5cc withoutepi
need paresthesia
need asepsia
causes of ER infections
poor asepsia (block cubital first)q
medial nerve blockage
between palmar major and palmaro minor - on sides
laterally punctinging medial nerve
dont need paresthesia
5cc of lidocain without epi
radial nerve block
easily blocked by
agujera thru tabacera anatomica under skin and pentrate needle max and then administer
fine needle
know which fingers are innervated by it
ALWAYS ASPIRATE before infiltrating to makre sure youre not in an artery
interdigital blocks
2 cc o f lidocaine blocks all distal phalanges
pudendal nerve blocks
also done
crystalloides (aka suero)
anesthesiologists regulate hydration
were used for hemodilutions
similar to plasma
substances with water, electrolyetes and or sugars in different pro-portions and osmolarities (dextorse) - may or may not contain dextrose
(some substances have only dextrose and water - hypertonic solutions)
water with disorbente universal and electrolytes
basis for hadningl px hydration
water or electrolytes
know normal rnage of elecrolytes
normal Na+
most abundant electrolyte
command osmolarity of solutions - decides
> 145 = hypernatrmic/hyperosmolar solution
K+ normal
Cl- normal
calcium normal
magnesium normal`
if you give 1000ml distributes in coporal liquids as
2/3 to IC space (666ml) and 1/3 to EC space (333ml)
since EC space is divided into intersticial and intravascular (250ml to intersticial - 75% and 83ml to IV space 25%)
takes 2-4min to diffuse to diffeent spaces
capacity for crystaoilds o expand volume is related to
consentration of sodium in solution and this sodium is what provokes osmotic gradient between Extravasuclar and intravasuclar space
different for each solution - depends on how much sodium
hypernatremic drags more water from EV space to IV space (osmosis - ability to mbilize liquid from one space to antoerh)
IV is where we want liquid in hypotense VD px, to imrpove precharge
crystaloids are considered …
non toxic, no eadverse effects,
dont cause allergies,, are not vitamins, dont need refridgeration or light
dont interact with regular blood components
only should maintain equilibrium
can present certian alterations related to indiscriminated use and without control of medical team -
hyperhydration can cause
edema in all tissues and membranes
normal osmolarity of plasma
nutrient in orgnaism
types of dextrose in water
for every g of dextrose 4kcal
5% - 5g
10%, 50% for food formulas
energy only in hypoprotein px
hypernatremic px needs…
give 0.45% saline
Ringer lactate (130 Na+)
dextrose in water
px losing cl- and na+ , bleeidng, acute hypovolemic
give normal saline
drags water , osmosis, less liquid needed
careful for saline solutions
in px with cardiopathies
adverse effects of ringer lactate
has bicarbonate (to elimate has to be CO2 and H2O)
in px with hepatopathies will cause metabolic alkalosis form too much lactate in blood
has calcium - can cause hypercalemia in renal px with high infusions
dont use in px with liver and kidney probems
adverse effects of normal saline solution
too much cl - hypercloremia
hypercloremic acidosis in px with poor renal function
hypernatremia in renal px
edema (all solutions cause this)
hypertonic saline solution
metabolic acidosis
cerebral dehydration with ingracraneal blleed
mielinolisis pontica from abrupt changes in sodium concentration
pulm edema in cardio px
dextrose in water adverse effects
water intoxication due to overdose of glucosalated solution
hyperglicemia -dont use in diabetics
addison px can cause crisis due to cell edema and water intoxication
cell dehydration in cerebraltrauma
hypotonic solutions
have less solute concentrations than other solutions
solutions with osmolarity less than plasma ( < 280mOsmol/l)
used for hypernatremia
saline 0.45, 0.33?
dextrose 2.5, 5
isotonic solutions
solutoins that have the same concentration of solutes as other solution
an isotonic solutoin has an osmolarity similar to plasma between 272-300mosmol/l
most cardiotoxic LA
low potency LA
cloro procaine
initiation of procaine vs cloro procaine
1 (procaine)
cloro procaine (0.8)
pka of procain vs cloroprocain
procaine (8.9)
cloro procaine (8.7)
low potency LA with protein uniont
procaine - 5.8
intermediate potency LAs
initations of intermeidate potent LAs
mepivacaine - 1.5
etidocaine - 8
prolocaine - 1.5
lidocaine - 0.8
pka of intermediate potency LAs
mepivacaine - 7.6
all the rest are 7.7
7.7 lidocaine - 7.4 normal plasma pka - 64% particles
protein union of intermediate potency LAs
mepivacaine - 77
etidocaine - 94
prolocaine - 55
lidocaine - 64
high potency LAs
intitation of high potency LAs
8 both tetracaine
oka of high potency LAs
tetracaine - 8.5
bupivicaine - 8.1 (initation action will be slower 20% noninonized particles)
decide by duration of qx
protein union of high potency LAs
tetracaine - 76
bupivicaine - 95
max dose of lidocaine wihtout toxicity
we can dedcuce that max lidocaine we can put is 500mg of lidocaine with epn and 400mg without epnef
LAs pH
local anesthetics are drugs of weak bases, when their PKA > pH will have a > # of ionizaed molecules