1st test endocrine Flashcards
Wolfram Syndrome
rare progressive degenerative transmited AR DNA
central diabtes insipidus DM optic atrophy - blindness neurosensorila deafness neuro/psch alterations
post pituitary
connected to hypothalamus via axons
secretes vasopressin and oxytocin
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidis
ADH is okay but its afunctional
rec is messed up
poor response of renal tube cells
classification in NDI
primary familiar congenital (AD X linked)
secondary NDI
tubulointersticial nephroamties
polycystic kidney, distal tubular acidosis, cistinosis, idiopathic hypercalciuria, renal amyloidosis
secondary tubularintersiticail nefropathy
altered conservation of body water as a consequence of inadequate ADH
large V of water eliminated in urine
compensatory [plidipsia
psycogenic polydipsia or primary polidipsi
increased ingestion of water more than necessary –> physiological suppression of ADH due to over hydration and hypotony –> polyuria (sudden 10-12L), nicturia, polydipsia
hipoosmotic polyuria
hypovolemia and hypotension
hypertonic dehydration
astenia with sleep disorder
PP seen in
young women
psychiatric px
fenotiazide (dry mouth) takers
hypothalamic lesions alteraing thirst center
normal urine
cause of primary DIC
secondary cause of DIC
tumor qx trauma IC tumor = 3rd cause craneofaringeoma in kids lung breast CA metastasis in adults supraselar germinomas intraselar GI tumors via metastasis toxoplasmosis, herpes simplex, AIDS, qx truma Lawrence Moon Biedel Synrome
linfocitic hipofifis (infiltariotn)??
phases of DIC from head trauma
polyuria 4-5 days
secondary to transsphenoidal qx
2-3d after qx -> polyuria
this alters ADH liberation
oliguria 4-5d
(cell degeneration with liberation of preformed hormone into circulation)
polyuria and polydipsia (compensatory)
neurosecretory cell death causes Permanent ADH deficit
cx of Lawrence Moon Biedel syndrome
obesity, mental deficit, pigmental rhinitis…
dx DI
<1010 urine density
urine and serum electrolytes (one high one low)
plasma osmolarity > 350 mOsm/L
urine osmolarity (lower)
prueba de depuracion aquosa - remove all diuretics, solutions, ingestion - (doesn’t have - oliguria - anuria) if they do will have polydipsia from IC liquid –> coma (2-4hr)
what is endocrinology
- Branch of internal medicine that studies regulatory functions of hormones
anatomy of hypothalamus
- Weight = 4gr
- 0.3-04cm
tx DI
desmopresin - agonist of ADH uniting with V2 rec of acuoporin –> tubular water reabsorption
1-2mg every 6hr, px responds within days
something about falcemics?
clorpropamid - increases ADH action - psychiatric use
carbamacepine - increases ADH liberation (high doses) > 1200mg/day
irrigation of hypothalamus?
- Primary capillary plexus Hypophysary arteries ant branches
limits of hypothalamus
- optic chiasm (ant)
- thalamus/3rd ventricle (sup)
- mamillary bodies (post),
- infundibulo tallo-hipofisario (int)
ADH is also produced where
periventricular nucleus
excessive persistend ADH secretion , not responding to inhibition -
retain water
low plasma osmolarity - dilution, high urine osmolality
water retained
2 connections of hypothalamus hypofisis
- Sistema porta hipotalámico-hipofisario.
- Originates in eminencia media.
- retrógrado & anterógrado flow
- parvocelulare hypothalamic neurons (parvo = small [short axón -magnocelulares]) secrete hormones that reach AP
- Neuronas hipotalámicas magnocelulares send axons to NP.
○ Porta-hipotalamo-hipofisario = anterior (circulatory) • Eminencia media is where portal system is formed ○ Neuronas neurohipofisarias magnocelularesPosterior from hypothalamic neuronal axonal connection
change personality irritable confusion hallucinate nausea vomit, extrapyrimadial signs
convulsion crisis, altered consciousness
DX criteria of SIADH
TABLE… fundamental
uricemia < 4mg/dL
BUN < 10mg/dL
FENa > 1%
functions of hypothalamus can be
endocrine or non endocrine
tx of SIADH
hydration - hypertonic saline ADH blockers (carbonate litium) loop diuretic
vaptan (conivaptan, tolvaptan, relcovaptan)
endocrine function of hypothalamus
1. parvocelular neurons secrete liberating facors or inhibitory that act at AP. Magnocelular neurons (supraóptico & paraventricular nuclei) send axons to NP, store these products
ADH does what
retains water
reabsorbs Na+
secretes K+
no endocrine function of hypothalmsu
Based in nuclei that regulate sleep, thirst, T, appetite, libido, weight.
incrased prolactin plasma levels > 20ng/mL in men
too much produced or liberated and systemic effects
> 25ng/mL in wommen
2 separate occations
amenorrea,/oligomenorrea galactrea
produced in lactotrope cells
What is hypothalamus?
- The hypothalamus controls theanteriorand posterior pituitary’s release of hormones differently.
substances that stimulate prolactine/etiology of hiperprolactinemia
TRH striadol GnRH AVP oxytocin Serotonin AcH glutamate
physiological : stimulation of pezon sex sleep ovulation pregnancy neonatal life ovulation lactancy ingesting AAs exercise emotional stress and physical Trauma qx Hipoglucemia IAM Convulsiones del lóbulo temporal Síncope Venopunción Deshidratación Dolor
sub that inhibit prolactin
dopamine opoid GABA GAP somatostanina, .........
first cuase of non tumoral hipoerprolactinemia from drugs
cause 25-100ng/dl
metoclopramida, risperidona, fenotiazina à >200ng/mL)
if MC change tx -
stop for 3 days , reread levels to see if secondary to drug
Si la medicación no puede ser descontinuada y el inicio de la hiperprolactinemia no coincide con el inicio de la terapia, se recomienda MRI de hipófisis en busca de prolactinoma.
increased prolactin due to hypothalamic damage
tumors granulomatouse and infiltrative diseases cranial RT vascular cause seccion of tallo
also alterations of hypofisis
hyperprolactinemia from hypothyroidism
due to increased TRH –> secrete effect on lactotrope cells (more sensibile)
decrease sensibility of lactrotoope cells to dopamine
increased VIP
decrease in PRL wasting in circulation o aclaramiento renal (hipometabolic state lowers GFR) - more in plasma
hypofisiary hyperplasia (like puberty )
most cells in pituitary are…?
polyscystic ovary syndrome - PRL
hyperandrogen and estrogen –> lots of estradiol which stimulates prolactin liberation
increase number and size of lactotropes
decrease of dopamine hypothalamus
increased transcriptionfor PRL
resistence to dopamine acction
adrenal deisease PRL
increased transcription
increased lactotrophe cell differentiation
PRL increased secretion
liver disease PRL
cirrhosis decreased hepatic circulation of PRL
increases steroidogenesis - more estrogen/estradiol
decreased hypothalamic dopamine (dad)
Renal disease PRL
rests action nof dopamine
isiopathic hyperprolactimea
20% of cases
MRI cortes
ateration /inactivation of dopamine rec
lesions of thorax wall PRL
toractomy masectom trauma mammoplasty dermatitis burns herpes zoster breast cyst nipple piercing
any stimulation of 4,5,6 intercostal nerve increases neuronal afferent stimulation postsynaptic increased serotonin liberation with stimulates TRH –> PRL increase
ectopic production of PRL
hypernefroma renal adenoCA bronchogenic CA uterine fibroma ovaric teratioma gonadotroma ovaric dermoid cyst Hodgkin linfoma and T cell linfoma
macroprolactinoma and med form before??
MC of hiper PRL
increases hypothalamus of dopamine and beta-endorphins
rec of PRL in GnRH cells
down regulation of GnRH (hypogonadism, galactorrea, hirsutism)
decreasd ovarian secretion of estradiol and progesterone (no LH, FSH for steroidogenesis at ovary_
decreased testosterone
decreased 5alfa-reductase (converts dihydro..to testosterone)
- Galactorrea: 80% hiperprolactinémicas, 30% hiperprolactinémicos.
- Hipogonadismo hipogonadotrópico. Hay ↓FSH, ↓LH, debido a que:
a. Neuronas de GnRH tienen receptores para PRLà ↓liberación de GnRH.
b. ↑PRL à ↑DA + ↑β-endorfinas en hipotálamo à ↓liberación de GnRH.
women Hipoestrogenismo à ¾ Amenorrea / oligomenorrea. ¾ ↓libido. ¾ ↓lubricación vaginal à Dispareunia ¾ Osteopenia/osteoporosis: ↓densidad ósea (-25% lumbar), irreversible ¾ Irritabilidad ¾ Oleadas de calor. Infertilidad.
men Hipoandrogenismo: PRL à ↓actividad 5α-reductasa à ↓dihidrotestosterona. ¾ Disfunción eréctil. ¾ ↓libido. ¾ Oligospermia à infertilidad. ¾ ↓volumen eyaculado. ¾ Ginecomastia. ¾ Osteopenia/osteoporosis.
la mujer.
¾ PRL à ↑producción ovárica de andrógenos y adrenal de DHEA-S (sulfato de dehidroepiandrosterona).
¾ PRL à ↓síntesis hepática de SHBG à ↑proporción de esteroides sexuales libres (biológicamente activos) en plasma.
Presentación clínica
2. Prolactinemia >200ng/mL.
3. Clínica: galactorrea, hipogonadismo hipogonadotrópico, hirsutismo, efecto de masa (neuroftálmicos, hipopituitarismo).
sampling in hiperPRL
2 separate occasions
1-2 hour after waking up
discart other causes (meds, liver, preg, renal failure, mammillary stimulation, sex)
macroprolactinemia in asymptomatic px (no galactorrea but elevated levels - sim hormones?)
1:100 dilution
dx evaluation of hiperprolactimea
hipofisary macroadeoma
measure PRL
below 200
1:100 dilution - discart hook effect if above ya tu sabe
if below 200 - pseudoprolactinoma (something else compressing, dopamine e obstructed)
more than 200 - macroprolatinoma1)
Tomar muestra adecuadamente:
¾ 2 muestras separadas por 20-40 minutos >1h después de haber despertado, sin tener sexo (coito, manipulación de mamas) o ejercicio.
¾ Diluir muestra 1:100 para evitar efecto hook.
¾ Excluir mediante historia clínica y examen físico: embarazo, uso de fármacos; mediante laboratorio: hipertiroidismo (T4 libre, TSH), IR (creatininemia), IH (transaminasas y fosfatasa alcalina).
Si nada de lo anterior es evidente o prolactinemia >100ng/mL:
2) MRI de hipófisis antes y después de administrar gadolinio.
¾ Si se confirma adenoma hipofisario à
û Evaluar función hipofisaria
û Campimetría visual computarizada (en particular si es un macroadenoma).
¾ Si no se confirma adenoma hipofisario à hiperprolactinemia idiopática.
tx of hiperprolactinmeia
dopamine agonsits
Tx de elección. Se unen a D2 en superficie de lactotropas normales y tumorales y producen inhibición de PRL, como lo haría la DA, restauran función gonadal y causan regresión tumoral en 80-90%. Se deben usar de por vida.
a) Bromocriptina. Aprobada por FDA.
b) Cabergolina. Aprobada por FDA. La más potente y se da 1-2x/semana.
c) Quinagolida.
d) Lisurida.
e) Pergolida.
qx - if px wont take drugs,
1. Tumorectomía transesfenoidal, indicada en:
¾ Intolerancia/resistencia a los agonistas de DA. ¾ No deseo de consumir agonistas DA por largo tiempo.
¾ Crecimiento de prolactinoma a pesar del uso de estos. ¾ Deseo de embarazo por parte de la paciente (aunque la mayoría no crece durante el embarazo: indicación relativa).
¾ Prolactinomas con componente quístico. ¾ Preferencia del paciente.
¾ No mejoría de los campos visuales tras 1-3 meses de agonistas DA
- Agonistas de DA. Tx de elección. Se unen a D2 en superficie de lactotropas normales y tumorales y producen inhibición de PRL, como lo haría la DA, restauran función gonadal y causan regresión tumoral en 80-90%. Se deben usar de por vida.
a) Bromocriptina. Aprobada por FDA.
b) Cabergolina. Aprobada por FDA. La más potente y se da 1-2x/semana.
c) Quinagolida.
d) Lisurida.
e) Pergolida.
Tumorectomía transesfenoidal, - Radioterapia hipofisaria. Fallo en tx médico y quirúrgico. 150-200 rads/día, 5x/semana por 5 semanas. Dosis total: 4,500-5,000rads. Alta probabilidad de desarrollar hipopituitarismo.
tx if drugs and qx don’t work for hiperPRL
- Radioterapia hipofisaria. Fallo en tx médico y quirúrgico. 150-200 rads/día, 5x/semana por 5 semanas. Dosis total: 4,500-5,000rads. Alta probabilidad de desarrollar hipopituitarismo.
2 types of hypothalamic cells
hypofisiotropic hypothalamic (liberators and inhibitors)
neurohipofisiary hypothalamic (oxytosin and AVP/ADH)
liberators do what?
induce hormonal secretion
hypothalamic liberating hormones
TRH –> TSH and prolactin
CRH –> ACTH/corticotropin secretion @ suprarenal gland and proopiomelanocortin peptides (MSH, beta-endorphin)
GnRH –> LH and FSH (gonadotropins) @ genitals and Prolactin
GHRH/somatocrinin –> GH/somatotropin in pulses @ all organs
GH secretion is increased by
starvation (hypoglycemia)
relationship between dopamine prolactin and TRH
Prolactin is under tonal dopamine inhibition, andexcess TRH levels suppress dopamine. Thus, prolactin levels will increase as dopamine decreases.
hypothalamic nucleus/region for TRH
paraventricular (medial portion)
hypothalamic nucleus/region for CRH
paraventricular (anterior portion)
hypothalamic nucleus/region for GnRH
arcuate-preoptic (ant)
hypothalamic nucleus/region for GHRH
Hypopfisis cell populations that produce for TSH
tirotrope cells
Hypopfisis cell populations that produce
lactotrope cells
Hypopfisis cell populations that produce
corticotrope cells
Hypopfisis cell populations that produce
FSH and LH
gonadotrope cells
Hypopfisis cell populations that produce
somatotrope cells
melanocyte inhibiting factor inhibits
release of MSH
which are the hypothalamic inhibiting hormones
dopamine (DA) - prolactin release inhibiting hormone - inhibits liberation of Prolactin and lactropes and TSH
somatostatin (SS) - inhibits liberation of PRL, TSH, GH
region/hypothalamic nucleus for dopamine
region/hypothalamic nucleus for somatostatine
supraquiasmatic periventricular region (ant)
lactancy hormone that stimulates milk ejection
what do AVP/ADH do
stimulate reabsorption of water
non endocrine functions of the hypothalamus
○ Thirst, temperature, sexual desire, etc thorugh hypothalamic nuclei
anterior pituitary hormones are produced by what
parvocellular hypothalamic neurons
anterior pituitary hormones
weight of pituitary gland
blood flow of pituitary gland
very vascularized
Situations in which Pituitary can double size:
- Pregnancy
- Puberty (especially girls)
- Primary hypothyroidism
- Primary hypogonadism
% gland of adeno vs neurohipofisis
75% adeno
25% neuro
embryological origin of adenohipofifis
Bolsa de Rathke (evaginación del techo de la orofaringe primitiva).
embryological origin of neurohipofisis
Evaginación del hipotálamo ventral y del piso del 3° ventrículo
irrigation of adenohipofisis
Arteria hipofisaria superior + sistema porta hipotalámico (0.8ml de sangre/g de tejido)
irrigation of neurohipofisis
Arteria hipofisaria media + Arteria hipofisaria inferior
Venous drainage of pituitary glland
cavernous senos –> sup and inf petrous senos –> yugular veins –> SVC –> RA
pituitary cell types
- Nulas - don’t secrete hormones, do secrete NTs
* Secretory - classified in 5 types
cx of somatotropic cells
@ lateral portions
function of somatotropic cells in skeletal muscle
increases muscle mass
increases AA capitation
decreases proteolysis
decreases glucose capitation (CONTRAREGULATOR) –> hyperglucemiant
function of somatotropic cells in adipose tissue
decrease capitation of glucose increase lipolysis (degradation of TGs/FAs) -increases activity of hormonosensible/GH lipase
function of somatotrpic cells in liver
increase protein synthesis
increases gluconeogenesis (formation of glucose from lactate, pyruvate, glycerol, AAs)
increases IGF-1 synthesis (somatomedine C) –> which in turn increases bone lineal growth , muscle and visveral growth
what is IGF-1
a cofactor that helps GH functions/efficacy = NECESSARY
cx of lactotrpic cells
function of lactotropic cells
in mammary glands increase milk production during lactancy
decreases GnRH (FSH LH) –> amenorrea
cx of corticotropic cells
function of corticotropic cells
@ adrenal cortex
increase growth, development, vascularization
increase LPL capitation which increases synthesis and adrenal secretion of glucocorticoids (cortisol) and sex steroids (androgens and estrogens)
increases melanin synthesis
stimulate mineralocorticoids, sex hormones
increase CyP450 : cholesterol –> pregnenolone
decrease GnRH and GH
cx of gonadotropic cells
function of LH in women
theca cells: make androgens - testosterone and androstenedione by theca cells in ovaries that by diffusion pass to granulouse cells (through aromatase converts androgens to estrogens)
ovaric follicle: rupture causing ovulation
function of LH in men
Leydig intersticial cells of testicle: synthesis and secretion of testosterone
decreases hypothalamic secretion of GnRH and pituitary secretion of FSH and LH by RAN
function of FSH in w0men
acitmates aromatase
androstenedione –> estrone (E1)in adipocytes
testosterone –> estradiol (E2)
growth and follicular development
dominant foliculo selection
production of inhibine by granous cells in ovaries which cause less secretion of FSH from pituitary
estrogen byexcellence
function of FSH in men
proliferation of seminiferous tubes
principal determinant of testicular volume
production of inibine thru sertoli cells in the testicle –> decreases pituitary FSH secretion
cx of tirotropic cells
function of tirotropic cells in thyroid
stimulate vascularity and thyroid growth
stimulate production of T3 and T4
morphological changes causing pseudopod formation increases iodine trapping and bone reabsorption
(that’s why hyperthyroidism causes early osteoporosis)
decreases colloid, fotitias of IC colloid
stimulates tiroglobulin hydrolysis
- Iodine metaoblism phases stimulation
- Increases mRNA of tiroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase
- Increases 5’ deyodase I (T4–>3 peripheral)
- Glucose captation, O2 consumption and CO2 production +
hormones that share alfa subunits
80% of somatomelina C / IGF-1 produced where?
but it acts in the muscle
how can IGF-1 lead to microsomal children
mothers pancrease stimulates insulin also stimulating IGF-1
which homones are glucoproteins
share homology
which are somatotropins
irrigation of hypothalamus
thru superior hypophyseal artery
TFs involved in development of adenohipofisary cells
- POU1F1 (Pit-1): lactotropas, somatotropas y tirotropas.
- Prop-1: gonadotropas. (promiscuous)
- T-pit: corticótropas.
TSH also stimulates
ADH nucleus
is a nonapeptide that is synthesized predominately in thesupraoptic nucleusof the hypothalamus, and secreted from theposterior pituitaryupon stimulation of these cell bodies.
primary stimulus for ADH secretion
The primary stimulus for antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion is anincrease in serum osmolarity. A loss of intracellular water from hypothalamic osmoreceptor neurons bathed by hyperosmolar blood will stimulate ADH release. Other factors thatincreaseADH secretion include: • Pain/stress • Hypoglycemia • Nausea • Volume contraction • Nicotine and opiates • Angiotensin II
2 primary functions of ADH
- Regulate serum osmolarity
- Maintain (increase)blood pressure
- Increases water reabsorption in renal colector tubules
- Modualtes BP by increasing SM arterial tone
Stimulates liberation of ACTH by hypofisary corticotrope cells