2D part 2- Conflict in Teams Flashcards
What are the types of conflict?
Relationship/A-type/emotional conflict
Task/C-type/Cognitive conflict
Process Conflict
What is proportional and perceptual conflict?
Proportional conflict occurs when
team members have different ideas about the amount and type of conflict that exists within their group- really about the level of each type of conflict in comparison to each other
- Perceptual conflict refers to if there is an agreement or a lack
thereof, in terms of whether team members perceive conflict
Results of relationship conflict
interfere with the mental
effort and performance of team members,
and can be
detrimental to job satisfaction
Increased team conflict leads to
inefficient team
Team in conflict has
lower levels of intergroup
trust, which can lead to reductions in individual
autonomy and fewer task interdependencies (in an aim to increase performance)
Team Power
the control of resources that enable a team to influence
others in the organization
The type of conflict behaviour
(constructive versus destructive) in a team depends on
. The level of team power
* The likelihood that power
determines the success or failure of the team
Teams low in power became more constructive when power did not determine success, but when it did, they acted more unconstructively
Cross-functional teams
composed of people from multiple disciplines, functions, and divisions that have different areas of expertise
Conflicts in Cross-functional teams. These teams can have
representational gaps, or inconsistent views in the way people define or approach a problem- different mental models
Minority and Majority Conflict
Method of influence- direct influence- entice other team members to adopt their position
Indirect influence- people in the majority privately agree with the minority
When people change their attitudes and behaviours as a result of direct influence or pressure
when people change their attitudes and
behavior as a result of their own thinking about a subject
Can have a delayed impact and come later- sleeper effect
Benefits of Minority Representation in teams
- Cognitive activity in a group
increases - Increase in message scrutiny
- Divergent thinking and
consideration of multiple
Confict in culturally diverse teams
Linguistic-related challenges
* Individualism versus collectivism
Benefts of training to express
confict appropriately and
Less misundertandings and thus less conflict