2C-"We ate Pancreas!" Flashcards
What does pancreas endocrine function refer to?
Insulin and Glucagon
What does pancreas exocrine function refer to?
Pancreatic Juice
What are the 2 GENERAL contents of pancreatic juice? What is the pH?
1.HCO3 2.Digestive Enzymes(9)…pH of 7.6 to 8.2-Alkaline to balance stomach acid
What are the three anatomical divisions of the pancreas? Which division is closest to the Duodenum?
Tail, Body, and Head (next to Duodenum)
What are the two main cell groups of the pancreas? What % composition?
1.Islets of Langerhans (endocrine)-5% 2.Ascinar cells (exocrine cells)-95%
How does pancreatic juice travel from the pancreas to the duodenum?
The main pancreatic duct
Review: How much Pancreatic Juice is produced per day?
1.5 L
What 2 juices, along with pancreatic juice, are neutral or alkaline to bring the Duodenum pH to 6.0-7.0?
Bile and Intestinal Juice
What is the INFAMOUS region where the Bile Duct Sphincter, the Pancreatic Duct Sphincter, and the Sphincter of Oddi all join together?
the Papilla of Vater (NOT darth Vader)
BOOM: WHAT ARE THE 9, yes NINE, Enzymes of the Pancreatic Juice??!!
1.Pancreatic Amylase 2.Pancreatic Lipase 3.CoLipase 4.Trypsinogen 5.Chymotrypsinogen 6.Procarboxypeptidase (A/B) 7.Pro-Elast-ase 8.RiboNuclease 9.DeOxyRiboNuclease
What are the proteases of the pancreatic juice secreted as?
Inactive “pro-enzymes”
What converts Trypsinogen to Trypsin? Where does this happen?
EnteroKinase(EnteroPeptidase)..At the entrance of the Duodenum
What are the three proteases that Trypsin converts from inactive to active forms?
1.Chymotrypsinogen—>Chymotrypsin 2.ProCarboxyPeptidase—->CarboxyPeptidase 3.Pro-elastase—>Elastase
_________ deficiency can occur as a congenital abnormality, which leads to protein malnutrition.
What does Pancreatic tissue keep up its sleeve to keep its enzymes from digesting itself?
Trypsin Inhibitors!
What are the two hormones controlling pancreatic juice secretion? What are their products like?
1.Secretin-Pancreatic Juice that’s RICH in HCO3- and LOW in enzymes. 2.CCK-Pancratic Juice that’s Rich in enzymes and Low in HCO3-