2Aggregates Flashcards
Infants age
Children age
Infant: under 1
Children: 1-9yr old
MIC and what it encompasses
Maternal, infant and children health
Women of childbearing age from:
-Pre-pregnancy, L&D, and postpartum period
The health of children:
-Prior to birth thru adolescence
Issues within declining MIC mortality
Significant racial disparities
Families are what to infants and children
As it does what
Primary unit as it nurtured and supported regarding healthy development
Definition of family
There are various
As it changes over time
Depends on social/cultural norms, values
Single family/grandparent nursing child
Unmarried women are more likely than married women, non-cohabitating women to
Experience negative birth outcomes
Initiate prenatal care early in pregnancy
Married women are less likely than unmarried, non-cohabitating women to
Rely on government assistance to pay for prenatal care
Tennage pregnancies more likely to
Less likely to
More likely to result in serious health consequences for mother and baby
Less likely to receive early prenatal care
Teen mothers more likely to what 4 things
Smoke during pregnancy
Have preterm birth
Low-birth wt babies
Pregnancy complications
Teens who become pregnant and have a child are more likely to (4)
Drop out of school
Not get married or have a marriage end in divorce
Rely on public assistance
Live in poverty
Family planning do what
How many children they want to have and the spacing
Also choosing appropriate means to accomplish it
Gov and non gov organizations
Unintended pregnancy
Mistimed or unwanted
1/2 preg in us are uninteded
Unintended pregnancy associated with/ negative health behaviors 3
Delayed prenatal care
Inadequate wt gain
Smoking/alcohol/drug use
Title X
Who it funds
Aims to what
Federal program that provides funds for family planning services for low-income people
Aims to:
Reduce unintended pregnancy by providing contraceptive and reproductive healthcare services to low-ncome women
Title X
Gag rule
A rule that can put a limitation or restriction on something
Ex: trump: cant offer abortions to clients
Evaluating the success of community health family planning programs
Reductions in unintended pregnancies, abortions, births
Prevented 1.9 million unplanned pregnancies
Risks of maternal mortality or morbidity
Limited education
Preconception care
Med care to women of reproductive age to promote health PRIOR to conception
Prenatal health care
Med care from time of conception until birth process
(Know primary preventions)
Early preconception and prenatal care leads to
Less low-birth wt infants
Better preg outcomes
Infant health depends on many factors: (7)
- mothers health and her health behavior prior to and during pregnancy
-genetic charatcteristics
-mothers level of prenatal care
-quality of delivery (traumatic/laceration, c-section)
-infants environment after birth (home/family, medical services, sleeping environment, air quality)
Measures of a nations health (decline in infant mortality due to?
Improved disease surveillance
Advanced clinical care
Improves access to care
Leading cause of infant death:
Congenital abnormalities
Preterm/low birth wt
Improving infant health (6)
1we want
Premature births
Low birth wt
Cigarette smoking
Alcohol and other drugs
Child health
Medical home
Primary care:
-wellness check
-for continuity of care
Childhood mortality:
Leading cause (specifically)
Also want to look out for what two things
Unintentional injuries
Specifically (motor vehicle deaths, those not wearing seat belts/restraints)
2 things:
Child maltreatment and infectious disease
(Know primary prevention teaching)
Issues with community programs for women/infants/children
Many are categorical programs:
Only available to people who fit into a specific groups
Issue bc may need services but do not quality