29. May and might 1 Flashcards
- Estás buscando Bob. Nadie está seguro de dónde está, pero obtienes algunas sugerencias.
You are looking for Bob. Nobody is sure where he is, but yu get some suggestions.
- Él quizá está almorzando / tal vez está almorzando.
He might be having lunch / perhaps he is having lunch.
- Ella podría saber / tal vez ella sabe.
She might know/ perhaps she knows.
- Quizá esté en su oficina / tal vez está en su oficina.
He may be in his office / perhaps he is in his office.
- Quizá sea cierto / tal vez sea cierto
It may be true / It might be true
29 Quizá no sea verdad (tal vez no es cierto)
It may not be true (perhaps it isn’t true)
- Ella quizá ya no trabaje aquí ya. (tal vez ella no trabaja aquí)
She might not work here any more (perhaps she doesn’t work here)
- Me pregunto por qué Kate no contestó el teléfono. Ella quizá ha estado dormida.
I wonder why Kate didn’t answer the phone. She may have been asleep.
- No puedo encontrar mi bolso en ninguna parte. Quizá lo hayas dejado en la tienda.
I can’t find my bag anywhere. You might have left it in the shop.
- Me sorprendió que Kate no estubiera en la reunión de ayer. Ella quizá no lo haya sabido.
I was surprised that Kate wasn’t at the meeting yesterday. She might not have known about it.
- Me pregunto por qué David estaba de tan mal humor ayer. Quizá no se haya estado sintiendo muy bien.
I wonder why David was in such a bad mood yesterday. He may not have been a feeling well.
- Tal vez estuviera dormida.
Perhaps she was asleep.
- Tal vez te lo dejaras en la tienda.
Perhaps you left it in the shop.
- Tal vez ella no sabía.
Perhaps she didn’t know.
- Tal vez ella no se sintiera bien.
Perhaps she wasn’t feeling well.
- Es una historia extraña, pero podría ser cierta.
it’s a strange story, but it could be true. (it may/migh)
- Podrías haber dejado tu maleta en la tienda.
You could have left your bag in the shop (you may/migh)
- Sarah no podía haber recibido mi mensaje. De lo contrario habría contestado.
Sarah couldn’t have got my message. Otherwise she would have replied.
- No es posible que ella recibiera mi mensaje.
It is not possible that she got my message.
- Me pregunto porque Sarah no ha respondido a mi mensaje.
I wonder why Sarah hasn’t replied to my message.
- Supongo que quizá ella no lo ha recibido.
I suppose she might not have got it.
- Tal vez ella no lo recibiera, y tal vez sí.
Perhaps she didn’t get it, and perhaps she did.
- Tal vez Helen esté en su oficina.
Perhaps Helen is in her office.
- Ella quizá esté en su oficina.
She might be in her office.
- Tal vez Helen esté ocupada.
Perhaps Helen is busy.
- Tal vez ella está trabajando.
Perhaps she is working.
- Tal vez ella quiere estar sola.
Perhaps she wants to be alone.
- Tal vez ella estuviera enferma ayer.
Perhaps she was ill yesterday.
- Tal vez ella fuera a casa pronto.
Perhaps she went home early.
- Tal vez ella tuvo que ir a casa pronto.
Perhaps she had to go home early.
- Tal vez ella estuvo trabajando ayer.
Perhaps she was working yesterday.
- Tal vez ella no quiera verme.
Perhaps she doesn’t want to see me.
- Tal vez ella hoy no está trabajando.
Perhaps she isn’t working today.
- Tal vez ayer ella no se sintió bien.
Perhaps she wasn’t feeling well yesterday.
- Quizá esté ocupada.
She might be busy.
- Quizá está trabajando.
She might be working.
- Quizá quiere estar sola.
She might want to be alone.
- Quizá ha ido a casa pronto.
She might have gone home early.
- Quizá ha tenido que ir a casa pronto.
She might have had to go home early
- Quizá ahora quiera verme.
she might now want to see me.
- Quizá hoy no está trabajando.
She might not be working today.
- Quizá ayer no estaba bien.
she might not have been feeling well yesterday.
- Dónde está Sam? No estoy seguro. Quizá esté comiendo.
Where’s Sam? I’m not sure. He might be having lunch.
- Quien es ese hombre que está con Emily? no estoy seguro. Quizá es su hermano.
Who is that man with Emily? I’m not sure. It might be her brother.
- Quien era el hombre que vimos con Ana ayer? quizá fuera su hermano.
Who was the man we saw with Ana yesterday? It may have been her brother.
- ¿Qué están haciendo las personas del lado de la carretera? No se. Ellos quizá estén esperando el autobús.
What are those people doing by the side of the road? I don’t know. They might be waiting for a bus.
- Tienes un sello?. No, pero pregunta a Simón. Él quizá tenga uno.
Do you have a stamp? No, but ask Simon. He may have one.
- No encuentro a Jeff por ningún lado. Me pregunto dónde está.
I can’t find Jeff anywhere. I wonder where he is.
- Quizá ha ido de compras.
He migh have gone shopping.
- Quizá esté jugando al tenis.
He might be playing tennis.
- Estoy buscando a Sarah. Sabes dónde está?
I’m looking for Sarah. Do you know where she is?
- Quizá esté viendo la televisión en su habitación.
She might be watching TV in her room.
- Quizá haya salido.
She might have gone out.
- No encuentro mi paraguas. Lo has visto?
I can’t find my umbrella. Have you seen it?
- Quizá esté en el coche (el paraguas).
It might in the car.
- Quizá lo dejaste en el restaurante ayer por la noche.
You might have left it in the restaurant last night.
- Porque Dave no contestó al timbre? Estoy segura de que el estaba en casa en ese momento.
Why didn’t Dave answer the doorbell? I am sure he was at home at the time.
- Quizá se fue a la cama pronto.
He might have gone to bed early.
- Quizá no escuchó el timbre.
He might not have heard the doorbell.
- Quizá estaba en la ducha.
He might have been in the shower.
- Crees que Sarah recibió el mensaje que le enviamos?
Do you think Sarah got the message we sent her?
- Se habría puesto en contacto con nosotros. Podría no haberlo recibido. (el mensaje que le enviamos)
She would have contacted us. She couldn’t have got it. (the message we sent)
- Me sorprendió que Sarah no estuviera en la reunión. Tal vez no lo sabía.
I was surprised Kate wasn’t at the meeting. Perhaps she didn’t know about it.
- Quiza no lo sabía.
She might not have know about it.
- Me pregunto porque ellos nunca respondieron nuestra carta. Crees que la recibieron?
I wonder why they never replied to our letter. Do you think they recieved it?
- Quizá no no lo recibieron.
They might not have received it.
- Me pregunto como empezó el fuego. Fue un accidente?
I wonder how the fire started. Was it an accident?
- La policía dice que el fuego no podría haber sido un accidente.
The police say the fire coudn’t have been an accident.
- Mike dice que necesita verte. El intentó encontrarte ayer.
Mike says he needs to see you. He tried to find you yesterday.
- El quizá no lo intentó muy “duro”. Estuve en la oficina todo el día.
He couldn’t have tried very hard. I was in my office all day.
- El hombre al que hablabas… estás segura que era americano?
The man you spoke to - are you sure he was American?
- Quizá no fuera americano.
He might not have been American.