13. Present Perfect and past simple Flashcards
Ha perdido su llave.
He has lost his key.
Tom está buscando su llave. No puede encontrarla.
Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it.
El perdió su llave, pero la ha encontrado.
He lost his key, but he has found it.
Esto significa que él no tiene su llave ahora.
This means that he doesn’t have his key now.
Ahora Tom ha encontrado su llave. He la tiene ahora.
Now Tom has found his key. He has it now.
Ha perdido él su llave? No, él la ha encontrado.
Has he lost his key? No, he has found it.
Perdió el su llave? Sí, la perdió.
Did he lose his key? Yes, he did.
He reparado la televisión. Ahora funciona bien.
I’ve repaired the TV. It’s working OK now.
Han salido. Volverán el viernes.
They’ve gone away. They’ll be back on Friday.
Salieron, pero creo que están de vuelta a casa ahora.
They went away, but I think they’re back at home now.
Ha parado de llover ahora, así que no necesitamos el paraguas.
It has stopped raining now, so we don’t need the umbrella.
Paro de llover durante un rato, pero ahora está lloviendo otra vez.
It stopped raining for a while, but now it’s raining again.
Me he quemado. Como hiciste eso? Recogí un plato caliente.
I’ve burnt myself. How did you do that? I picked up a hot dish.
Has escuchado las noticias? Sally ha ganado la lotería.
Have you heard the news? Sally has won the lottery.
Mi madre creció en Escocia.
My mother grew up in Scotland.
Sabías que alguien ha inventado un nuevo tipo de lavadora?
Did you know that somebody has invented a new type of washing machine?
Quien inventó el teléfono?
Who invented the telephone?
Viste la película en la tele ayer por la noche?
Did you see the movie on tv last night?
Alguien ha derramado algo en el sofá. Bien, no fui yo. No lo hice.
Somebody has spilt something on the sofa. Well, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it.
He perdido mi llave. La has visto en algún sitio?
I’ve lost my key. Have you seen it anywhere?
Perdí mi llave. La viste en algún sitio?
I lost my key. Did you see it anywhere?
Perdí mi llave ayer.
I lost my key yesterday.
Cuantos sinfonías compuso Beethoven?
How many symphonies did Beethoven compose?
Comía muchos dulces cuando era un niño.
I ate a lot of candy when I was a child.
A qué hora llegaron?
What time did they arrive?