2.8 - Tools, Processes, Shaping and Forming of Timbers, Metals and Polymers Flashcards
What are some different saws used for cutting and removing material from timbers, metals and polymers?
- Rip / cross-cut saw
- Tenon saw
- Coping saw
- Hacksaw / junior hacksaw
- Jig saw
- Router
- Planer
- Chisel
What is a rip / cross-cut saw used for and for what materials? (Cutting tool)
Uses: For cutting wood along or across the grain.
For: Timber.
What is a tenon saw used for and for what materials? (Cutting tool)
Uses: Cutting shallow lines into small pieces of wood. Wood joints.
For: Timber.
What is a coping saw used for and for what materials? (Cutting tool)
Uses: For cutting curved lines through a thin material.
For: Timber, plastic and thin metal.
What is a hacksaw / junior hacksaw used for and for what materials? (Cutting tool)
Uses: Fine toothed for cutting hard materials such as metal and plastic pipes.
For: Metal and plastic.
What is a jig saw used for and for what materials? (Cutting tool)
Uses: A handheld power tool suitable for making straight or curved cuts, It has a reciprocating, narrow saw blade.
For: Timber, metal, plastic,
What is a router used for and for what materials? (Cutting tool)
Uses: A handheld router cuts a shape or profile by moving it through the material. CNC routing follows a cutting path. The material is secured on a cutting bed so only the router moves.
For: Timber, plastic.
What is a planer used for and for what materials? (Cutting tool)
Uses: For shaping and smoothing by slicing off thin shavings of wood. Planing should follow the direction of the wood grain.
For: Timber.
What is a chisel used for and for what materials? (Cutting tool)
Uses: For carving, cutting and shaping wood. The blade has a bevelled edge to give a sharp cutting edge. The handle is hit with a mallet to create the cutting force. Chisels are made in a variety of shapes and widths for the appropriate task.
For: Timber.
What are some different drilling tools and drill bits?
- Countersink bit
- Flat bit
- Hole saw
- Twist bit
- Centre punch
- Bradawl
How is a countersink bit used? (Drilling tool)
Cuts a slightly larger hole to allow the head of the screw to sit flush or just below the surface of the material.
How is a flat bit used? (Drilling tool)
Wide, flat blade used for cutting larger diameter holes.
How is a hole saw used? (Drilling tool)
Cylindrical metal blade to cut bigger holes in timber, metal or plastic.
How is a centre punch used? (Drilling tool)
Used on metal to create a tiny mark or dent in the work piece. This helps to guide a drill and prevent drift.
How is a bradawl used? (Drilling tool)
Marking and making holes accurately before drilling or screwing.
How is a twist bit used? (Drilling tool)
General purpose for creating holes in timber, metal or plastic.
What are some different abrading tools?
- File
- Rasp
- Abrasive paper (Sandpaper)
- Sander
- Wet and dry paper
What is a file used for? (Abrading tool)
- Hand tool used to remove fine amounts of material.
- Available in different shapes and coarseness for a range of surfaces.
What is a rasp used for? (Abrading tool)
- A coarse file with individual teeth for shaping wood.
- Produces a rough surface which will need sanding.
What is Abrasive paper (Sandpaper) used for? (Abrading tool)
- Sheets of paper coated with an abrasive surface ranging from coarse to fine.
- Abrasive papers are rubbed against a surface to shape and smooth.
What is a sander used for? (Abrading tool)
- A sander consists of a wheel or pad, covered with abrasive paper.
- The wheel or pad spins or oscillates rapidly to remove waste material.
- Used for timber
What is wet and dry paper used for? (Abrading tool)
- An abrasive paper with a waterproof backing to allow use with water.
- Commonly used for paint finishing on metals or to finish acrylic edges to produce a very smooth surface.
What are some different machine tools?
- Disc or belt sander
- Band saw
- Pillar drill
What is a disk / belt sander and what materials is it used for?
- A long length of abrasive paper rotates.
- The machinist can then press a workpiece up against the abrasive surface to sand or to remove thick surfaces such as old paint.
- For: Timber.
What is a band saw and what materials is it used for?
- A band saw has a long continuous blade stretched between two wheels.
- They can be used for very large cuts or with a finer blade for cutting curves and shapes.
- For: Timber, plastic and metalwork.
What is a pillar drill (also known as pedestal drill) and what materials is it used for?
- The drill table is adjustable and a depth stop can be fitted to ensure holes are drilled to a predetermined depth.
- A pillar drill usually drills at 90°.
- With its powerful motor it can drill through thick pieces quickly and accurately.
- For: Timber, metal and plastic.