2.8(Spec2) - Mass Movement + Barton Flashcards
Examples of stresses on a cliff?
- Angle of slope
- Rainwater/saturation
- Vibration
- Earthquakes
- Undercutting (sea/cliff erosion)
Examples of strengths on a cliff?
- Tree/vegetation roots
- Porosity of soil
- Consolidation of material
- Lubricant layers (allow water to flow through cliff and out to side)
What are the types of mass movement?
- blockfall
- topple
- translational slide
- (rotational) slumping
- flow / landslides
What is blockfall/rockfall?
- Rapid mass movement
- When rocks are dislodged by mechanical weathering/HA
- Also when cliffs are undercut, leading to large block falls
What are topples?
- Rock strata has very steep seaward dip
- Is undercut by erosion
- Will lead to instability and blocks of material toppling into sea
- subject to geology
What are translational slides?
Very low angle seaward dip (no blockfall)
Material slides down dipslope
What is a flow/landslide?
- flow of unconsolidated material downslope
- material becomes saturated, thus loses cohesion
- can be caused by heavy rainfall and high tides which saturate weak rocks (clay and unconsolidated sand)
What is (rotational) slumping?
- Movement of material along a curved failure surface (seaward bedding plane)
- water lubricates slip plane along impermeable/permeable boundary
- can occur over days to years
What are block slides?
- material slides down along a bedding plane
- in large blocks
What is a terrace?
Vegetation present at top of slump
What is a back scar?
Exposed, curved surface along slip plane on cliff face
How can mass movement be managed?
- Absorb wave energy:
- Sea walls
- Beach nourishment
- Dune regeneration
- Boreholes - reduce internal water pressure of cliff, slip plane is not lubricated, upper layers are not as saturated
All reduce stress on cliff
What is the downside of using dune regeneration?
Takes time to regenerate dunes
- need to wait for marram grass to grow
What is the disadvantage of using beach nourishment?
Groynes are needed
- in order to keep sediment there
What sort of coastline is Highcliffe/Barton Sands on?
- Concordant coastline
How high are cliffs at Highcliffe?
- 25-35m
What is the average erosion rate at Highcliffe/Barton-on-Sea?
- 1m/yr
What has Barton-on-Sea been used for?
- testing hard engineering geology experiments
- eg. Revetments, boulders, groynes