2.8 Flashcards
Effector Mechanisms of Humoral Immunity (7)
neutralization of microbes and toxins
opsonization and phagocytosis of microbes
ab dependent cellular cytotoxicity
lysis of microbes
phagocytosis of microbes opsonized with complement fragments
complement activation
ab isotype: IgG
effector fx: (5)
neutralization of microbes and toxins
opsonization of antigens for phagocytosis by macrophage and neutrophils
activation of the classical pathway of complement
ab dependent cellular cytotoxicity mediated by NK cells
neonatal immunity: transfer of maternal ab across placenta and gut
feedback inhibition of b cell activation
ab isotype: IgM
effector fx:
activaiton of classical pathway of complement
ab isotype: IgA
effector fx:
mucosal immunity, secretion into lumens of GI and respiratory tracts, neutralization of microbes and toxins
ab isotype: IgE
effector fx:
eosinophil and mast cell mediated defense against helminths
w/o antibody: microbe entry through epithelial barrier
w/ antibody:
ab blocks penetraiton of microbe thruogh epithelial barrier
w/o antibody: infection of cell by microbe
w/ antibody:
ab blocks binding of mcirobe and infection of cells
w/o antibody: pathologic effect of toxin
w/ antibody:
ab blocks binding of toxin to cellular receptor
Figure 8-5. Antibody-mediated opsonization and phagocytosis of microbes (5)
opsonization of microbe by IgG binding of opsonized microbes to phagocyte Fc receptors Fc receptor signals activate phagocyte phagocytosis of microbe killing of ingested microbe
Figure 8-7. Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC)
killing of ab coated cell
Figure 8-8. IgE- and eosinophil-mediated killing of helminths
eosinophil activaiton
helminth death
Complement System
Component of the — Immune Response
Classical pathway is part of — Immune Response
Classical pathway starts with recognition
of antigen-engaged antibodies by
complement – protein.
Figure 8-11. The functions of complement (3)
opsonization and phagocytosis: phagocytosis and killing of microbe
complememnt mediated cytolysis: osmotic lysis of microbe
stimulation of inflammatory reactions: destruction of microbes by leukocytes
Figure 8-13. Transport of IgA through epithelium (3)
lamina propria
mucosal epithelial cell