25 Flashcards
On what type of immune cell is each of the following cell surface proteins found? CD4 CD14 CD16 CD19 CD3 CD8
CD4 - TH cells CD14 - MQs CD16 - NK cells CD19 - B cells CD3 - ALL T cells CD8 - Cytotoxic T cells
Child with immune disorder suffers from repeated staph accesses. It is found that neutrophils fail to respond because the chemotactic stimuli are deficient.
Most likely dx?
Hyper IgE (Job) Syndrome - Low IFN-Y
What are the contents, blood supply, and innervation of the foregut?
Esophagus, stomach, 1st part of duodenum, liver + gallbladder, pancreas
Blood = celiac trunk
Para = vagus
symp = splanchnic nerves
What are the contents, blood supply, and innervation of the midgut?
3rd and 4th duodenum, ileum, appendix, proximal 2/3 colon (to splenic flexure)
Blood = sma
para = vagus
simp = splanchnic nerves
What are the contents, blood supply, and innervation of the hindgut?
Distal 1/3 colon (sigmoid, rectum) to pectinate line
Blood = IMA
para = pelvic splanchnic nerves
simp = lumbar splanchnic nerves
Describe hypertrophic pyloric stenosis:
- congenital thickened pylori muscularis
- projectile vomiting
- palpable knot (olive) in pyloric region
Describe extra hepatic biliary atresia:
- congenital incomplete recanalization of bile duct during development
- presents shortly after birth
- dark urine, clay colored stools, jaundice
Describe annular pancreas:
- congenitally abnormal ventral/ dorsal pancreatic bud fusion–> constriction around duodenum
- duodenal obstruction–> biliary vomiting
Mekel’s Diverticulum: What is the rule of 2’s?
This is a persistent remnant of the vitelline duct
- 2 in long
- 2 ft from ileocecal valve
- 2% population
- 2 years (presents by 2 yoa)
- 2 types of epithelium possible: gastric + pancreatic
Describe congenital malrotation of the midgut:
- failure to accomplish normal 270 degree rotation during 6th week gestation
- cecum and appendix are in upper abdomen
- asstd. with volvulus (twisting and obstruction of intestine)
Describe congenital intestinal stenosis:
- failure of normal lumen recanalization
- failure to thrive
What is hirshspring disease?
neural crest cells fail to migrate into colon–> NO peristalsis
- constipation/ abdominal distention
- bowel movement will follow digital rectal exam (no meconium stool)
Describe anal agenesis:
Improper formation of urorectal septum–> no anal opening
- rectovesical fistula
- rectovaginal fistula
- rectourethral fistula
Esophageal adenocarcinoma:
- associated risks and precipitation factors
- population
- prevalence
- Associated with Barrett’s esophagus (GERD, smoking, obesity, nitrosamines)
- mostly whites
- # 1 esophageal cancer in US
Esophageal adenocarcinoma:
- associated risks and precipitation factors
- population
- prevalence
- Associated with ETOH and tobacco
- mostly blacks
- # 1 esophageal cancer ww
What are esophageal varicies?
Common cause and clinical findings
Commonly due to portal HTN–> varicosities in the esophagus
- Hematemesis
- Caput medusa
- Ascites