23 Flashcards
Mnemonic for aldosterone synthesis pathway
(Cholesterol –> aldosterone)
Also, what are three other important enzymes in the general steroid synthesis pathway?
*Disclaimer: this is terribly dirty. My husband made it up. Not me.
Come Put Pussy Down Cat’s Ass. She been DESparate for THREE years, TWENTY ONE days, and ELEVEN hours ALready.
Cholesterol –> pregnenelone –> progesterone –> DOC –> corticosterone –> aldosterone
Desmolase, 3BHD, 21aH, 11BH, aldosterone synthase.
Other key enzymes: 17aH shifts path towards sex hormones;
Aromatase converts various estrogen states, 5aR converts testosterone –> DHT
Abdominal aortic aneurism: most likely causes (2)?
smoking and atherosclerosis
Define pulsus paradoxus.
What are the causes?
Systolic BP decreases more than 10 points with inspiration
Causes: hyperinflation syndromes (asthma, COPD), cardiac tamponade
A study shows that high LDL does not increase ones risk of CAD. What type or error is this?
Type II error–study fails to demonstrate relationship that is actually there
Three layers of adrenal cortex + their function:
How do the hormones produced by the cortex work?
Layers outside–> inside:
Glomerulosa (salt) –> aldosterone
Fasiculata (sugar) –> cortisol
Reticular (sex) –> androgens
Steroid hormones–> intracellular receptors–> DNA transcription regulation
What type of cells make up the adrenal medulla?
What do they produce?
List the #1 adult and kiddo primary adrenal medullary tumors. What are their sx?
Chromatin cells–> catecholamines (E, NE)
#1 adult medullary tumor: Pheochromocytoma - EPISODIC HTN/ catecholamine effects
#1 Kiddo medullary tumor: Adrenal neuroblastoma - SUSTAINED HTN/ catecholamine effects
What is the #1 Adrenal tumor in adults?
Benign adrenal adenoma (of the cortex)
How is adrenal development related to lung development ?
Fetal adrenals–> glucocorticoids–> ^surfactant production by Type II pneumocytes–> enable extrauterine lyyyyfeee
3-b HSD Deficiency:
- Inability to produce what 4 products?
- What is the result?
Inability to produce glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, androgens, estrogens
Results in salt wasting (^urinary Na) + early death
17-a Hydroxylase Deficiency:
Describe two important symptoms and their etiology
Inability to produce sex hormones + cortisol–> phenotypic female that fails to develop
^ mineralocorticoids–> HTN
21-a Hydroxylase Deficiency:
List three features of the disease and their etiology
Inability to make cortisol –> ^ ACTH
Inability to make mineralocorticoids–> HypoTN, HypoNa, ^K
^ androgen production–> masculinization
**Life threatening salt wasting; all babies get 17OH-P screening at birth to make sure they don’t DIE. Will be ^ if they have deficiency (precursor)
11-b Hydroxylase Deficiency:
- Inability yo produce what three hormones?
- What are two symptoms + etiology?
No cortisol, corticosterone, aldosterone
^ 11 DOC (deoxycorticosterone) –> mild mineralocorticoid effect–> HTN
^ androgens–> masculinization
Which food substance is essential to make adrenal steroids?
Acetate! (Precursor to cholesterol)
Deficiency in all enzymes that start with 1 results in…
11B hydroxylase, etc
Deficiency in all enzymes with 1 in SECOND # results in…
21-a hydroxylase, etc.
excess androgens and masculinization