24- infant fussiness Flashcards
when should newborns return to birth weight?
Normal infants will lose up to ten percent of their birth weight in the first several days after delivery.
By two weeks of age, expect an infant to have returned to birth weight.
when is timing of colostrum and heavier milk production
colustrum- at delivery
milk- 48-72 hours
Flipping from back to front is generally not achieved until
4 months
milestones of 4 weeker
A. Increased alertness and responsiveness.
B. Move hands to mouth and eye range.
C. Diminishment of jerky upper extremity motions.
D. Can pick up head and move from one side to other when lying prone.
F. Increased ability to focus on faces and show preference for human faces.
G. Hearing maturation; beginning to turn head toward familiar sounds.
when does rooting reflex disappear
4 mo
Colic timing and epidemiology
affects approximately 20-25% of all infants. most likely cause of infant fussiness
begin at two weeks, peak at about six weeks, and gradually improve by twelve weeks of life.
most common cause of nonbilious vomiting in infants.
pyloric stenosis
timing of pyloric stenosis
It presents most typically after three weeks of age and up to five months. It may present as early as the first week of life.
diagnosis of pyloric stenosis
by palpation of a firm, mobile, 2 centimeter long, olive-shaped pyloric mass located above and to the right of the umbilicus in the mid-epigastrium beneath the liver edge, present in about 70% of cases.
Ultrasound is 95% sensitive for diagnosis and used when presentation suggests the diagnosis but a mass is not palpated.
most common cause of intestinal obstruction in infants between the ages of three months and six years of life.
Intussusception (most beofre 2 yo)
Intussusception presentation
sudden onset of severe, paroxysmal, colicky pain, recurring at frequent intervals. There may develop progressive lethargy, weakness, fever, and shock if it is not diagnosed and treated.
when does GERD resolve for infants?
In 80% of infants, it gradually resolves by six months, and in 90% of infants it resolves by twelve months.
GERD presentation in infants
effortless dribbling of milk out of an infant’s mouth,- happy baby
colic criteria
Unexplained paroxysmal bouts of fussing and crying that lasts at least three hours a day, at least three times a week, for longer than three weeks.
what should you do with a 5 week old with a high fever?
admit to ED to eval sepsis