24/25 Upper Respiratory Tract Flashcards
what URT tissues are considered sterile?
mastoid air cells middle ear sinuses trachea bronchi bronchioles (conjunctiva)
what are the normal flora of the nose?
- staph. epidermidis
- staph. aureus
- corynebacterium
staph. epidermidis gram stain and shape
gram positive cocci clusters
staph. areus gram stain and shape
gram positive cocci clusters
corynebacterium stain and shape
gram positive rod
normal nasopharynx flora
- streptococcus
- viridians group
- moraxella catarrhalis
- bacteriodes
who is in the viridans group?
- s. mutans
- s. mitis
- s. milleri
- s. salivarius
describe streptococcus
gram positive cocci in chains
describe moraxella catarrhalis
gram neg, diploid coccobacillus
strict anaerobes in the RT?
what pathogens are seen in the nasopharynx in increasing numbers in the winter?
- strep. pneumoniae
- haemophilus flu
- neisseria meningitides
- moraxella catarrhalis
what differentiates strep from staph?
strep is catalase negative
group A strep
strep. pyogenes
group B strep
strep. agalactiae
group D strep
strep. bovis and enterococcus faecalis
what is the only alpha hemolytic strep?
strep. pneumoniae
what does the rapid strep test target?
cell wall antigen
what is associated with m prtn and what is the m prtn?
strep. pyogenes
antiphagocytic component essential for virulence (80 serotypes)
does s. pyogenes have a capsule?
not in all strains
if it has one it helps to inhibit phagocytosis
what are the super antigens associated with strep. pyogenes?
nine proteins that are pyrogenic exotoxins
what is a super antigen
causes an upregulation/activation of massive immuen response which causes damage
what 3 diseases are the strep. pyogenes super antigens responsible for?
- scarlet fever
- toxic shock
- necrotizing fasciitis
what disease must be proceeded by strep throat?
scarlet fever
10 yo female presents with redness of throat, patches of adhering pus, scattered tiny hemorrhages, temperature 38.9C
strep. pyogenes
SPE release, redness of skin, desquamation of hands, and a whit coating on the tongue
scarlet fever