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Surgery Semmelweis
> 23. Hernia treatment > Flashcards
23. Hernia treatment Flashcards
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Surgery Semmelweis
(38 decks)
1. Wounds and their classification. Wound healing
2. Wound infections. Symptoms and treatment
(NOT IN TOPIC LIST 2021) 3. Asepsis and antisepsis Sterilisation, desinfection.
4. Surgical infections. The role of antibiotics in surgery.
6. Indications and types of operations
5. The preoperative management of surgical patients
6. The postoperative treatment and complications
7. Surgical oncology (basic principles of diagnosis)
8. Surgical oncology (basic principles of treatment)
9. Ileus (diagnosis and treatment)
10. Peritonitis (diagnosis and treatment)
11. Acute appendicitis (diagnosis and treatment)
12. The role of laparoscopy in abdominal surgery
1. Surgical diseases of the adrenal gland
2. Goiter (symptoms, diagnosis, treatment)
3. Tumors of the thyroid gland (symptoms, diagnosis (previous topic), treatment)
4. Surgical aspects of the parathyroid gland
5. Hiatal hernia – GERD
6. Diverticuli of the oesophagus, Achalasia
7. Esophageal injuries
8. Oesophageal tumors (symptoms, diganosis, treatment)
9. Surgical aspects of peptic ulcer disease
10. Tumors of the stomach (symptoms, diagnosis, treatment)
11. Gallstone disease (symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, complications)
12. Tumors of the biliary tract (bile duct and gallblader)
13. Benign liver tumors (symptoms, diagnosis, treatment)
14. Primary and secondary liver tumors (symptoms, diagnosis, treatment)
15. Surgical aspects of acute pancreatitis (symptoms, diganosis, treatment)
16. Surgical aspects of chronic pancreatitis (symptoms, diagnosis, treatment)
17. Tumors of the pancreas – radical and palliative surgery
18. Surgical aspects of colorectal polyps, polyposis syndromes, diverticulosis
19. Tumors of the large bowel (symptoms, diagnosis, treatment)
20. Inflammatory bowel disease – surgical aspects
21. Haemorrhoids, anal fistule and fissure, anorectal abscess
22. Hernia: definition, forms, types and symptoms
23. Hernia treatment
24. Benign breast tumors (symptoms, diganosis, treatment)
25. Malignant breast tumors (symptoms, diganosis, treatment)