23/02/24 (morning) Flashcards
At what age is hypospadias surgery done?
Around 12 months of life
Signs of aspiration pneumonia?
- Neurological injury/impaired consciousness, assisted feeding/swallowing difficulties, tracheostomy, poor dental hygiene, prolonged hospital stay, surgical procedures, mucocilliary clearance
- Patchy consolidation in right lower lobe
Most common type of prostate cancer?
Migraine management?
- Acute: triptan + NSAID orr paracetamol
- Prophylaxis: topiramate or propanolol
Causes of raised TLCO?
Asthma, pulmonary haemorrhage (Goodpasture’s, Wegener’s), left-to-right cardiac shunts, polycythaemia, hyperkinetic states, males, exercise
Causes of reduced TLCO?
Pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia, emphysema, pulmonary emboli, pulmonary oedema, anaemia, low cardiac output
Metastatic bone pain may respond to what?
1)Strong opioids
2) Bisphosphonates
3) Radiotherapy
Inducing remission in ulcerative colitis?
1) Topical aminosalicylate
2) Topical aminosalicylate + oral aminosalicylate
3) Topical aminosalicylate + oral aminosalicylate + oral steroid
4) If >2 relapses or sever exacerbation start oral azathioprine or mercaptopurine
Inducing remission in Crohn’s?
1) Oral steroids
2) Oral steroids + 5-ASA
3) Oral steroids + 5-ASA + azathiprine or mercaptopurine
What illness does toxoplasmosis often mimic, what are some reservoirs, what is the investigation and what is the management?
- EBV (fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy)
- Usual reservoir is cats, but can be in rats or undercooked pork
- Serology is invstigation of choice
- Disease is self-limmiting in immunocomptent patints but if severe or cerebral infction can give pyrimethamine plus sulphadiazine for at least 6 weeks
Signs of rectal inflammation (bloody painful diarrhoea and tenesmus) on background of prostate cancer radiotherapy suggests what?
Fatigue, macrocytic anaemia and swollen red tongue suggest what and hat antibodies are most useful to test for it?
- B12 deficiency
- Intrinsic facto antibodies
Risk factors for DDH?
Female, breech position, family history, first child, oligohydramnios, macrosomia, congenital calconeovalgus foot deformity
What is the general ASA grading
I) Normal healthy patient
II) Mild systemic disease
III) Severe systemic disease
IV) Severe systemic disease that is constant threat to life
V) Patient at point of death who won’t survive without surgery
VI) Confirmed braindead, organs being removed for donor purposes
What can cause raised PSA?
BPH, prostatitis and UTI, prostate cancer, urinary retention, instrumentation of urinary tract, ejaculation in last 48 hours, vigorous mercies in last 48 hours (particularly things like cycling)