2.2.4 Budgets Flashcards
Forecasts or plans for the future finances of a business. Sets out targets to be met, costs of achieving them and how that spending might be financed
Income budget
A target set for the amount of revenue to be achieved in a set period of time
Expenditure budget
A limit placed on the amount to be spent in a given period of time
Profit budget a
A target set for the surplus between income and expenditure in a given period of time
Purpose of setting budgets
Provides a quantifiable targets that outcomes can be compared to, helps planning and forecasting to inform decision making, motivated budget holders due to increased responsibility
Description of income budget
Can be split by products, services or departments, may be translated into individual sales targets for staff - motivating, informed by market research, informs predicted cash inflows and in the cash flow forecasts
Description of expenditure budget
Can be split by department, function or product, responsibly can be passed to individual managers, informs predicted cash outflows and cash flow forecasts, allows for monitoringninder spending and over spending
Description of profit budgets
Calculated based on income and expenditure budgets, may be set for the business and a whole or for individual department, products of branches, will be used to inform decision making
Advantages of budgets
Help to control income and expenditure, provide clear tragedy’s for managers, authors delegates to manangers - motivating, help to focus on costs, helps coordinate departments
Disadvantages of budgets
Can cause rivalry between different departments to compete for funding, if budget is too inflexible it might miss out on opportunities, restricted budgets may be demotivating, setting budgets can be time consuming and expensive, actual results can be very different to the value of original budget
Historical figures
Budget initially based on the figures from the previous year
Means assuring that past trends will continue in the future. It must be used with care because changes in business conditions may require adjustments to be made
Advantages of historical budgeting
The budget is table and change is gradual, realistic as based on actual results, managers can operate their departments on a consistent basis, system relatively simple to operate and easy to understand, conflicts should be avoided if departments are treated similarly
Disadvantages of historical budgeting
Assumes activities and methods of working will continue in the same way, no incentive for developing new ideas, encourages spending of the budget so it can be maintained for the next year, budget may become outdated and not relevant to the the level of activity.
Zero based budgeting
Means no budget is set and no money is allocated to cover costs. Managers must be prepared to bid for and justify spending on their departments
Advantages of zero based budgets
Resources should be allocated more efficiently, easier to adapt as circumstances change, gives more flexibility in response to changes in the market or economy, forces managers to think and plan more careful,t
Disadvantages of zero based budgeting
Can be more expensive, can be more time consuming, forceful managers may be more successful in attracting funds than those who may have more worthwhile projects
Variance analysis
Calculation and investing the difference between and results and the budget
Arises when there is a difference between actual and budget figures
Management by exception
The process of focusing on activities that require attention and ignoring those that appear to be running smoothly
A favourable variance means
Expenditure was lower than expected in the budget, profits were higher than expected, income was higher than expected
Adverse variance might arise because
Expenditure was higher than expected in the budget, profits were lower than expected, income was lower than expected
Significance of variance depends on
Whether it was positive or negative, was it foreseen, how big was the variance, the cause
Why aren’t all adverse variances bad news
It might result from something good eg higher production costs that might have occurred because sales are significantly higher
Causes of variances
Competitors eg new product, suppliers eg changes prices, changes in the economy eg minimum wage, internal inefficiency, internal decision making
Difficulties of budgeting
Innacurate assumptions can make a budget unrealistic, lead to inflexibility in decision making, budgets need to be changed when circumstances chnsge, time consuming, demotivating for employees, departmental rivalry