2.2.3 Hematoxylin and Eosin Staining (SEM) Flashcards
H & E staining category?
H & E staining Method?
Nuclear Stain
Basic Dye
Impart Blue color
Cytoplasm stain
Acid dye
Impart pink color
Procedure of H&E staining:
For Further deparaffinization
a. 2 changes of Xylene
b. Descending grades of alcohol
c. Hematoxylin
d. Acid alcohol
e. Ammonia water
f. Eosin
g. Ascending concentrations of alcohol
h. 2 changes of Xylene
Procedure of H&E staining:
Nuclear staining
a. 2 changes of Xylene
b. Descending grades of alcohol
c. Hematoxylin
d. Acid alcohol
e. Ammonia water
f. Eosin
g. Ascending concentrations of alcohol
h. 2 changes of Xylene
Procedure of H&E staining:
a. 2 changes of Xylene
b. Descending grades of alcohol
c. Hematoxylin
d. Acid alcohol
e. Ammonia water
f. Eosin
g. Ascending concentrations of alcohol
h. 2 changes of Xylene
Procedure of H&E staining:
a. 2 changes of Xylene
b. Descending grades of alcohol
c. Hematoxylin
d. Acid alcohol
e. Ammonia water
f. Eosin
g. Ascending concentrations of alcohol
h. 2 changes of Xylene
Procedure of H&E staining:
Blueing agent
a. 2 changes of Xylene
b. Descending grades of alcohol
c. Hematoxylin
d. Acid alcohol
e. Ammonia water
f. Eosin
g. Ascending concentrations of alcohol
h. 2 changes of Xylene
Procedure of H&E staining:
Counterstain / Cytoplasmic
a. 2 changes of Xylene
b. Descending grades of alcohol
c. Hematoxylin
d. Acid alcohol
e. Ammonia water
f. Eosin
g. Ascending concentrations of alcohol
h. 2 changes of Xylene
Procedure of H&E staining:
For Clearing prior to mounting
a. 2 changes of Xylene
b. Descending grades of alcohol
c. Hematoxylin
d. Acid alcohol
e. Ammonia water
f. Eosin
g. Ascending concentrations of alcohol
h. 2 changes of Xylene
Procedure of H&E staining:
a. 2 changes of Xylene
b. Descending grades of alcohol
c. Hematoxylin
d. Acid alcohol
e. Ammonia water
f. Eosin
g. Ascending concentrations of alcohol
h. 2 changes of Xylene
Forms of hematoxylin used in exfoliative cytology and for staining of sex chromosomes
Harris Hematoxylin
Form of hematoxylin used of immunohistochemistry
Mayer’s Hematoxylin
Form of hematoxylin used to demonstrate spermatogenesis
Copper hematoxylin
Component of dye responsible for coloring property
Components of the dye responsible for dyeing property (retain)
Dyes without auxochrome component
Also called oil soluble dyes
Used as fat stains
SUDAN dyes