22 Economic Developments, 1949-1989 Flashcards
What are the causes of the economic miracle?
- No colonies they had to care for
- Currency reform and the Marshall Plan
- Inheriting the Rhineland
- Increased Labour from refugees escaping soviet zones
What did Erhards social market economy involve
- Private businesses free to pick their own prices and wages
- Regulation from the state for fair competition
How was the social market economy enforced?
- Investment act law 1951, govt subsidies to heavy manufacturing business with slower growth than consumer industry
- Co-determination Law 1951, delegated Decision Making anomg iron and steel workers
- Protective tariffs
What was the economic Miracle?
- Unemployment fell to 0.5%
- Rising income in 1952
- Largest economy in the world
- Old firms like Krupps thrived
What caused the 1960s recession
- Less labour after the Berlin Wall 1961
- CDU spent too much on modernisation in railways and buying USA military equipment.
- Tried to fix this by reducing spending plans by 10% and rising interest rates. Made it worse
What was the effect of the 1960s recession
- c1965, GDP fell to 2.9%. Growth at 1.2%
2. Inflation at 4% in 1966
Policies during the 1960s recession
- The stabilisation law 1967, increase federal govt power to alter taxes and raise loans
- Public spending cuts of nearly 2,000 million marks
What caused the 1970s inflation
- OPEC oil crisis 1973, FRG faced paying 17bill DM
- Union strike, 1974 they increase wage by 11%
- 1979 oil crisis, 150% increase in prices between 1979-80
What were the effects of the 1970 Inflation
- 1979, unemployment at 2 million
- Recession until 1982
- Inflation down to 4.7% between 1973-1979
Policies during the 1970s inflation
- Temporary Sunday driving ban
- Schmidt made moderate expenditure cuts and increased VAT
- Schmidt proposed the creation of the EMS
What does EMS stand for
Economic Monetary System
What does EMS do
Fix exchange rates in Europe
What was the Marshall Plan?
1947, USA sent large sums of US money to be used to promote European recovery, helped to revive trade and industry.
What was the GDP in the 1950s?
Annual GDP growth rate was 8.2%
What was the GDP in the 1960’s?
Annual GDP growth rate was 4.6%
What was the GDP in the 1970’s?
Annual GDP growth rate was 2.8%
What was the GDP in the early 1980’s?
Annual GDP growth rate was 0.7%
What was the GDP in the mid 1980’s?
Annual GDP growth rate was 2.6%
What was the OPEC oil crisis in 1973?
OPEC doubled oil prices of crude oil
FRG had to pay more for imports as a result, up to 17 billion DM.
Balance of payments from +$9.5 mill to -$632 mill
Why were there union strikes in the 70’s?
Union members were used to the prosperity of the 50’s and demanded large wage increases. Forced 11% pay increase
What was the oil crisis of 1979-80?
Shah of Iran was overthrown. Caused panic and there was a further 150% increase in oil prices.
Unemployment rose to over 2 million
How did the 80’s economy overcome the 70’s one?
High rate technological modernisation and good industrial relations
What was the progress in the 80’s economy?
Oil prices fell in 85
Inflation fell from 6.2% in 81 to 0.6% in 86
Kohl kept annual budget increase down to a max of 8%
However, unemployment was still at 2.2 million by 87