1 Political Authority Flashcards
Characteristics of the second reich
18 lesser states
4 main kingdoms: Prussia, Saxony, Austria, Wutternberg
3 free cities
How many states were there? What are the names of the two biggest?
Before unification: over 300
After unification: 39
The two largest being Austria and Prussia
Who was the prime minister of Prussia 1871?
Otto Von Bismark
When did unification occur?
What policy did he unite the German people with?
Blood and Iron
Nationality and Military
What state was excluded from unification?
How many members were in the bundestrat?
How many members did Prussia have?
How many members were needed to veto a law?
What were the four main processes of unification? When were they? What did they do? What did they lead to?
Growth in railway networks
-> economic growth
-> Zollveine Customs Union
= preferable policies to member states
What were the four main processes of unification? When were they? What did they do? What did they lead to?
Schleswig Hollstine, the duchies
- > brief war in 48
- > Treaty of London
- > Christian tried to incorporate into Denmark
- > invasion of duchies in 63
- Austria in charge of Hollstine
- Prussia in charge of Schleswig
- > invasion of duchies in 63
What were the four main processes of unification? When were they? What did they do? What did they lead to?
Austrian-Prussian War in 66
- > Prussia won in 66
- > claiming title of greatest german state
What were the four main processes of unification? When were they? What did they do? What did they lead to?
Franco-Prussian War 66-70
- > Prussia won in 71
- > removal of power from Emperor of France, Napoleon III
What was the Kleindeutsch vs Grossdeutsch debate?
Smaller or Greater Germany. Weather to include Austria in unification or to not.
Kleindeutch won and Austria was excluded.
What is a ‘Junker’?
A wealthy landowner aristocrat
Name three languages that people spoke in the states? What percentage were each of them?
Germany 92%
Polish 5.48%
Swedish 0.02%
What was the name of the german parliament?
Name all of the parts to the 1871 Constitution
Name the features of the Kaiser in the 1871 Constitution
1) King of Prussia
2) Commander-in Chief of Army, commanded the army
3) Can appoint and dismiss chancellor and Bun ministers
4) Can dissolve the Reichstag
5) Had to give assent to all legislation
6) Had final say in constitution disputes
Name the features of the Chancellor in the 1871 Constitution
1) Chairman of Bundestrat
2) Had to give assent to all laws
Name the features of the Bundestrat in the 1871 Constitution
1) 58 members
2) Prussia had 17
3) Needed 14 to veto a law
4) Discussed and voted on legislations to support and remove
5) had to approve new laws
6) had to give approval to kaisers declaration of war
Name the features of the Reichstag in the 1871 Constitution
1) males suffrage 25 and over can vote
2) To decide Government funding and Budget
3) did not have influence in deciding legislation
4) deputies had right of free speech
5) can question, debate, agree and disagree a law proposed by the chancellor.
6) had no say in the outlines of a policy
Name one state ruled by a king
Who described the constitution as “a fig leaf to cover absolutism”?
Karl Liebneckt
What does “a fig leaf to cover absolutism” mean?
The constitution was just a way to cover up that one person had all of the power in Germany.
Who has the power in the 1871 constitution?
Kaiser and Chancellor
What were the strengths and weaknesses of the constitution?
Reichstag were elected by the people
Kaiser can be removed by vote of no confidence
Kaiser can easily remove the power of the reichstag
Who was the most powerful party in the Reichstag at the start of Bismarcks reign?
National Liberals
How may seats did they have?
Why has 1871 – 1879 been described as a liberal era?
Bismarck worked with the National Liberals because he needed a parliamentary for 8 years.
What was the relationship like between the National Liberals and Bismarck?
The national liberals aligned themselves with Bismarck because they though they were going to get a democratic constitution out of it.
Bismarck needed their support for a parliamentary majority, but had not intentions of creating a democratic constitution
Who said “Prince Bismarck terrorises Germany with Emperor’s silent and cheerful consent”
Lady Emily Russell
Name three powers Bismarck had?
1) Could threaten to resign
2) Had to give assent to all laws
3) can persuade the kaiser to dissolve a Reichstag Party and replace it with one that they like more
Name three limitations Bismarck had
The kaiser can appoint and dismiss the chancellor
If the kaiser has lost trust in the chancellor, then the chancellor will lose his power in his own right.
Had to listen to the Reichstag as he needed their support.
Name all of the political parties in Germany, in order from left wing to right wing