22. Demonstrate what movements are available at the foot and ankle region and know at which joints these movements occur Flashcards
What movements does the talocrural joint allow?
What type of joint is the talocrural joint?
A synovial-hinge joint, uniaxial
What type of joint is the subtalar joint?
A plane-synovial joint, multiaxial
Articular surfaces of the subtalar joint?
Concave posterior calcaneal articular surface of the talus
Convex posterior articular facet of calcaneous
Clinical subtalar joint
Subtalar joint + talocalcaneal part of the talocalcaneonavicular joint
They are separated by the interosseous talocalcaneal ligaments that lie in the tarsal sinus
Why does the clinical subtalar joint include the talocalcaneal part of the talocalcaneonavicular joint?
The 2 joints act together, forming a single functional unit
What movements does the subtalar joint allow?
What type of joint is the transverse tarsal joint?
A compound joint
What is the transverse tarsal joint?
It is a compound joint composed of two smaller, synovial joints: talonavicular of the talocalcaneonavicular joint and calcaneocuboid articulations
They are aligned transversely
Action of the transverse tarsal joint:
The mid-foot and forefoot rotate as a unit around the hind-foot
Intertarsal joints:
Between tarsal bones
What kind of joints are the tarsometatarsal joints?
Synovial-plane joints
Tarsometatarsal joints:
Between the tarsal bones and the metatarsal bones
Metatarosophalangeal joints:
Between the metatarsals and phalanges
What movements occur at the metatarsophalangeal joints?
Interphalangeal joints:
Between the phalanges
What movements occur at the interphalangeal joints?
Name 2 types of interphalangeal joints within the digits:
Proximal interphalangeal joints
Distal interphalangeal joints