2.1. Networks including the Internet Flashcards
Networking devices
Interconnected devices that allow a fast means of data transmission within the network.
Networking benefits
- File sharing - you can easily share data between
different interconnected devices - Resource sharing - using network-connected output
devices like printers, or can share the same software
within the network - Higher storage - can store files in network-connected
storage mediums.
- Network that connects
devices within a small
geographical area - Only private ownership
- Transmission medium:
twisted pair cable, coaxial
cable or Wi-Fi - Higher data transfer rate
- Lesser congestion
- Network that connects
devices within a larger
geographical area - Private or public ownership
- Transmission medium: PSTN
or satellite link - Lower data transfer rate
- Higher congestion
Client-server Model
Server based network: dedicated server provides an
application (administration of users, security and
resources) for the client computer to utilize
Client-server Applications
- Printer: manages print jobs from client computers
- File Sharing: the client accesses software and user’s
data files stored on the server
Proxy server - Email server: for sending, receiving & storing emails
- Database server: manages DBMS
- Domain controller server
- Management of user accounts (IDs & passwords)
- Client sends login request to server which
processes and grants request if user ID &
password recognized
Thin Clients
- A client that solely runs on
the resources provided by
the server and has no local
storage - Only provides input and
receives output; processing
done by server - Smaller purchase cost:
expensive, demanding
hardware is not required - Improved security: cannot
run unauthorized, harmful
Thick Clients
- An independent client that
does not require the server
to run - Thick client processes most
of the application - Can function even if no
server is connected (works
offline) - No lag related to network
Peer-to-peer network model (P2P)
- Decentralised network where each connected
computer stores data and operates independently as
a ‘peer’, and can act as both a client & server. - Applications: Internet and Ad hoc networks
- Centralized backup
- Files & resources centralized
in server: prevents illegal
resource usage - Improved security: files are
stored on central server
which would be regularly
scanned for malware
- Lesser initial setup cost
- Lesser network traffic: each
peer can simultaneously
receive data from different
sources - Can work even if a device
goes down, but Client-server
model can’t work if server
goes down
Network Topologies
- Bus
- Star
- Mesh
- Hybrid
- Single line (bus) connecting all devices with
terminators at each end. - Other computers can read the data being sent
from one to another computer. - Unsuitable for heavy traffic since collisions occur.
- Consists of a central server (‘Switch’) and all other
computers connected with a dedicated connection
to each, hence server can send packets to
different devices simultaneously and bidirectionally. - No collisions possible.
- Network setup where every device (node) is
directly interconnected to the each of the other
devices (nodes) - It is commonly used for wireless networks (such as
the Internet), via the mesh connection of routers
- Combination of two or more topologies.
- E.g. when there is a connection between 2 or
more LANs of different topologies
Wired Networks
Use (copper (twisted-pair cable or
coaxial cable) or fibre-optic) cables connected to an
Ethernet port on the network router
Copper Cable
Less expensive and
easier to
install FlexibleEasier to
make terminations
Doesn’t perform well
with small
charges. Affected by
security Lightweight:
easy to installLess
signal boosting
required; used in long
distance comm.
Needs expensive
optical transmitters
and receivers.
Wireless Networks
Use radio waves (including WiFi),
microwaves, satellites to connect devices to networks
without cables.
Can travel over large
distances since they
have largest range of
inexpensive.Used for TV
signals & mobile phone
Low frequency so
transmits less data at
one time.Affected by
radio stations with
similar frequency
Larger bandwidth, can
transfer more data at a
Emitting towers
expensive to
build Physical obstacles
can interfere
Cheap with long
distanceUsed for
Satellite phones,
satellite radio broadcast
Easy to
Expensive set
- Most common wired medium of transmission, that
can be used to transfer data between LANs or WANs - Usually used in bus topology; since all data travelled
on a single wire there is a possibility of data
corruption by the “collision” of signals - This collision is prevented by the CSMA/CD (Carrier
Sense Multiple Access Collision Detection) method:
Before transmitting, device checks if channel is
busy - If busy, device calculates a random wait time and
waits that time, after which it begins transmission - Then during transmission, the device listens for
other devices also beginning transmission - If collision, transmission is aborted and both
devices wait different random times, then tried
Bit Streaming
- Sequence of digital signals (bits) transferred over a
communication path at high speeds - Requires a fast broadband connection and some form
of buffers (short-term memory) - Bits arrive in the same order they are sent
- Bit rate: number of bits transmitted per second
Real-time bit streaming
- Event captured live via video
camera that is connected to a
computer - Video signal converted to an
encoded streaming video
signal - Encoded video signal
uploaded from computer to a
dedicated streaming server
via cables or high-speed
wireless internet connection - Server then sends live images
to all users requesting it as a
real-time video - Cannot be paused, fastforwarded, etc.
On-demand bit streaming
- Existing digital files converted
to encoded bit-streaming
format for broadcasting on
the internet by uploading to a
dedicated server - A link for encoded video is
placed on website and the
user clicks on link to view
encoded streaming video - The data is streamed to a
buffer in user’s computer and
the buffer stops the video
from being paused as the bits
are streamed - As the buffer is emptied, it’s
filled again thus providing
continuous viewing - Can be paused, fastforwarded, etc.