2.1 & 2.2 AT Interoperability/Compatibility Issues and Conformance Flashcards
What main thing do we designers need to be aware of regarding the various strategies employed by people with various disabilities?
There are certain things to keep in mind for each of the different strategies and we must code to accommodate all of them
What must we provide for keyboard users? (4)
Actionable items are keyboard focusable
All focusable items must have visual focus indicator
The tab order must be logical
There are no keyboard traps
What must we provide for keyboard /Screen reader users?
All of the things for keyboard users (
-Actionable items are keyboard focusable
-All focusable items must have visual focus indicator
-The tab order must be logical
-There are no keyboard traps)
1. Screen reader has adequate tags or labels to announce
2. The widgets (menu, tablist, accordian, modal, carousel) must function appropriately
What must we verify with Touch Interfaces?
Sufficiently large touch target size
Adapts to screen orientation
Custom/complex gestures need alter mean of activation
Motion activate events must have alternate means
The user can disable motion activations
What impact should CSS have on accessibility?
Ultimately, none.
What are some issue with CSS and accessibility?
Using CSS for layout
Using negative margins to hide content instead of display: none means the SRs can still see it
using display: table removes HTML semantics
What should you be able to do in an accessibility evaluation for each of the issues found?
Map it directly to the success criterion it fails.
How many guidelines does WCAG 2.1 have?
What are some new guidelines with WCAG 2.1?
Cognitive disabilities,
Touch interfaces
Screen orientation
What’s an important distinction to make in an accessibility audit between conformance goals and overall accessibility?
That conformance goals map to success criterion and are what should be focused on. Set aside other accessibility issues outside the scope of the goal.
What two things do you need to know to do an audit?
Which guidelines belong to which conformance level (A, AA, AAA)?
Which issues are failure to conform and which are not in the specifications?
Which guideline is brand new with 2.1?
Input Modalities
How many Level A are there in WCAG 2.1?
Level AA?
Level AAA?
What were the new success criteria for WCAG 2.1
What are all the “Perceivable” Level A criterion for 2.1?
- 1.1 Non-text Content
- 2.1 Audio-only and Video-only Content
- 2.2 Captions (Pre-recorded)
- 2.3. Audio Description or Media Alternative (pre-recorded)
- 3.1 Info and Relationships
- 3.2. Meaningful Sequence
- 3.3 Sensory Characteristics
- 4.1 Use of Color
- 4.2 Audio Control
What are all the “Operable” Level A criterion for 2.1?
- 1.1 Keyboard
- 1.2 No Keyboard Trap
- 1.4 Character Key Shortcuts
- 2.1 Timing Adjustable
- 2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide
- 3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold
- 4.1 Bypass Blocks
- 4.2 Page Titled
- 4.3 Focus Order
- 4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)
- 5.1 Pointer Gestures
- 5.2 Pointer Cancelation
- 5.3 Label in Name
- 5.4 Motion Actuation
What are all the “Understandable” Level A criterion for 2.1?
- 1.1 Language of Page
- 2.1 On Focus
- 2.2 On Input
- 3.1 Error Identification
- 3.2 Labels or Instructions
What are all the “Robust” Level A criterion for 2.1?
- 1.1 Parsing
4. 1.2 Name, Role, Value
What are all the “Perceivable” Level AA criterion for 2.1?
- 2.4 Captions (Live)
- 2.5 Audio Description (Pre-recorded)
- 3.4 Orientation
- 3.5 Identify Input Purpose
- 4.3 Contrast (Minimum)
- 4.4 Resize Text
- 4.5 Images of Text
- 4.10 Reflow
- 4.11 Non-text Contrast
- 4.12 Text Spacing
- 4.13 Content on Hove or Focus
What are all the “Operable” Level AA criterion for 2.1?
- 4.5 Multiple Ways
- 4.6 Headings and Labels
- 4.7 Focus Visible
What are all the “Understandable” Level AA criterion for 2.1?
- 1.2 Language of Parts
- 2.3 Consistent Navigation
- 2.4 Consistent Identification
- 3.3 Error Suggestion
- 3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)
What are all the “Robust” Level AA criterion for 2.1?
4.1.3 Status Messages