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Ashland ABSN
> 2.1 > Flashcards
2.1 Flashcards
Study These Flashcards
Ashland ABSN
(173 decks)
med math conversions
324 Safety, Legal & Ethics
321 Exam 1
324 critical thinking + CC
324 Infection Control
321 adulthood & development
321 health & wellness
stress & coping
Activity & Immobility
324 - sleep
333 oxygenation
333 oxygenation interventions/therapy
333 tracheostomy
intro to pathophys (325E1)
Pharm Principles (325E1)
Cellular Adaptation & Gangrene (325E1)
Infection (325E1)
Immunity (325E1)
Cardio (333E2)
Diabetic Care (333E2)
Nutrition (333E2)
HTN pathopharm (325E1)
HyperLip pathopharm (325E1)
325 E1 drugs
HTN & HLD drug matrix
drug matrix exam 2
patho exam 2
older adults (333 E2)
skin & neuro (333 E2)
patho exam 3
pathopharm 1 drugs mod 5
pathopharm 1 drugs mod 6
pathopharm 1 drugs mod 7
Peds Exam 1- Infants
Peds exam 1 - Toddlers
Peds Exam 1 - Preschoolers
Peds Exam 1 - School Age
Peds Exam 1 - Adolescent
Peds Exam 1 - HP/Nut/Immu
Peds Exam 2 - C. Res
Peds Exam 2 - Acute Res.
Peds Exam 2 - F&Ls
Peds Exam 2 - Cardiac
Peds exam 2 - Acquired Cardiac
Peds Exam 2 - GI
Peds Exam 3a - Endo (minor)
Peds exam 3a - Endo (major)
Peds Exam 3a - MS
Peds Exam 3a - Hem
Peds Exam 3a - Onc
Peds Exam 3b - GU
Peds Exam 3b - NeuroMus
Peds Exam 3b - Cog Imp.
Peds Final - Neuro
Peds Final - Skin
Peds Final - Child Abuse
Peds Final - Review
OB exam 1- Repro Health & Fam
OB exam 1- Repro Health & Fam 2
OB exam 1 - Antepartum
OB exam 1 - Antepartum 2
OB exam 1 - HTN disorders
OB exam 1 - Maternal Nutrition
OB exam 1- Comps of Antepartum
OB exam 2 - Intrapartum
OB exam 2 - Intrapartum 2
Ob exam 2 - intra comps
OB exam 2 - Artificial Mgt of Labor
OB final - Post Partum
OB final - Newborn 1
Abx pharm pt.1 - Exam 1A
Abx pharm pt.2 - Exam 1A
non HIV & HIV pharm - Exam 1A
URI pharm - Exam 1B
Obstructive Plum pharm - Exam 1B
TB pharm - Exam 1B
RBC pharm - Exam 1B
Abx Patho - Exam 1A
respiratory - med surg
anemia patho - Exam 1B
respiratory - Patho Exam 1B
Med Surg diets
renal - patho - Exam 2
mod 3 pharm - E2
AKI & CKD - patho - E2
male repro - patho - E2
visual & sensory - patho -E2
mod 4 pharm - E2
GI pharm - E3
Endocrine pharm - E3
cardiac pharm - E3
endo - patho - E3
Labs for MedSurg 1 Sig
cardiac A&P patho - E3
thyroid patho - E3
cardiac patho - E3
<3 dysrhyms - patho E3
PVD & VD <3 - patho E3
GI - Patho E3
musculoskeletal - patho E4
musculoskeletal pt.2 - patho E4
oncology - patho E4
specific cancers - patho E4
chemotherapy - pharm E4
musculoskeletal - pharm E4
PathoPharm Review - E4
406 patho - wk 1
406 pharm - wk 1
acid / base - patho 406
ABGs - patho 406
CV labs & Dx - medsurg2
CHD - medsurg2
ACS - medsurg 2
pericarditis vs acute ischemia pain
ABGs causes & CM + comp
406 exam 1 last min review
406 E2 - Migraines
406 E2 - Parkinsons
406 E2- Parkinson's Pharm
406 E2 - Myasthenia Gravis
406 E2: multiple sclerosis
Key Features of Dysrhythmias
Sinus Dysrhythmias
Atrial Dysrhythmias
ventricular dysrhythmias
Arterial Disorders
arterial vs venous diseases
med surg vision
med surg STDs
heart failure
venous disorders
DM review for MedSurg
endocrine labs & dx (405)
ADH disorders (405)
Adrenal disorders (405)
Thyroid Dysfunction (405)
406 E2 - ALS & GBS
406 E2 - infectious diseases
406 E2 - TIA
406 E2 - CVA
406 E2 - Stroke Treatment
406 E2 drugs
406 E2 neuro pathogenesis
fractures - 405
Amps/Joint surg/Herniated Disks - 405
Osteomyelitis + Osteoporosis
Osteoarthritis + RA - 405
Gout & SLE - 405
406 E3 - DKA & HHS
406 E3 - thyroid crisis
406 E3 - addisonian crisis
neuro labs & dx - 405
parkinson's - 405
Myasthenia Gravis - 405
Multiple Sclerosis - 405
ALS & GBS - 405
Seizure Disorder - 405
things I think are important for 405 sig
last pathopharm test ever!!!!!
Intro to Psych
Neuroscience biology & behavior (329 E1)
anger, aggression & violence (329 E1)
Theories, Therapies & Groups (329 E1)
group therapies (329 E1)
physiologic therapies (329 E1)
Schizophrenia (329 E1)
treatment of schizophrenia (329 E1)
SI & NSSI (329 E1)
public health wk 2 (E1)
inc/dec neurotransmittes