2024 Set 46 Flashcards
A flip or rotation of the body in the air or on the ground; Example: She performed a perfect somersault at the gymnastics meet. | Portuguese: Cambalhota
Patience and self-control; Example: He showed great forbearance by staying calm during the argument. | Portuguese: Paciência
A recurring theme in music or literature; Example: The tragic love story was the leitmotif of the opera. | Portuguese: Leitmotiv
A smithy
A workshop where metal is worked by a blacksmith; Example: The old smithy was full of tools and an anvil. | Portuguese: Ferraria
Loyalty and firmness in purpose; Example: His steadfastness during tough times inspired everyone. | Portuguese: Firmeza
A fad
A temporary craze or trend; Example: The new diet became a fad among celebrities. | Portuguese: Modismo
To coalesce
To come together to form one group; Example: The two companies decided to coalesce into a single entity. | Portuguese: Coalescer
To harry
To harass or trouble persistently; Example: The enemy forces continued to harry the retreating troops. | Portuguese: Atormentar
Awkward and clumsy; Example: The gawky teenager tripped over his own feet. | Portuguese: Desajeitado
To defang
To make something harmless; Example: The new policy aims to defang the opposition’s argument. | Portuguese: Desarmar
A fang
A long, sharp tooth; Example: The snake’s fang delivered a deadly venom. | Portuguese: Presa
One of the two openings of the nose; Example: He flared his nostrils in anger. | Portuguese: Narina
A small, secluded corner; Example: She found a quiet nook in the library to study. | Portuguese: Cantinho
A small opening or crevice; Example: Dust had settled in every nook and cranny of the house. | Portuguese: Fenda
A bell tower; Example: The belfry of the old church was visible from afar. | Portuguese: Campanário